`acme-cpanel.sh` reads in a list of domains from one or more files. These files may only contain domains and empty lines (see `domains.txt` for example format).

"*www.*" subdomains will be added automatically (do not add them to the domains file list).

## Notes

The `--method webroot` may require the following additions to .htaccess so that challenges are not automatically redirected to https:

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^\.well-known/.+ - [END]

## Installation

Command-line (Linux):

* Move script to user home directory on the server: `scp ./* username@ip:port:~`
* Login to server: `ssh user@ip -p port`
* Make script executable: `chmod +x $HOME/acme-cpanel.sh`
* Run script (ex. `$HOME/acme-cpanel.sh -s multisites`)
* Follow prompts to enter credentials, issue certificates, and deploy them
* Double-check that the acme cron job is enabled: `crontab -l`


* Use File Manager to upload files to the home directory (/home/username/)
* You may need to make file executable in Terminal: `chmod +x $HOME/acme-cpanel.sh`
* Use Terminal to run the script (ex. `$HOME/acme-cpanel.sh -s multisites`)
* Follow prompts to enter credentials, issue certificates, and deploy them
* Use Cron Jobs app to double-check that the acme cron job is present

## Usage

#### `./acme-cpanel.sh [OPTIONS] [FILES...]`

#### Options

--method, -m webroot,dns
    Choose the authentication method (default: dns)
--email, -e EMAIL
    E-mail not be notified of certificate renewal failures
--group-by-file, -g
    Issue multidomain certificates for all domains with the same webroot, grouped by input file
    The first domain in each file will be used to determine the shared webroot
--sites-dir, -s DIR
    Load domain list files from this directory
--force, -f
    Override default debug
--debug, -d (default)
    Use --staging to issue certificates and do not deploy

#### Examples

`./acme-cpanel.sh --force`

Load sites from domains.txt, issue and deploy certificates using the webroot method

`./acme-cpanel.sh --method dns --force -s multisites`

Load sites from multisites directory, issue and deploy certificates using the dns method

`./acme-cpanel.sh --force -g multisites/flatwhitedesign.pw multisites/greengingerdesign.pw`

Load sites from multisites directory, issue and deploy multidomain certificates with same webroot based on the grouping in the file using the webroot method