# installJRMC This program will install [JRiver Media Center](https://www.jriver.com/) and associated helper services on Fedora (>=29), CentOS (>=8), Ubuntu (>=16.04), and Debian (>=9). ## Notes 1. This script will not point major upgrades (i.e. from v25 to v26) to your old library. You should **first perform a library backup**, install the new major version, and then restore the library backup in the new version. 2. In *most* cases `installJRMC` should be **executed as your normal user** (i.e. don't run it with `sudo`). Services are installed for the user that executes the script so do not execute as root unless you want to install system-wide services. Doing so may lead to permissions issues. `installJRMC` will prompt you for your `sudo` password as necessary to install dependencies and services. ## Options Running `installJRMC` without any options will install the latest version of JRiver Media Center from the official JRiver repository (Ubuntu/Debian) or my [unofficial repository](https://repos.bryanroessler.com/jriver/) (Fedora/CentOS) using the system package manager. If any other option is specified then the default install method will need to be specified using `--install-repo` (or `--install-rpmbuild`). This makes it possible to create services, containers, repos, etc. separate from installing Media Center. Here is a list of additional options that can be passed to the script. You can always find the latest supported options by running `installJRMC --help`. ```text --install-repo Install JRiver Media Center from repository using package manager (Default) DEB-based OSes: Official package repository RPM-based OSes: BryanC's unofficial repository --install-rpmbuild (RPM-based OSes only) Build RPM from source DEB and install it --rpmbuild Build RPM from source DEB --outputdir PATH Generate rpmbuild output in this directory (Default: $PWD/outputdir) --mcversion VERSION Build or install a specific version (Default: scrape the latest version from Interact) --restorefile RESTOREFILE Restore file location for registration (Default: skip registration) --betapass PASSWORD Enter beta team password for access to beta builds --service-user USER Install systemd services and containers for USER --service, -s SERVICE See SERVICES section below for a list of possible services to install --container, -c CONTAINER See CONTAINERS section below for a list of possible services to install --createrepo Build rpm, copy to webroot, and run createrepo --createrepo-webroot PATH The webroot directory to install the repo (Default: /srv/jriver/) --createrepo-user USER The web server user (Default: current user) --version, -v Print this script version and exit --debug, -d Print debug output --help, -h Print help dialog and exit --uninstall, -u Uninstall JRiver MC, cleanup service files, and remove firewall rules (does not remove library files) ``` ### services When installing systemd services it is important to execute `installJRMC` as the user you wish to run the services. Typically this is your normal user account but for some server installations it may be necessary to execute the script as root. ```text jriver-mediaserver Enable and start a mediaserver systemd service (requires an existing X server) jriver-mediacenter Enable and start a mediacenter systemd service (requires an existing X server) jriver-x11vnc-mediacenter Enable and start x11vnc for the local desktop (requires an existing X server) --vncpass PASSWORD Set vnc password for x11vnc/Xvnc access. If no password is set, the script will either use existing password stored in ~/.vnc/jrmc_passwd or use no password --display DISPLAY Display to start x11vnc/Xvnc (Default: The current display (x11vnc) or the current display incremented by 1 (Xvnc)) jriver-xvnc-mediacenter Enable and start an Xvnc session running JRiver Media Center --vncpass and --display are also valid options (see above) jriver-createrepo Install hourly service to build latest MC RPM and run createrepo ``` ##### `jriver-x11vnc-mediaserver` versus `jriver-xvnc-mediacenter` `x11vnc` shares your existing X display via vnc and starts a minimized JRiver Media Center service. Conversely, `xvnc` creates a new VNC display and starts a JRiver Media Center service in the foreground. The requisite firewall rules will also be added to the system firewall to enable remote access. **Note**: If `jriver-xvnc-mediacenter` finds an existing display it will attempt to increment the display number by 1. This should work fine in 99% of cases, but if you have multiple running X servers on your host machine you should use the `--display` option to specify a free display. ### containers **Coming soon!** ## Examples * `installJRMC` Installs the latest version of JRiver Media Center from the repository. * `installJRMC --install-repo --service jriver-mediaserver` Installs JRiver Media Center from the repository and starts/enables the mediaserver service. * `installJRMC --install-rpmbuild --restorefile /path/to/license.mjr --mcversion 26.0.56` Builds JRiver Media Center version 26.0.56 RPM from the source DEB, installs it (RPM distros only), and activates it using the specified .mjr license file. * `installJRMC --createrepo --createrepo-webroot /srv/jriver/repo --createrepo-user www-user` Builds the RPM, moves it to the webroot, and runs createrepo as `www-user`. * `installJRMC --service jriver-createrepo --createrepo-webroot /srv/jriver/repo --createrepo-user www-user` Installs the jriver-createrepo timer and service to build the RPM, move it to the webroot, and run createrepo as `www-user` hourly. * `installJRMC --install-repo --service jriver-x11vnc-mediaserver --vncpass "letmein"` Installs services to share the existing local desktop via VNC and automatically run a minimized instance of Media Center (Media Server). * `installJRMC --install-repo --service jriver-xvnc-mediacenter --display ":2"` Installs a service that starts Xvnc on display ':2' that just runs Media Center. * `installJRMC --uninstall` Uninstalls JRiver Media Center and its associated services and firewall rules. This will **not** remove your media, media library/database, or automated library backup folder. ## Additional Info Did you find `installJRMC` useful? [Buy me a coffee!](https://paypal.me/bryanroessler?locale.x=en_US) Did you find a bug? Let me know on [Interact!](https://yabb.jriver.com/interact/index.php/topic,123648.0.html)