#!/usr/bin/env bash shopt -s extglob ####################################### # This script will download, build, and install JRiver Media Center with optional systemd services # on Fedora, CentOS, Debian, and Ubuntu # # Run installJRMC --help to see available options # # To-dos: # 1. Raspberry Pi OS support # 2. Interactive installation (ncurses?) # ####################################### _scriptversion="1.0.0a3" _boardurl="https://yabb.jriver.com/interact/index.php/board,71.0.html" _outputdir="$PWD/output" _createrepo_webroot="/srv/jriver" _exec_user="$(whoami)" _printHelpAndExit() { debug "Running: ${FUNCNAME[0]}" cat <<- 'EOF' USAGE: installJRMC [[OPTION] [VALUE]]... If no options (besides -d) are provided, the script will default to '--install repo' OPTIONS --install, -i repo|rpm repo: Install MC from repository, future updates will be handled by the system package manager rpm: Build and install MC locally (RPM-based OSes only) --build Build RPM from source DEB (no installation) --mcversion VERSION Build or install a specific MC version, ex. "28.0.25" (Default: scrape latest version from Interact) --outputdir PATH Generate rpmbuild output in this directory (Default: $PWD/output) --restorefile RESTOREFILE Restore file location for automatic license registration (Default: skip registration) --betapass PASSWORD Enter beta team password for access to beta builds --service-user USER Install systemd services and containers for USER (Default: current user) --service, -s SERVICE See SERVICES section below for a list of possible services to install --container, -c CONTAINER (TODO: Under construction) See CONTAINERS section below for a list of possible services to install --createrepo Build rpm, copy to webroot, and run createrepo --createrepo-webroot PATH The webroot directory to install the repo (Default: /srv/jriver/) --createrepo-user USER The web server user (Default: current user) --version, -v Print this script version and exit --debug, -d Print debug output --help, -h Print help dialog and exit --uninstall, -u Uninstall JRiver MC, cleanup service files, and remove firewall rules (does not remove library files) SERVICES jriver-mediaserver Enable and start a mediaserver systemd service (requires an existing X server) jriver-mediacenter Enable and start a mediacenter systemd service (requires an existing X server) jriver-x11vnc Enable and start x11vnc for the local desktop (requires an existing X server) Usually combined with jriver-mediaserver or jriver-mediacenter services --vncpass and --display are also valid options (see below) jriver-xvnc-mediacenter Enable and start a new Xvnc session running JRiver Media Center --vncpass PASSWORD Set vnc password for x11vnc/Xvnc access. If no password is set, the script will either use existing password stored in ~/.vnc/jrmc_passwd or use no password --display DISPLAY Display to start x11vnc/Xvnc (Default: The current display (x11vnc) or the current display incremented by 1 (Xvnc)) jriver-createrepo Install hourly service to build latest MC RPM and run createrepo CONTAINERS (TODO: Under construction) mediacenter-xvnc createrepo EOF # Exit using passed exit code [[ ! -v 1 ]] && exit 0 || exit "$1" } _init() { debug "Running: ${FUNCNAME[0]}" _getOS _parseInput "$@" # Agnostic commands _bash_cmd(){ _ifSudo bash -c "$@"; } _rm_cmd(){ _ifSudo rm -rf "$@"; } _cp_cmd(){ _ifSudo cp -n "$@"; } _mkdir_cmd(){ _ifSudo mkdir -p "$@"; } _ln_cmd(){ _ifSudo ln -s "$@"; } _systemctl_reload(){ _ifSudo systemctl daemon-reload; } _systemctl_enable(){ _ifSudo systemctl enable --now "$@"; } _systemctl_disable(){ _ifSudo systemctl disable --now "$@"; } # OS-specific commands if [[ "$ID" =~ ^(fedora|centos)$ ]]; then _pkg_install(){ _ifSudo dnf install -y "$@"; } _pkg_reinstall(){ _ifSudo dnf reinstall -y "$@"; } _pkg_install_nogpg(){ _ifSudo dnf install --nogpgcheck -y "$@"; } _pkg_remove(){ _ifSudo dnf remove -y "$@"; } _pkg_update(){ _ifSudo dnf makecache; } _pkg_query(){ _ifSudo rpm -q "$@"; } _firewall_cmd(){ _ifSudo firewall-cmd "$@"; } elif [[ "$ID" =~ ^(debian|ubuntu|linuxmint)$ ]]; then _pkg_install(){ _ifSudo apt-get install -y -q0 "$@"; } _pkg_reinstall(){ _ifSudo apt-get reinstall -y -q0 "$@"; } _pkg_install_nogpg(){ _ifSudo apt-get install -y -q0 "$@"; } _pkg_remove(){ _ifSudo apt-get remove -y -q0 "$@"; } _pkg_update(){ _ifSudo apt-get update -y -q0; } _pkg_query(){ _ifSudo dpkg -s "$@"; } _firewall_cmd(){ _ifSudo ufw "$@"; } fi # Set defaults if [[ $# -eq 0 ]] || [[ $# -eq 1 && "$1" =~ ^(--debug|-d)$ ]]; then debug "No options passed, defaulting to repo installation method" _install="repo" fi _service_user="${_service_user:-$_exec_user}" _createrepo_user="${_createrepo_user:-$_exec_user}" # Set package aliases if [[ "$ID" =~ ^(debian|ubuntu|linuxmint)$ ]]; then declare -Ag PKG_ALIASES PKG_ALIASES["xorg-x11-utils"]="xorg-x11" PKG_ALIASES["rpm-build"]="rpm" PKG_ALIASES["createrepo_c"]="createrepo" PKG_ALIASES["tigervnc-server"]="tigervnc-standalone-server" fi # Install script dependencies [[ "$ID" == "centos" ]] && _installPackage epel-release [[ ! -v _mcversion ]] && [[ ! -x $(command -v wget) ]] && _installPackage wget # Set MC version _setVersion } _main() { _init "$@" # Uninstall and exit if [[ -v _uninstall ]]; then _uninstall exit $? fi # Install MC using package manager if [[ -v _install && "$_install" == "repo" ]]; then _installMCFromRepo _symlinkCerts _restoreLicense _openFirewall "jriver" fi # Build RPM from source deb package if [[ -v _build ]]; then _acquireDeb _buildRPM fi # Run createrepo if [[ -v _createrepo ]]; then _runCreaterepo "$_mcrpm" fi # Install the rpm if [[ -v _install && "$_install" == "rpm" ]]; then _installPackage --noquery "$_mcrpm" _symlinkCerts _restoreLicense _openFirewall "jriver" fi # Install services _setDisplay for _service in "${_services[@]}"; do _servicePrep "$_service" if ! "_service_$_service"; then if [[ $? -eq 127 ]]; then err "Service $_service does not exist, check your service name" else err "Failed to create service: $_service" fi fi done # Install containers for _container in "${_containers[@]}"; do if ! "_container_$_container"; then if [[ $? -eq 127 ]]; then err "Container $_container does not exist, check your container name" else err "Failed to create container: $_container" fi fi done } ####################################### # Helper functions ####################################### err() { echo "Error: $*" >&2; } debug() { if [[ -v _debug ]]; then if [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; then echo "Debug: $*" fi else return 1 fi } ####################################### # Prepend this to any command that you wish to execute with sudo # Requires: # _exec_user ####################################### _ifSudo() { if [[ "$_exec_user" != "root" ]]; then sudo "$@" else "$@" fi } ####################################### # Parse CLI input from the user w/ getopt ####################################### _parseInput() { debug "Running: ${FUNCNAME[0]}" if _input=$(getopt -o +i:vdhus:c: -l install:,build,outputdir:,mcversion:,restorefile:,betapass:,service-user:,service:,version,debug,help,uninstall,createrepo,createrepo-webroot:,createrepo-user:,vncpass:,display:,container: -- "$@"); then eval set -- "$_input" while true; do case "$1" in --install|-i) shift _install="$1" if [[ "$_install" == "rpm" ]]; then if [[ ! "$ID" =~ ^(fedora|centos)$ ]]; then err "RPM install method not available on $ID" _printHelpAndExit 1 fi _build="true" fi ;; --build) _build="true" ;; --outputdir) shift && _outputdir="$1" ;; --mcversion) shift && _mcversion="$1" ;; --restorefile) shift && _restorefile="$1" ;; --betapass) shift && _betapass="$1" ;; --service-user) shift && _service_user="$1" ;; --service|-s) shift && _services+=("$1") ;; --createrepo) _build="true" _createrepo="true" ;; --createrepo-webroot) shift && _createrepo_webroot="$1" ;; --createrepo-user) shift && _createrepo_user="$1" ;; --vncpass) shift && _vncpass="$1" ;; --display) shift && _display="$1" ;; --container|-c) shift && _containers+=("$1") ;; --version|-v) echo "Version: $_scriptversion" exit 0 ;; --debug|-d) echo "Debugging on" echo "installJRMC version: $_scriptversion" _debug="true" ;; --help|-h) _printHelpAndExit 0 ;; --uninstall|-u) _uninstall="true" ;; --) shift break ;; esac shift done else err "Incorrect options provided" _printHelpAndExit 1 fi } ####################################### # Get host OS from /etc/os-release ####################################### _getOS() { debug "Running: ${FUNCNAME[0]}" if [[ -e "/etc/os-release" ]]; then source "/etc/os-release" else err "/etc/os-release not found" err "Your OS is unsupported" _printHelpAndExit 1 fi debug "Platform: $ID $VERSION_ID" } ####################################### # Get our MC working version from input argument or scraping Interact # Requires: # _boardurl ####################################### _setVersion() { debug "Running: ${FUNCNAME[0]}" # If user does not specify a version, scrape the latest from Interact if [[ ! -v _mcversion ]]; then echo "Scraping latest MC version number from Interact..." if ! _mcversion=$(wget -qO- "$_boardurl" | grep -o "[0-9][0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9]\+" | head -n 1); then err "MC version could not be scraped. Please recheck the boardurl: $_boardurl or specify a version manually using --mcversion" _printHelpAndExit 1 fi fi echo "Using version: $_mcversion" # Extract major version number _mversion="${_mcversion%%.*}" # Saving this substituion in case it's needed in the future #_variation="${_mcversion##*.}" } ####################################### # Installs a package using the system package manager # Arguments: # One or more package names # Options: # --noquery, -n: Do not query the package state (useful if installing a local RPM) # Returns: # Will exit 1 if failed ####################################### _installPackage() { debug "Running: ${FUNCNAME[0]}" "$@" if _input=$(getopt -o +n -l noquery -- "$@"); then eval set -- "$_input" while true; do case "$1" in --noquery|-n) local _noquery="true" ;; --) shift break ;; esac shift done else err "Incorrect options provided" _printHelpAndExit 1 fi # We will add packages to this array if their command is not available local -a _pkg_array local -a _url_pkg_array # Parse packages for _pkg in "$@"; do [[ -v PKG_ALIASES && -v PKG_ALIASES["$_pkg"] ]] && _pkg=PKG_ALIASES["$_pkg"] # Insert the package name to test if already installed if [[ -v _noquery ]] || ! _pkg_query "$_pkg" > /dev/null 2>&1; then if [[ -v _url_pkg ]]; then _url_pkg_array+=("$_url_pkg") else _pkg_array+=("$_pkg") fi fi done # Install from package name (with gpg check) if [[ ${#_pkg_array[@]} -ge 1 ]]; then echo "Installing:" "${_pkg_array[@]}" if debug; then if ! _pkg_install "${_pkg_array[@]}"; then err "Failed to install package. Attempting to continue..." return 1 fi elif ! _pkg_install "${_pkg_array[@]}" > /dev/null 2>&1; then err "Failed to install package. Attempting to continue..." return 1 fi fi # Install from package url (without gpg check) if [[ ${#_url_pkg_array[@]} -ge 1 ]]; then echo "Installing:" "${_url_pkg_array[@]}" if debug; then if ! _pkg_install_nogpg "${_url_pkg_array[@]}"; then err "Failed to install package. Attempting to continue..." return 1 fi elif ! _pkg_install_nogpg "${_url_pkg_array[@]}" > /dev/null 2>&1; then err "Failed to install package. Attempting to continue..." return 1 fi fi } ####################################### # Installs JRiver Media Center from a repository # Returns: # 0 if JRiver Media Center installed sucessfully ####################################### _installMCFromRepo() { debug "Running: ${FUNCNAME[0]}" echo "Installing JRiver Media Center from repo..." ! debug && \ echo "This may take a few minutes to complete"; \ echo "Use --debug for verbose output" local _mcpkg # Add repository files _addRepo() { debug "Running: ${FUNCNAME[0]}" if [[ "$ID" =~ ^(fedora|centos)$ ]]; then _bash_cmd 'cat <<- EOF > /etc/yum.repos.d/jriver.repo [jriver] name=JRiver Media Center repo by BryanC baseurl=https://repos.bryanroessler.com/jriver gpgcheck=0 EOF' elif [[ "$ID" =~ ^(debian|ubuntu|linuxmint)$ ]]; then _installPackage wget wget -q "http://dist.jriver.com/mediacenter@jriver.com.gpg.key" -O- | _ifSudo apt-key add - > /dev/null 2>&1 _ifSudo wget "http://dist.jriver.com/latest/mediacenter/mediacenter$_mversion.list" -O "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/mediacenter$_mversion.list" fi } _addRepo # Update package list debug "Updating package list" if ! _pkg_update > /dev/null 2>&1; then err "Package update failed!" exit 1 fi local _mcpkg # Fedora/CentOS use a universal package name -- easy if [[ "$ID" =~ ^(fedora|centos)$ ]]; then _mcpkg="MediaCenter" # Ubuntu/Debian incorporate the mversion into the package name -- more fun! elif [[ "$ID" =~ ^(debian|ubuntu|linuxmint)$ ]]; then if [[ ! -v _mversion ]]; then # Try parsing the latest mversion from the repo if _mcpkg=$(apt-get install mediacenter?? -s -q0 | grep "selecting" | tail -1| awk '{print $3}'); then _mcpkg="${_mcpkg%\'}" _mcpkg="${_mcpkg#\'}" # Scrape Interact else _mcpkg="mediacenter$_mversion" fi else _mcpkg="mediacenter$_mversion" fi # Sanity check if [[ ! "$_mcpkg" =~ ^mediacenter[0-9][0-9]$ ]]; then err "Could not parse MC package name" exit 1 fi fi if [[ -v _specific_version ]]; then if [[ "$ID" =~ ^(fedora|centos)$ ]]; then if debug; then _installPackage "$_mcpkg-$_mcversion" else _installPackage "$_mcpkg-$_mcversion" > /dev/null 2>&1 fi elif [[ "$ID" =~ ^(debian|ubuntu|linuxmint)$ ]]; then if debug; then _installPackage "$_mcpkg=$_mcversion" else _installPackage "$_mcpkg=$_mcversion" > /dev/null 2>&1 fi fi else if debug; then _installPackage "$_mcpkg" else _installPackage "$_mcpkg" > /dev/null 2>&1 fi fi # shellcheck disable=SC2181 if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then err "JRiver Media Center installation failed" exit 1 fi echo "JRiver Media Center installed successfully" } ####################################### # Acquire the source DEB package from JRiver's servers # Globals: # DEBFILENAME # Returns: # 0 if DEB file downloaded successfully, 1 if failed ####################################### _acquireDeb() { debug "Running: ${FUNCNAME[0]}" declare -g DEBFILENAME DEBFILENAME="$_outputdir/SOURCES/MediaCenter-$_mcversion-amd64.deb" # If necessary, create SOURCES dir [[ ! -d "$_outputdir/SOURCES" ]] && mkdir -p "$_outputdir/SOURCES" # If deb file already exists, skip download if [[ -f "$DEBFILENAME" ]]; then echo "Using local DEB file: $DEBFILENAME" elif [[ -v _betapass ]]; then echo -n "Checking beta repo..." if wget -q -O "$DEBFILENAME" \ "https://files.jriver.com/mediacenter/channels/v$_mversion/beta/$_betapass/MediaCenter-$_mcversion-amd64.deb"; then echo "Found!" fi elif echo -n "Checking test repo..." && wget -q -O "$DEBFILENAME" \ "https://files.jriver.com/mediacenter/test/MediaCenter-$_mcversion-amd64.deb"; then echo "Found!" # Else check latest repo elif echo -n "Checking latest repo..." && wget -q -O "$DEBFILENAME" \ "https://files.jriver.com/mediacenter/channels/v$_mversion/latest/MediaCenter-$_mcversion-amd64.deb"; then echo "Found!" else err "Cannot find DEB file. Exiting..." exit 1 fi if [[ ! -f "$DEBFILENAME" ]]; then err "Downloaded DEB file missing or corrupted, exiting..." exit 1 fi } ####################################### # Creates a SPEC file and builds the RPM from the source DEB using rpmbuild # Requires: # _outputdir # ID # _mcversion # _mversion # _installPackage # Globals: # _mcrpm # Returns: # 0 if rpmbuild is successful, 1 if not ####################################### _buildRPM() { debug "Running: ${FUNCNAME[0]}" # install build dependencies _installPackage wget dpkg rpm-build # If necessary, make build directories [[ ! -d "$_outputdir/SPECS" ]] && mkdir -p "$_outputdir/SPECS" # rpmbuild uses rpm to check for build dependencies # this will fail on non-rpm distros if [[ "$ID" =~ ^(fedora|centos)$ ]]; then local _build_requires=$'BuildRequires: rpm >= 4.11.0\nBuildRequires: dpkg' fi # Create spec file cat <<- EOF > "$_outputdir/SPECS/mediacenter.spec" Name: MediaCenter Version: $_mcversion Release: 1 Summary: JRiver Media Center Group: Applications/Media Source0: http://files.jriver.com/mediacenter/channels/v$_mversion/latest/MediaCenter-$_mcversion-amd64.deb ${_build_requires:-} BuildArch: x86_64 %define _rpmfilename %%{ARCH}/%%{NAME}-%%{version}.%%{ARCH}.rpm AutoReq: 0 Requires: glibc >= 2.19 Requires: alsa-lib >= 1.0.28 Requires: libuuid >= 2.25 Requires: libX11 >= 1.6 Requires: libX11-common >= 1.6 Requires: libXext >= 1.3 Requires: libxcb >= 1.1 Requires: libXdmcp >= 1.1 Requires: libstdc++ >= 4.9 Requires: gtk3 >= 3.14 Requires: mesa-libGL Requires: libglvnd-glx Requires: pango >= 1.36 Requires: libXScrnSaver Requires: xdg-utils Requires: libgomp >= 4.9 Requires: nss >= 3.26 Requires: nspr >= 4.12 Requires: ca-certificates Requires: python3 Recommends: vorbis-tools >= 1.4.0 Recommends: lame >= 3.0 Provides: mediacenter$_mversion License: Copyright 1998-2021, JRiver, Inc. All rights reserved. Protected by U.S. patents #7076468 and #7062468 URL: http://www.jriver.com/ %define __provides_exclude_from ^%{_libdir}/jriver/.*/.*\\.so.*$ %description Media Center is more than a world class player. %global __os_install_post %{nil} %prep %build %install dpkg -x %{S:0} %{buildroot} %post -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun -p /sbin/ldconfig %files %{_bindir}/mediacenter$_mversion %{_libdir}/jriver %{_datadir} %exclude %{_datadir}/applications/media_center_packageinstaller_$_mversion.desktop /etc/security/limits.d/* EOF declare -g _mcrpm="$_outputdir/RPMS/x86_64/MediaCenter-$_mcversion.x86_64.rpm" # skip rebuilding the rpm if it already exists if [[ -f "$_mcrpm" ]]; then echo "$_mcrpm already exists. Skipping build step..." return 0 fi # Run rpmbuild echo "Building version $_mcversion, please wait..." if debug; then rpmbuild --define="%_topdir $_outputdir" --define="%_libdir /usr/lib" -bb "$_outputdir/SPECS/mediacenter.spec" else rpmbuild --quiet --define="%_topdir $_outputdir" --define="%_libdir /usr/lib" -bb "$_outputdir/SPECS/mediacenter.spec" > /dev/null 2>&1 fi # Check return code # shellcheck disable=SC2181 if [[ $? -ne 0 || ! -f "$_mcrpm" ]]; then err "Build failed. Exiting..." echo "Removing source DEB" [[ -f "$DEBFILENAME" ]] && rm -f "$DEBFILENAME" exit 1 else echo "Build successful. The RPM file is located at: $_mcrpm" fi } ####################################### # Copy the RPM to createrepo-webroot and runs createrepo as the createrepo-user # Arguments: # Requires one argument, the path to the RPM file (typically _mcrpm) # Requires: # _createrepo_webroot # Returns: # 0 if createrepo is successful, 1 if not ####################################### _runCreaterepo() { debug "Running: ${FUNCNAME[0]}" # Some additional commands specifically for createrepo (primarily to handle user rights) if [[ $_createrepo_user != "root" ]]; then if [[ -d "$_createrepo_webroot/repodata" ]]; then _createrepo_cmd(){ sudo -u "$_createrepo_user" createrepo -q --update "$@"; } else _createrepo_cmd(){ sudo -u "$_createrepo_user" createrepo -q "$@"; } fi _cr_mkdir_cmd(){ sudo -u "$_createrepo_user" mkdir -p "$@"; } _cr_cp_cmd(){ sudo -u "$_createrepo_user" cp -n "$@"; } else if [[ -d "$_createrepo_webroot/repodata" ]]; then _createrepo_cmd(){ createrepo -q --update "$@"; } else _createrepo_cmd(){ createrepo -q "$@"; } fi fi _installPackage createrepo_c local _rpmfile="$1" # If the webroot does not exist, create it if [[ ! -d "$_createrepo_webroot" ]]; then if ! _cr_mkdir_cmd "$_createrepo_webroot"; then err "Could not create the createrepo-webroot path!" err "Make sure that the createrepo-webroot is writeable by createrepo-user: $_createrepo_user" return 1 fi fi # Copy built rpms to webroot if ! _cr_cp_cmd -f "$_rpmfile" "$_createrepo_webroot"; then err "Could not copy the RPM to the createrepo-webroot path" err "Make sure that the createrepo-webroot path is writeable by createrepo-user: $_createrepo_user" return 1 fi # Run createrepo if _createrepo_cmd "$_createrepo_webroot"; then echo "Successfully updated repo" return 0 else err "Update repo failed" return 1 fi } ####################################### # Symlink certificates where JRiver Media Center expects them to be on Fedora/CentOS # Returns: # 0 if symlinking is unecessary or successful, 1 if not ####################################### _symlinkCerts() { debug "Running: ${FUNCNAME[0]}" if [[ ! -f /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt && \ -f /etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/pem/tls-ca-bundle.pem ]]; then if ! _ln_cmd /etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/pem/tls-ca-bundle.pem /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt; then err "Symlinking certificates failed" return 1 fi fi } ####################################### # Automatically restore the mjr license file if it is found next to installJRMC or _restorefile # is set # Requires: # _restorefile OR _basedir # _mversion # Returns: # 0 if license restored successfully or skipped, 1 if unsuccessful ####################################### _restoreLicense() { debug "Running: ${FUNCNAME[0]}" local _mjr # Allow user to drop an mjr file next to installJRMC if [[ ! -v _restorefile ]]; then for _mjr in "$PWD"/*.mjr; do [[ $_mjr -nt $_restorefile ]] && _restorefile="$_mjr" done fi # Restore license if [[ -f "$_restorefile" ]]; then if ! "mediacenter$_mversion" /RestoreFromFile "$_restorefile"; then err "Automatic license restore failed" return 1 fi fi } ####################################### # Opens ports using the system firewall tool # Arguments # Service to enable (pre-defined) # Requires: # ID # _bash_cmd # _firewall_cmd # _port # Returns: # 0 if ports opened sucessfully, 1 if not ####################################### _openFirewall() { debug "Running: ${FUNCNAME[0]}" "$@" # Create OS-specific port rules based on argument (service) name local -a _f_ports # for firewall-cmd local _u_ports # for ufw if [[ "$1" == "jriver" ]]; then _f_ports=("52100-52200/tcp" "1900/udp") _u_ports="52100:52200/tcp|1900/udp" elif [[ "$1" =~ ^(jriver-x11vnc|jriver-xvnc)$ ]]; then _f_ports=("$_port/tcp" "1900/udp") _u_ports="$_port/tcp|1900/udp" fi # Open the ports if [[ "$ID" =~ ^(fedora|centos)$ ]]; then [[ ! -x $(command -v firewall-cmd) ]] && _installPackage firewalld if ! _firewall_cmd --get-services | grep -q "$1"; then _firewall_cmd --permanent --new-service="$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 _firewall_cmd --permanent --service="$1" --set-description="$1 installed by installJRMC" > /dev/null 2>&1 _firewall_cmd --permanent --service="$1" --set-short="$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 for _f_port in "${_f_ports[@]}"; do _firewall_cmd --permanent --service="$1" --add-port="$_f_port" > /dev/null 2>&1 done _firewall_cmd --add-service "$1" --permanent > /dev/null 2>&1 _firewall_cmd --reload > /dev/null 2>&1 fi elif [[ "$ID" =~ ^(debian|ubuntu|linuxmint)$ ]]; then # Debian ufw package state is broken on fresh installations [[ ! -x $(command -v ufw) ]] && _installPackage ufw if [[ ! -f "/etc/ufw/applications.d/$1" ]]; then _bash_cmd "cat <<- EOF > /etc/ufw/applications.d/$1 [$1] title=$1 description=$1 installed by installJRMC ports=$_u_ports EOF" fi _firewall_cmd app update "$1" _firewall_cmd allow "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 fi # shellcheck disable=SC2181 # Rationale: much more concise to check exit codes at the end if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then err "Firewall ports could not be opened" return 1 fi } ####################################### # Create the x11vnc password file # Globals: # _novncauth # Returns: # 0 if password created sucessfully, 1 if not ####################################### _setX11VNCPass() { debug "Running: ${FUNCNAME[0]}" _vncpassfile="$HOME/.vnc/jrmc_passwd" [[ ! -d "${_vncpassfile%/*}" ]] && mkdir -p "${_vncpassfile%/*}" if [[ -f "$_vncpassfile" ]]; then if [[ ! -v _vncpass ]]; then err "Refusing to overwrite existing $_vncpassfile with an empty password" err "Remove existing $_vncpassfile or set --vncpass to use an empty password" exit 1 else rm -f "$_vncpassfile" fi fi if [[ -v _vncpass ]]; then if ! x11vnc -storepasswd "$_vncpass" "$_vncpassfile"; then err "Could not create VNC password file" return 1 fi else _novncauth="true" fi } ####################################### # Create the Xvnc password file # Returns: # 0 if password created sucessfully, 1 if not ####################################### _setVNCPass() { debug "Running: ${FUNCNAME[0]}" _vncpassfile="$HOME/.vnc/jrmc_passwd" [[ ! -d "${_vncpassfile%/*}" ]] && mkdir -p "${_vncpassfile%/*}" if [[ -f "$_vncpassfile" ]]; then if [[ ! -v _vncpass ]]; then err "Refusing to overwrite existing $_vncpassfile with an empty password" err "Remove existing $_vncpassfile or set --vncpass to use an empty password" exit 1 else rm -f "$_vncpassfile" fi fi if [[ -v _vncpass ]]; then if ! echo "$_vncpass" | vncpasswd -f > "$_vncpassfile"; then err "Could not create VNC password file" return 1 fi else _novncauth="true" fi } ####################################### # Set display and port variables # Globals: # _display # _displaynum # _next_display # _next_displaynum ####################################### _setDisplay() { debug "Running: ${FUNCNAME[0]}" # Check _display, else DISPLAY, else set to :0 by default if [[ -v _display ]]; then _next_display="$_display" elif [[ -v DISPLAY ]]; then _display="${DISPLAY}" _displaynum="${_display#:}" # strip colon _displaynum="${_displaynum%.*}" # strip suffix _next_displaynum=$(( _displaynum + 1 )) _next_display=":$_next_displaynum" else _display=":0" _next_display=":1" fi _displaynum="${_display#:}" # strip colon _displaynum="${_displaynum%.*}" # strip suffix _next_displaynum=$(( _displaynum + 1 )) } ####################################### # Create associated service variables based on service name # Requires: # _service_user # Globals: # _service_fname # _timer_fname # _service_name # _timer_name # _user_specifier ####################################### _servicePrep() { debug "Running: ${FUNCNAME[0]}" if [[ "$_service_user" == "root" ]]; then _service_fname="/usr/lib/systemd/system/${1}.service" _timer_fname="/usr/lib/systemd/system/${1}.timer" _service_name="jriver-${1}.service" _timer_name="jriver-${1}}.timer" _user_specifier="" else _service_fname="/usr/lib/systemd/system/${1}@.service" _timer_fname="/usr/lib/systemd/system/${1}@.timer" _service_name="${1}@$_service_user.service" _timer_name="${1}@$_service_user.timer" _user_specifier="User=%I" fi } ####################################### # Starts and enables (at startup) a JRiver Media Center service # Arguments: # Passes arguments as startup options to /usr/bin/mediacenter26 # Requires: # XAUTHORITY ####################################### _service_jriver-mediacenter() { debug "Running: ${FUNCNAME[0]}" _bash_cmd "cat <<- EOF > $_service_fname [Unit] Description=JRiver Media Center $_mversion After=graphical.target [Service] $_user_specifier Type=simple Environment=DISPLAY=$_display Environment=XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY ExecStart=/usr/bin/mediacenter$_mversion $* Restart=always RestartSec=10 KillSignal=SIGHUP TimeoutStopSec=30 [Install] WantedBy=graphical.target EOF" _systemctl_reload && \ _systemctl_enable "$_service_name" && \ _openFirewall "jriver" } ####################################### # Starts and enables (at startup) a JRiver Media Server service ####################################### _service_jriver-mediaserver() { debug "Running: ${FUNCNAME[0]}" _service_jriver-mediacenter "/MediaServer" } ####################################### # Starts and enables (at startup) JRiver Media Center in a new Xvnc session ####################################### _service_jriver-xvnc-mediacenter() { debug "Running: ${FUNCNAME[0]}" _installPackage tigervnc-server _setVNCPass local _port=$(( _next_displaynum + 5900 )) if [[ -v _novncauth ]]; then _exec_start_cmd="/usr/bin/vncserver $_next_display -geometry 1440x900 -alwaysshared -name jriver$_next_display -SecurityTypes None -autokill -xstartup /usr/bin/mediacenter$_mversion" else _exec_start_cmd="/usr/bin/vncserver $_next_display -geometry 1440x900 -alwaysshared -rfbauth $HOME/.vnc/jrmc_passwd -autokill -xstartup /usr/bin/mediacenter$_mversion" fi _bash_cmd "cat <<- EOF > $_service_fname [Unit] Description=Remote desktop service (VNC) After=syslog.target network.target [Service] Type=simple $_user_specifier ExecStartPre=/bin/sh -c '/usr/bin/vncserver -kill $_next_display > /dev/null 2>&1 || :' ExecStart=$_exec_start_cmd ExecStop=/usr/bin/vncserver -kill $_next_display Restart=always [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target EOF" _systemctl_reload && \ _systemctl_enable "$_service_name" && \ echo "Xvnc running on localhost:$_port" && \ _openFirewall "jriver-xvnc" && \ _openFirewall "jriver" } ####################################### # Starts and enables (at startup) JRiver Media Server and x11vnc sharing the local desktop ####################################### _service_jriver-x11vnc() { debug "Running: ${FUNCNAME[0]}" _installPackage x11vnc _setX11VNCPass local _port=$(( _displaynum + 5900 )) # Get current desktop resolution # TODO: may need to break this out into its own function and get smarter at identifying multi-monitors _getResolution() { debug "Running: ${FUNCNAME[0]}" _installPackage xorg-x11-utils _res=$(xdpyinfo | grep dimensions | awk '{print $2}') } _getResolution if [[ -v _novncauth ]]; then _exec_start_cmd="/usr/bin/x11vnc -display $_display -noscr -geometry $_res -auth guess -forever -bg -nopw" else _exec_start_cmd="/usr/bin/x11vnc -display $_display -noscr -geometry $_res -auth guess -forever -bg -rfbauth $HOME/.vnc/jrmc_passwd" fi _bash_cmd "cat <<-EOF > $_service_fname [Unit] Description=x11vnc After=multi.service [Service] $_user_specifier Type=forking Environment=DISPLAY=$_display ExecStart=$_exec_start_cmd Restart=always RestartSec=10 [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target EOF" _systemctl_reload && \ _systemctl_enable "$_service_name" && \ echo "x11vnc running on localhost:$_port" && \ _openFirewall "jriver-x11vnc" } ####################################### # Starts and enables (at startup) an hourly service to build the latest version of JRiver Media # Center RPM from the source DEB and create/update an RPM repository ####################################### _service_jriver-createrepo() { debug "Running: ${FUNCNAME[0]}" _bash_cmd "cat <<-EOF > $_service_fname [Unit] Description=Builds JRiver Media Center RPM file, moves it to the repo dir, and runs createrepo [Service] $_user_specifier ExecStart=$PWD/installJRMC --outputdir $_outputdir --createrepo --createrepo-webroot $_createrepo_webroot --createrepo-user $_createrepo_user [Install] WantedBy=default.target EOF" _bash_cmd "cat <<-EOF > $_timer_fname [Unit] Description=Run JRiver MC rpmbuild hourly [Timer] OnCalendar=hourly Persistent=true [Install] WantedBy=timers.target EOF" _systemctl_reload && \ _systemctl_enable "$_timer_name" } ####################################### # CONTAINERS ####################################### # _containerCreaterepo() { # : # } # _containerVNC() { # : # } # _containerMC() { # _installPackage buildah podman # cnt=$(buildah from docker.io/jlesage/baseimage-gui:debian-10) # podman_create_cmd=("podman" "create" "--name" "$CNAME") # buildah_config_cmd=("buildah" "config" \ # "--author" "bryanroessler@gmail.com" \ # "--label" "maintainer=$MAINTAINER" \ # "--env" "TZ=$TZ" \ # "--workingdir" "/app" \ # "--cmd" "mediacenter$_mversion") # mkcdirs() { # local dir # for dir in "$@"; do # if [[ ! -d "$dir" ]]; then # if ! mkdir -p "$dir"; then # err "Could not create directory $dir, check your permissions" # fi # fi # if ! chcon -t container_file_t -R "$dir"; then # err "Could not set container_file_t attribute for $dir, check your permissions" # fi # done # } # mkcdirs "$HOME/.jriver" # podman_create_cmd+=("-v" "$HOME/.jriver:/root/.jriver") # podman_create_cmd+=("-v" "$DOWNLOAD_ROOT:/downloads:z") # podman_create_cmd+=("-v" "$MONITOR_ROOT/nzbs:/nzbs") # podman_create_cmd+=("-p" "${CONTAINER[HOST_PORT]}:${CONTAINER[CONTAINER_PORT]}") # brc() { buildah run "$1" "${@:2}" || return 1; } # brc add-pkg gnupg2 libxss1 wmctrl xdotool ca-certificates inotify-tools libgbm1 # brc add-pkg --virtual .build-deps wget # brc sh -s <<- EOF # wget -q "http://dist.jriver.com/mediacenter@jriver.com.gpg.key" -O- | apt-key add - > /dev/null 2>&1 # EOF # brc wget "http://dist.jriver.com/latest/mediacenter/mediacenter$_mversion.list" -O "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/mediacenter$_mversion.list" # brc apt-get update -y -q0 # brc add-pkg "mediacenter$_mversion" # brc del-pkg .build-deps # } ####################################### # Complete uninstall ####################################### _uninstall() { debug "Running: ${FUNCNAME[0]}" read -r -p "Do you really want to uninstall JRiver Media Center? [y/N] " _response _response=${_response,,} # tolower [[ ! "$_response" =~ ^(yes|y)$ ]] && echo "Cancelling uninstall..." && exit 0 # Uninstall services echo "Stopping and removing all associated Media Center services" for _service in $(compgen -A "function" "_service"); do _servicePrep "$_service" _systemctl_disable "$_service_name" _systemctl_disable "$_timer_name" [[ -f "$_service_fname" ]] && _rm_cmd "$_service_fname" [[ -f "$_timer_fname" ]] && _rm_cmd "$_timer_fname" done echo "Removing repo files" [[ -f "/etc/yum.repos.d/jriver.repo" ]] \ && _rm_cmd "/etc/yum.repos.d/jriver.repo" [[ -f "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/jriver.list" ]] \ && _rm_cmd "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/jriver.list" echo "Removing firewall rules" if [[ -x $(command -v firewall-cmd) ]]; then _firewall_cmd --permanent --remove-service=jriver _firewall_cmd --permanent --delete-service=jriver _firewall_cmd --reload elif [[ -x $(command -v ufw) ]]; then _firewall_cmd delete allow jriver [[ -f "/etc/ufw/applications.d/jriver" ]] \ && _rm_cmd /etc/ufw/applications.d/jriver fi echo "Uninstalling Media Center" if [[ "$ID" =~ ^(fedora|centos)$ ]]; then _pkg_remove MediaCenter elif [[ "$ID" =~ ^(debian|ubuntu|linuxmint)$ ]]; then _pkg_remove "mediacenter$_mversion" fi echo "JRiver Media Center has been completely uninstalled" echo "If you wish to remove your library files: rm -rf $HOME/.jriver" echo "If you wish to remove your rpmbuild output files: rm -rf $_outputdir" } _main "$@"