#!/usr/bin/env bash # This script will create a random word pair with an underscore random_word_pair() { # Constants local random_words num_random_words random_1 random_2 word_1 word_2 random_words=/usr/share/dict/words # total number of non-random words available num_random_words=$(wc -l $random_words | cut -d" " -f 1) # Get two random integers random_1=$(shuf -i 1-"$num_random_words" -n 1) random_2=$(shuf -i 1-"$num_random_words" -n 1) # Get the nth word word_1=$(sed "${random_1}q;d" "$random_words") word_2=$(sed "${random_2}q;d" "$random_words") # Sanitize words word_1="${word_1,,}" word_1="${word_1//-/}" word_2="${word_2,,}" word_2="${word_2//-/}" echo "${word_1,,}_${word_2,,}" return 0 } # Allow this file to be executed directly if not being sourced if [[ "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" == "$0" ]]; then random_word_pair exit $? fi