#!/usr/bin/perl # $Id: analyze.pl,v 1.9 2008/05/14 20:45:37 sherlock Exp $ # Date : 16th October 2003 # Author : Gavin Sherlock # License information (the MIT license) # Copyright (c) 2003 Gavin Sherlock; Stanford University # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person # obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files # (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, # including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, # publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, # and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, # subject to the following conditions: # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS # BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN # CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. use strict; use warnings; use diagnostics; use Data::Dumper; use Getopt::Long; use IO::File; use GO::TermFinder; use GO::AnnotationProvider::AnnotationParser; use GO::OntologyProvider::OboParser; use GO::TermFinderReport::Text; use GO::Utils::File qw (GenesFromFile); use GO::Utils::General qw (CategorizeGenes); $|=1; ################################################################################### sub Usage{ ################################################################################### my $message = shift; if (defined $message){ print $message, "\n"; } print < ... e.g. analyze.pl -a ../t/gene_association.sgd -n 7200 -o ../t/gene_ontology_edit.obo genes.txt genes2.txt USAGE exit; } # we need at least 3 arguments, an annotation file, the number of # genes in the genome, and a file of input genes to test &Usage if (@ARGV < 3); # now get our annotation file and number of genes my $annotationFile = ''; my $totalNum = ''; my $oboFile = ''; my $background = ''; my $aspect = ''; GetOptions( "annotations=s" => \$annotationFile, "obofile=s" => \$oboFile, "background=s" => \$background, "numGenes=i" => \$totalNum, "aspect=s" => \$aspect ); if ($oboFile !~ /\.obo$/){ # require the obo file to have a .obo extension &Usage("Your obo file does not have a .obo extension."); } if ($annotationFile !~ /\.sgd$/){ &Usage("Perhaps we are missing an annotation file."); } my @population = (); if ($background) { @population = GenesFromFile($background) } # now set up the objects we need my $process = GO::OntologyProvider::OboParser->new(ontologyFile => $oboFile, aspect => 'P'); my $component = GO::OntologyProvider::OboParser->new(ontologyFile => $oboFile, aspect => 'C'); my $function = GO::OntologyProvider::OboParser->new(ontologyFile => $oboFile, aspect => 'F'); my $annotation = GO::AnnotationProvider::AnnotationParser->new(annotationFile=>$annotationFile); my @termFinders = (); if ($background) { if ($aspect =~ /^P$|^$/) { push @termFinders, GO::TermFinder->new(annotationProvider=> $annotation, ontologyProvider => $process, population => \@population, aspect => 'P'); } if ($aspect =~ /^C$|^$/) { push @termFinders, GO::TermFinder->new(annotationProvider=> $annotation, ontologyProvider => $component, population => \@population, aspect => 'C'); } if ($aspect =~ /^F$|^$/) { push @termFinders, GO::TermFinder->new(annotationProvider=> $annotation, ontologyProvider => $function, population => \@population, aspect => 'F'); } } else { if ($aspect =~ /^P$|^$/) { push @termFinders, GO::TermFinder->new(annotationProvider=> $annotation, ontologyProvider => $process, totalNumGenes => $totalNum, aspect => 'P'); } if ($aspect =~ /^C$|^$/) { push @termFinders, GO::TermFinder->new(annotationProvider=> $annotation, ontologyProvider => $component, totalNumGenes => $totalNum, aspect => 'C'); } if ($aspect =~ /^F$|^$/) { push @termFinders, GO::TermFinder->new(annotationProvider=> $annotation, ontologyProvider => $function, totalNumGenes => $totalNum, aspect => 'F'); } } my $report = GO::TermFinderReport::Text->new(); my $cutoff = 0.1; # now go through each file foreach my $file (@ARGV){ print "Analyzing $file\n"; my @genes = GenesFromFile($file); my (@list, @notFound, @ambiguous); CategorizeGenes(annotation => $annotation, genes => \@genes, ambiguous => \@ambiguous, unambiguous => \@list, notFound => \@notFound); my $outfile = $file.".terms"; my $fh = IO::File->new($outfile, q{>} )|| die "Cannot make $outfile : $!"; print "Results being put in $outfile\n"; if (@list){ print $fh "The following gene(s) will be considered:\n\n"; foreach my $gene (@list){ print $fh $gene, "\t", $annotation->standardNameByName($gene), "\n"; } print $fh "\n"; }else{ print $fh "None of the gene names were recognized\n"; print $fh "They were:\n\n"; print $fh join("\n", @notFound), "\n"; $fh->close; next; } if (@ambiguous){ # note, some of these ambiguous names would be perfectly fine # if put into GO::TermFinder if they are also standard names. # Currently the behavior of analyze.pl differs from the # default behavior of GO::TermFinder print $fh "The following gene(s) are ambiguously named, and so will not be used:\n"; print $fh join("\n", @ambiguous), "\n\n"; } if (@notFound){ print $fh "The following gene(s) were not recognized, and will not be considered:\n\n"; print $fh join("\n", @notFound), "\n\n"; } foreach my $termFinder (@termFinders){ # it's possible that the supplied number of genes on the # command line was less than indicated by the annotation # provider, and thus the TermFinder may have used a larger # number than was entered on the command line. my $totalNumGenesUsedInBackground = $termFinder->totalNumGenes; print $fh "Finding terms for ", $termFinder->aspect, "\n\n"; my @pvalues = $termFinder->findTerms(genes => \@list, calculateFDR => 1); if($#pvalues == 0) { print "WARNIING: NO p-value structures returned by findTerms("; print join ",", @list; print ")\n"; print $fh "\n\n"; $fh->close; exit(); } my $numHypotheses = $report->print(pvalues => \@pvalues, numGenes => scalar(@list), totalNum => $totalNumGenesUsedInBackground, cutoff => $cutoff, fh => $fh); my $numProcesses = $#pvalues + 1; print "Number of GO processes found: $numProcesses\n"; print "Number of hypotheses passed cutoff: $numHypotheses\n"; # if they had no significant P-values if ($numHypotheses == 0){ print $fh "No terms were found for this aspect with a corrected P-value <= $cutoff.\n"; } print $fh "\n\n"; } $fh->close; } =pod =head1 NAME analyze.pl - batch processor to find terms for lists of genes in various files =head1 SYNOPSIS This program takes a list of files, each of which contain a list of genes, with one gene per line. It will findTerms for the lists of genes in each of the GO aspects, outputting the results to a file named for the original file, but with a .terms extension. It will only output terms with a corrected P-value of <= 0.05. It will use the first supplied argument as the annotation file, the second argument as the expected number of genes within the organism, the third argument is the name of the obo file, and all subsequent files as ones containing lists of genes. Usage: analyze.pl ... e.g. analyze.pl ../t/gene_association.sgd 7200 ../t/gene_ontology_edit.obo genes.txt genes2.txt An example output file might look like this: The following gene(s) will be considered: YDL235C YPD1 YDL224C WHI4 YDL225W SHS1 YDL226C GCS1 YDL227C HO YDL228C YDL228C YDL229W SSB1 YDL230W PTP1 YDL231C BRE4 YDL232W OST4 YDL233W YDL233W YDL234C GYP7 Finding terms for P Finding terms for C Finding terms for F -- 1 of 15-- GOID GO:0005096 TERM GTPase activator activity CORRECTED P-VALUE 0.0113038452336839 UNCORRECTED P-VALUE 0.00113038452336839 NUM_ANNOTATIONS 2 of 12 in the list, vs 31 of 7272 in the genome The genes annotated to this node are: YDL234C, YDL226C -- 2 of 15-- GOID GO:0008047 TERM enzyme activator activity CORRECTED P-VALUE 0.0316194107645226 UNCORRECTED P-VALUE 0.00316194107645226 NUM_ANNOTATIONS 2 of 12 in the list, vs 52 of 7272 in the genome The genes annotated to this node are: YDL234C, YDL226C -- 3 of 15-- GOID GO:0005083 TERM small GTPase regulatory/interacting protein activity CORRECTED P-VALUE 0.0340606972468798 UNCORRECTED P-VALUE 0.00340606972468798 NUM_ANNOTATIONS 2 of 12 in the list, vs 54 of 7272 in the genome The genes annotated to this node are: YDL234C, YDL226C -- 4 of 15-- GOID GO:0030695 TERM GTPase regulator activity CORRECTED P-VALUE 0.0475469908576535 UNCORRECTED P-VALUE 0.00475469908576535 NUM_ANNOTATIONS 2 of 12 in the list, vs 64 of 7272 in the genome The genes annotated to this node are: YDL234C, YDL226C =head1 AUTHORS Gavin Sherlock, sherlock@genome.stanford.edu =cut