go_terms.tab This file is TAB delimited and contains the GO terms and their definitions. NOTE: This file is NO LONGER periodically updated. Please see the Last Modified date on the Web display to find the file creation date on which the file was created. ** For the most recent data, please use YeastMine. The YeastMine template at https://yeastmine.yeastgenome.org/yeastmine/template.do?name=GO_Terms_Tab&scope=allwill retrieve the most recent data. ** Columns the go_terms.tab is shown below. Columns are: Contents: 1) GOID (mandatory) - the unique numerical identifer of the GO term 2) GO_Term (mandatory) - the name of the GO term 3) GO_Aspect (mandatory) - which ontology: P=Process, F=Function, C=Component 4) GO_Term_Definition - the full definition of the GO term (optional) For more information on the Gene Ontology (GO) project, see: http://www.geneontology.org/ go_terms.README last updated Sept 14, 2023