import os import json import logging import distutils.spawn from ulauncher.api.client.Extension import Extension from ulauncher.api.client.EventListener import EventListener from ulauncher.api.shared.event import KeywordQueryEvent, ItemEnterEvent from ulauncher.api.shared.item.ExtensionResultItem import ExtensionResultItem from ulauncher.api.shared.item.SmallResultItem import SmallResultItem from ulauncher.api.shared.action.RenderResultListAction import RenderResultListAction from ulauncher.api.shared.action.RunScriptAction import RunScriptAction from ulauncher.api.shared.action.ExtensionCustomAction import ExtensionCustomAction logging.basicConfig() logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) global usage_cache usage_cache = {} # Usage tracking script_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) usage_db = os.path.join(script_directory, "usage.json") if os.path.exists(usage_db): with open(usage_db, 'r') as db: # Read JSON string raw = # JSON to dict usage_cache = json.loads(raw) # Initialize items cache and Remmina profiles path remmina_bin = "" # Locate Remmina profiles and binary default_paths = ["{}/.local/share/remmina".format(os.environ.get('HOME')), "{}/.remmina".format(os.environ.get('HOME'))] # remmina_profiles_path = "{}/.local/share/remmina".format(os.environ.get('HOME')) # remmina_profiles_path_alt = "{}/.remmina".format(os.environ.get('HOME')) remmina_bin = distutils.spawn.find_executable('remmina') # This extension is useless without remmina if remmina_bin is None or remmina_bin == "": logger.error("Remmina executable path could not be determined") exit() # Check if Remmina profiles directory exists remmina_profiles_path = None # Check default paths first for p in default_paths: if os.path.isdir(p): remmina_profiles_path = p class RemminaExtension(Extension): def __init__(self): super(RemminaExtension, self).__init__() self.subscribe(KeywordQueryEvent, KeywordQueryEventListener()) self.subscribe(ItemEnterEvent, ItemEnterEventListener()) def list_profiles(self, query): profiles = [] items_cache = [] try: # Get list of profile files from Remmina directory for profile in os.listdir(remmina_profiles_path): if profile.endswith(".remmina"): profiles.append(os.path.join(remmina_profiles_path, profile)) # Get sorted list of profiles temp = profiles profiles = sorted(temp) except Exception as e: logger.error("Failed getting Remmina profile files") for p in profiles: base = os.path.basename(p) title, desc, proto = profile_details(p) # Search for query inside filename and profile description # Multiple strings can be used to search in description # all() is used to achieve a AND search (include all keywords) keywords = query.split(" ") # if (query in base.lower()) or (query in desc.lower()): if (query.lower() in base.lower()) or \ (query.lower() in title.lower()) or \ all(x.lower() in desc.lower() for x in keywords): items_cache.append(create_item(title, proto, p, desc, p)) items_cache = sorted(items_cache, key=sort_by_usage, reverse=True) return items_cache class KeywordQueryEventListener(EventListener): def on_event(self, event, extension): global remmina_profiles_path if extension.preferences["profiles"] is not "" \ or not remmina_profiles_path: # Tilde (~) won't work alone, need expanduser() remmina_profiles_path = os.path.expanduser(extension.preferences["profiles"]) # pref_profiles_path = extension.preferences['profiles'] logger.debug("Remmina profiles path: {}".format(remmina_profiles_path)) # Get query term = (event.get_argument() or "").lower() # Display all items when query empty profiles_list = extension.list_profiles(term) return RenderResultListAction(profiles_list[:8]) class ItemEnterEventListener(EventListener): def on_event(self, event, extension): global usage_cache # Get query data = event.get_data() on_enter = data["id"] # The profilefile name is the ID base = os.path.basename(on_enter) b = os.path.splitext(base)[0] # Check usage and increment if b in usage_cache: usage_cache[b] = usage_cache[b]+1 else: usage_cache[b] = 1 # Update usage JSON with open(usage_db, 'w') as db: db.write(json.dumps(usage_cache, indent=2)) return RunScriptAction('#!/usr/bin/env bash\n{} -c {}\n'.format(remmina_bin, on_enter), None).run() def create_item(name, icon, keyword, description, on_enter): return ExtensionResultItem( name=name, description=description, icon="images/{}.svg".format(icon), on_enter=ExtensionCustomAction( {"id": on_enter}) ) def sort_by_usage(i): global usage_cache # Convert item name to ID format j = i._name.lower() # Return score according to usage if j in usage_cache: return usage_cache[j] # Default is 0 (no usage rank / unused) return 0 def profile_details(profile_path): if os.path.isfile(profile_path): with open(profile_path, "r") as f: # Read profile file lines lines ="\n") # Initialize strings desc = name = username = group = proto = "" # Parse lines for relevant details for line in lines: # Profile name if line.startswith("name="): elem = line.split("name=") if len(elem[1]) > 0: name = elem[1] # Profile username (optional) if "username=" in line: elem = line.split("username=") # if len(elem) > 1: if len(elem[0]) == 0 and len(elem[1]) > 0: username = elem[1] elif len(elem[0]) > 0 and len(elem[1]) > 0: username = elem[1] # Profile server and port if line.startswith("server="): elem = line.split("server=") if len(elem[1]) > 0: server = elem[1] # Profile group name if line.startswith("group="): elem = line.split("group=") if len(elem[1]) > 0: group = elem[1] # Profile protocol (for different icons) if line.startswith("protocol="): elem = line.split("protocol=") if len(elem[1]) > 0: proto = elem[1].strip().lower() else: pass if len(username) > 0: server = "{username}@{server}".format(username=username, server=server) if len(proto) > 0: server = "{proto}://{server}".format(proto=proto, server=server) if len(group) > 0: group = " | {group}".format(group=group) # Final description string desc = "{server} {group}".format(server=server, group=group) return name, desc, proto else: # Default values return "", "", "rdp" if __name__ == "__main__": RemminaExtension().run()