# Resume template *A simple Jekyll + GitHub Pages powered resume template.* ![img](images/screenshot.png) ## Docs ### Running locally To test locally, run the following in your terminal: 1. Clone repo locally 1. `bundle install` 2. `bundle exec jekyll serve` 3. Open your browser to `localhost:4000` ### Customizing First you'll want to fork the repo to your own account. Then clone it locally and customize, or use the GitHub web editor to customize. #### Options/configuration Most of the basic customization will take place in the `/_config.yml` file. Here is a list of customizations available via `/_config.yml`: [...write these out...] #### Editing content Most of the content configuration will take place in the `/_layouts/resume.html` file. Simply edit the markup there accordingly ### Publishing to GitHub Pages for free [GitHub Pages](https://pages.github.com/) will host this for free with your GitHub account. Just make sure you're using a `gh-pages` branch, and the site will automatically be available at `yourusername.github.io/resume-template` (you can rename the repo to resume for your own use if you want it to be available at `yourusername.github.io/resume`). You can also add a CNAME if you want it to be available at a custom domain... ### Configuring with your own domain name To setup your GH Pages site with a custom domain, [follow the instructions](https://help.github.com/articles/setting-up-a-custom-domain-with-github-pages/) on the GitHub Help site for that topic. ### Themes Right now resume-template only has one theme. More are coming :soon: though. :heart: ## Roadmap A feature roadmap is [available here](https://github.com/jglovier/resume-template/projects/1). If you features suggestions, please [open a new issue](https://github.com/jglovier/resume-template/issues/new). ## Contributing If you spot a bug, or want to improve the code, or even make the dummy content better, you can do the following: 1. [Open an issue](https://github.com/jglovier/resume-template/issues/new) describing the bug or feature idea 2. Fork the project, make changes, and submit a pull request ## License The code and styles are licensed under the MIT license. [See project license.](LICENSE) Obviously you should not use the content of this demo repo in your own resume. :wink: Disclaimer: Use of Homer J. Simpson image and name used under [Fair Use](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fair_use) for educational purposes. Project license does not apply to use of this material.