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Combine scripts

bryan 4 years ago
3 changed files with 18 additions and 313 deletions
  1. 18 25
  2. 0 87
  3. 0 201

+ 18 - 25

@@ -1,16 +1,12 @@
 # WIP
 # WIP
-This project contains two files:
+`` reads in a list of domains from one or more files. These files may only contain domains and empty lines (see `domains.txt` for example format).
-`` (for webroot challenges)
-`` (for dns challenges, legacy script)
-Both of these scripts read in a list of domains from one or more files. These files may only contain domains and empty lines (see `domains.txt`).
+"*www.*" subdomains will be added automatically (do not add them to the domains file list).
 ## Notes
 ## Notes
-`` may require the following additions to .htaccess so that challenges are not automatically redirected to https:
+The `--method webroot` may require the following additions to .htaccess so that challenges are not automatically redirected to https:
 RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
 RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
@@ -23,32 +19,33 @@ Command-line (Linux):
 * Move script to user home directory on the server: `scp ./* username@ip:port:~`
 * Move script to user home directory on the server: `scp ./* username@ip:port:~`
 * Login to server: `ssh user@ip -p port`
 * Login to server: `ssh user@ip -p port`
-* Make script executable: `chmod +x $HOME/acme-cpanel-webroot.s`
-* Run script (ex. `$HOME/ -s multisites`)
+* Make script executable: `chmod +x $HOME/`
+* Run script (ex. `$HOME/ -s multisites`)
 * Follow prompts to enter credentials, issue certificates, and deploy them
 * Follow prompts to enter credentials, issue certificates, and deploy them
 * Double-check that the acme cron job is enabled: `crontab -l`
 * Double-check that the acme cron job is enabled: `crontab -l`
 * Use File Manager to upload files to the home directory (/home/username/)
 * Use File Manager to upload files to the home directory (/home/username/)
-* You may need to make file executable in Terminal: `chmod +x $HOME/`
-* Use Terminal to run the script (ex. `$HOME/ -s multisites`)
+* You may need to make file executable in Terminal: `chmod +x $HOME/`
+* Use Terminal to run the script (ex. `$HOME/ -s multisites`)
 * Follow prompts to enter credentials, issue certificates, and deploy them
 * Follow prompts to enter credentials, issue certificates, and deploy them
 * Use Cron Jobs app to double-check that the acme cron job is present
 * Use Cron Jobs app to double-check that the acme cron job is present
 ## Usage
 ## Usage
-### `./ [OPTIONS] [FILES...]`
+### `./ [OPTIONS] [FILES...]`
 #### Options
 #### Options
+--method, -m webroot,dns
+    Choose the authentication method (default: dns)
 --email, -e EMAIL
 --email, -e EMAIL
     E-mail not be notified of certificate renewal failures
     E-mail not be notified of certificate renewal failures
---keep-grouping, -k
-    Issue multidomain certificates based on grouping by input file
+--group-by-file, -g
+    Issue multidomain certificates for all domains with the same webroot, grouped by input file
     The first domain in each file will be used to determine the shared webroot
     The first domain in each file will be used to determine the shared webroot
-    Default: issue certificates by independent domain
 --sites-dir, -s DIR
 --sites-dir, -s DIR
     Load domain list files from this directory
     Load domain list files from this directory
 --force, -f
 --force, -f
@@ -59,18 +56,14 @@ cPanel:
 #### Examples
 #### Examples
-`./ --force`
-Load sites from domains.txt, issue and deploy certificates
-`./ --force -s multisites`
+`./ --force`
-Load sites from multisites directory, issue and deploy certificates
+Load sites from domains.txt, issue and deploy certificates using the webroot method
-`./ --force -k multisites/ multisites/`
+`./ --method dns --force -s multisites`
-Load sites from multisites directory, issue and deploy multidomain certificates based on the grouping in the file.
+Load sites from multisites directory, issue and deploy certificates using the dns method
-### `./`
+`./ --force -g multisites/ multisites/`
-This is a legacy script that takes no arguments. By default it will read all domain lists in a top-level "multisites" directory.
+Load sites from multisites directory, issue and deploy multidomain certificates with same webroot based on the grouping in the file using the webroot method

+ 0 - 87

@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# This program will install and configure acme, request SSL certificates from Let's Encrypt, and enable them using the cPanel API
-# Comment the following line to skip issuing a test certificate
-unset err 
-get_acme() {
-    curl | sh
-    curl -o "$HOME/"
-    "$HOME/" --upgrade --auto-upgrade
-run_config() {
-    if [[ -f "$HOME/" ]]; then
-        if grep -q "CPANELDNS_AUTH_PASSWORD" "$HOME/"; then
-            echo "cPanel credentials already present, skipping configuration..."
-            echo "To rerun the configuration, first run 'rm \$HOME/'"
-            return 0
-        else
-            # Set contact e-mail for ACME failure
-            read -rp 'Enter the e-mail address to contact in case of acme failure: ' EMAIL
-            echo
-            "$HOME/" --update-account --accountemail "$EMAIL"
-            # Read in Namecheap API variables from user for acme
-            read -rp 'Enter your cPanel username: ' CPANELDNS_AUTH_ID
-            echo
-            export CPANELDNS_AUTH_ID
-            read -rp 'Enter your cPanel password: ' CPANELDNS_AUTH_PASSWORD
-            echo
-            export CPANELDNS_AUTH_PASSWORD
-            read -rp 'Enter your cPanel address and port number (example: ""): ' CPANELDNS_API
-            echo
-            export CPANELDNS_API
-        fi
-    else
-        touch "$HOME/"
-        run_config
-    fi
-# Issue certificates
-issue_cert() {
-    local multisite_file
-    for multisite_file in ./multisites/*; do
-        echo "Attempting to issue certificates for ${multisite_file##*/} and its multisites..."
-        unset sites issue_cmd deploy_cmd
-        declare -al sites issue_cmd deploy_cmd
-        readarray -t sites < "${multisite_file}"
-        issue_cmd=("$HOME/" "--issue" "--dns" "dns_cpaneldns")
-        deploy_cmd=("$HOME/" "--deploy" "--deploy-hook" "cpanel_uapi")
-        for site in "${sites[@]}"; do
-            [[ "$site" != "" ]] && issue_cmd+=("-d" "$site")
-        done
-        # if test enabled, issue test certificate first
-        if [[ "${test:-x}" == "true" ]]; then
-            "${issue_cmd[@]}" --staging
-            read -rp -n 1 "Was the certificate correctly issued without errors? [y/N]: "
-            echo
-            [[ ! "$REPLY" =~ ^[Yy]$ ]] && err=1 && return 1
-        fi
-        echo "Running:" "${issue_cmd[@]}"
-        if "${issue_cmd[@]}" --force; then
-            echo "Running:" "${deploy_cmd[@]}"
-            ! "${deploy_cmd[@]}" && \
-                echo "Could not deploy" && \
-                err=1
-        else
-            echo "Could not issue"
-            err=1
-        fi
-    done
-main() {
-    get_acme
-    run_config
-    issue_cert
-main "$@"
-exit "${err:-0}"

+ 0 - 201

@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# This script uses to issue and deploy SSL certificates from Let's Encrypt for a list of domains using the webroot method
-# See README for more details
-# Copyright 2020 Bryan Roessler <>
-#   ./ [OPTIONS] [FILES...]
-#   TESTING: ./ --debug -e multisites/ multisites/
-#   PRODUCTION: ./ --force -e multisites/ multisites/
-#   TESTING: ./ --debug -s multisites
-#   PRODUCTION: ./ --force -s multisites
-# FILES is a list of files containing first-level DOMAIN names (see domains.txt) on newlines
-# Certificates will automatically be issued and deployed for DOMAIN and www.DOMAIN using the webroot method
-# NOTE: The webroot method does NOT support wildcard domains, Let's Encrypt requires wildcard domains to
-# use DNS challenges, which the CPANEL uapi does not support (use dns_cpaneldns plugin instead)
-DEBUG="true" # quote this line to stop DEBUG mode and issue certificates for real, or use --force in user options
-parse_input() {
-    local input
-    declare -g USEREMAIL
-    declare -ag DOMAIN_FILES
-    if input=$(getopt -o +e:fks:d -l email:,force,keep-grouping,sites-dir:,debug -- "$@"); then
-        eval set -- "$input"
-        while true; do
-            case "$1" in
-                --email|-e)
-                    shift
-                    USEREMAIL="$1"
-                    ;;
-                --force|-f)
-                    unset DEBUG
-                    ;;
-                --keep-grouping|-k)
-                    GROUP="true"
-                    ;;
-                --sites-dir|-s)
-                    shift
-                    SITES_DIR="$1"
-                    ;;
-                --debug|-d)
-                    DEBUG="true"
-                    ;;
-                --)
-                    shift
-                    break
-                    ;;
-            esac
-            shift
-        done
-    else
-        echo "Incorrect options provided"
-        exit 1
-    fi
-    # Load domain files from remaining arguments
-    if [[ $# -lt 1 ]]; then
-        [[ -v SITES_DIR && -d "$SITES_DIR" ]] && return 0
-        if [[ -f "domains.txt" ]]; then
-            echo "You have not supplied any domain files, using domains.txt by default"
-            DOMAIN_FILES=("domains.txt")
-        else
-            echo "You must specify a domain list or use domains.txt by default"
-            exit 1
-        fi
-    else
-        DOMAIN_FILES=("$@")
-    fi
-get_acme() {
-    curl | sh
-    source "$HOME/.bashrc"
-    "$HOME/" --upgrade --auto-upgrade
-update_email() { [[ -v USEREMAIL ]] && "$HOME/" --update-account --accountemail "${USEREMAIL}"; }
-command_prefixes() {
-    ISSUE_CMD_PREFIX=("$HOME/" "--issue" "--force")
-    [[ -v DEBUG ]] && ISSUE_CMD_PREFIX=("$HOME/" "--issue" "--staging")
-    DEPLOY_CMD_PREFIX=("$HOME/" "--deploy" "--deploy-hook" "cpanel_uapi")
-    [[ -v DEBUG ]] && DEPLOY_CMD_PREFIX=("$HOME/" "--deploy" "--deploy-hook" "cpanel_uapi")
-# Either create a single array of all domains (DOMAINS) to issue one-by-one or create an array of array names to issue for a single webroot
-load_domains() {
-    local domain_file
-    declare -ag DOMAIN_GROUPS=()
-    if [[ -v SITES_DIR ]]; then
-        for domain_file in "$SITES_DIR"/*; do
-            DOMAIN_GROUPS+=("$(<"$domain_file")")
-        done
-    fi
-    for domain_file in "${DOMAIN_FILES[@]}"; do
-        # Load list of domains as space-delimited strings in elements of the DOMAINS array
-        # We can keep these separate or combine them later
-        DOMAIN_GROUPS+=("$(<"$domain_file")")
-    done
-get_webroot() {
-    local webroot
-    if ! webroot=$(uapi DomainInfo single_domain_data domain="$1" | grep documentroot); then
-        echo "UAPI call failed" >&2
-    fi
-    if [[ ! -v webroot || "$webroot" == "" ]]; then
-        if [[ -v DEBUG ]]; then
-            webroot="/tmp" # set missing webroot in DEBUG mode for testing
-        else
-            echo "Could not find $1's webroot" >&2
-            exit 1
-        fi
-    fi
-    echo "$webroot"
-issue_and_deploy_certs() {
-    local domain_root domain domain_group
-    local -a issue_cmd=()
-    local -a deploy_cmd=()
-    if [[ -v GROUP ]]; then
-        for domain_group in "${DOMAIN_GROUPS[@]}"; do
-            unset i
-            for domain in $domain_group; do # we want to split on whitespace
-                [[ "$domain" == "" ]] && continue
-                # Get the webroot from the first domain
-                if [[ ! -v i ]]; then 
-                    local i="set"
-                    domain_root=$(get_webroot "$domain")
-                    issue_cmd=("${ISSUE_CMD_PREFIX[@]}" "-w" "$domain_root")
-                fi
-                issue_cmd+=("-d" "$domain" "-d" "www.$domain")
-            done
-            # Issue certificate for entire domain group
-            echo "Running:" "${issue_cmd[@]}"
-            "${issue_cmd[@]}"
-            # Deploy certificates one by one
-            for domain in $domain_group; do
-                deploy_cmd=("${DEPLOY_CMD_PREFIX[@]}" "-w" "$domain_root" "-d" "$domain")
-                echo "Running:" "${deploy_cmd[@]}"
-                "${deploy_cmd[@]}"
-            done
-        done
-    else
-        for domain_group in "${DOMAIN_GROUPS[@]}"; do
-            # Issue and deploy certificates one by one
-            for domain in $domain_group; do # we want to split on whitespace
-                domain_root=$(get_webroot "$domain")
-                issue_cmd=("${ISSUE_CMD_PREFIX[@]}" "-w" "$domain_root" "-d" "$domain" "-d" "www.$domain")
-                deploy_cmd=("${DEPLOY_CMD_PREFIX[@]}" "-w" "$domain_root" "-d" "$domain") # I think we only need to deploy to the domain, not subdomains
-                echo "Running:" "${issue_cmd[@]}"
-                if ! "${issue_cmd[@]}"; then
-                    echo "Certificate issue failed for $domain"
-                    exit_err=1
-                fi
-                echo "Running:" "${deploy_cmd[@]}"
-                if ! "${deploy_cmd[@]}"; then
-                    echo "Certificate deployment failed for $domain"
-                    exit_err=1
-                fi
-            done
-        done
-    fi
-main() {
-    parse_input "$@"
-    get_acme
-    update_email
-    command_prefixes
-    load_domains
-    issue_and_deploy_certs
-main "$@"
-exit "${exit_err:-0}"