Automating Let's Encrypt HTTPS certificate renewals on Namecheap hosts

bryan d3860e9a29 Initial commit 3 gadi atpakaļ
multisites d3860e9a29 Initial commit 3 gadi atpakaļ d3860e9a29 Initial commit 3 gadi atpakaļ d3860e9a29 Initial commit 3 gadi atpakaļ d3860e9a29 Initial commit 3 gadi atpakaļ
domains.txt d3860e9a29 Initial commit 3 gadi atpakaļ


This project contains two files: (for webroot challenges) (for dns challenges, legacy script)

Both of these scripts read in a list of domains from one or more files. These files may only contain domains and empty lines (see domains.txt).

Notes may require the following additions to .htaccess so that challenges are not automatically redirected to https:

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^\.well-known/.+ - [END]


Command-line (Linux):

  • Move script to user home directory on the server: scp ./* username@ip:port:~
  • Login to server: ssh user@ip -p port
  • Make script executable: chmod +x $HOME/acme-cpanel-webroot.s
  • Run script (ex. $HOME/ -s multisites)
  • Follow prompts to enter credentials, issue certificates, and deploy them
  • Double-check that the acme cron job is enabled: crontab -l


  • Use File Manager to upload files to the home directory (/home/username/)
  • You may need to make file executable in Terminal: chmod +x $HOME/
  • Use Terminal to run the script (ex. $HOME/ -s multisites)
  • Follow prompts to enter credentials, issue certificates, and deploy them
  • Use Cron Jobs app to double-check that the acme cron job is present




--email, -e EMAIL
    E-mail not be notified of certificate renewal failures
--keep-grouping, -k
    Issue multidomain certificates based on grouping by input file
    The first domain in each file will be used to determine the shared webroot
    Default: issue certificates by independent domain
--sites-dir, -s DIR
    Load domain list files from this directory
--force, -f
    Override default debug
--debug, -d (default)
    Use --staging to issue certificates and do not deploy


./ --force

Load sites from domains.txt, issue and deploy certificates

./ --force -s multisites

Load sites from multisites directory, issue and deploy certificates

./ --force -k multisites/ multisites/

Load sites from multisites directory, issue and deploy multidomain certificates based on the grouping in the file.


This is a legacy script that takes no arguments. By default it will read all domain lists in a top-level "multisites" directory.