@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+import subprocess as sp
+import vmd
+class Simulate:
+ def __init__(self, job, namdbin, params):
+ self.prepare(job)
+ self.run_namd(job, namdbin, params)
+ def prepare(self, job):
+ if job.next_stage == '1-min':
+ self.min1(job)
+ if job.next_stage == '2-min':
+ self.min2(job)
+ if job.next_stage == '3-heat':
+ self.heat(job)
+ if job.next_stage == '4-sim':
+ self.sim(job)
+ def run_namd(self, job, namdbin, params):
+ cmd = f'{namdbin} {params} {job.conf} > {job.out}'
+ print(f'Running: {cmd}')
+ p1 = sp.run(cmd, shell=True)
+ def min1(self, job):
+ steps = 15000
+ with open(job.conf, 'w') as conf:
+ conf.write('# Input\n')
+ conf.write(f'structure {job.psf}\n')
+ conf.write(f'coordinates {job.pdb}\n')
+ conf.write('paraTypeCharmm on\n')
+ for ff in job.ffs:
+ conf.write(f'parameters {ff}\n')
+ conf.write('\n')
+ conf.write('# Temperature\n')
+ conf.write('temperature 0\n')
+ conf.write('\n')
+ conf.write('# Force-Field Parameters\n')
+ conf.write('exclude scaled1-4\n')
+ conf.write('1-4scaling 1.0\n')
+ conf.write('cutoff 12.\n')
+ conf.write('switching on\n')
+ conf.write('switchdist 10.\n')
+ conf.write('pairlistdist 14\n')
+ conf.write('\n')
+ conf.write('# Integrator Parameters\n')
+ conf.write('timestep 1.0 ;# 1fs/step\n')
+ conf.write('nonbondedFreq 1\n')
+ conf.write('fullElectFrequency 2\n')
+ conf.write('stepspercycle 10\n')
+ conf.write('\n')
+ conf.write('# Output\n')
+ conf.write(f'outputName {job.name}_{job.next_stage}_{steps}\n')
+ conf.write('outputEnergies 100\n')
+ conf.write('outputPressure 100\n')
+ conf.write('\n')
+ conf.write('# Run\n')
+ conf.write(f'minimize {steps}')
+ def min2(self, job):
+ cbvx, cbvy, cbvz, corx, cory, corz = self.calc_pcell(job)
+ steps = 15000
+ with open(job.conf, 'w') as conf:
+ conf.write('# Input\n')
+ conf.write(f'structure {job.psf}\n')
+ conf.write(f'coordinates {job.pdb}\n')
+ conf.write('paraTypeCharmm on\n')
+ for ff in job.ffs:
+ conf.write(f'parameters {ff}\n')
+ conf.write('\n')
+ conf.write('# Temperature\n')
+ conf.write('temperature 0\n')
+ conf.write('\n')
+ conf.write('# Periodic Boundary Conditions\n')
+ conf.write('wrapWater on\n')
+ conf.write('wrapAll on\n')
+ conf.write(f'cellOrigin\t{corx}\t{cory}\t{corz}\n')
+ conf.write(f'cellBasisVector1\t{cbvx}\t0.0\t0.0\n')
+ conf.write(f'cellBasisVector2\t0.0\t{cbvy}\t0.0\n')
+ conf.write(f'cellBasisVector3\t0.0\t0.0\t{cbvz}\n')
+ conf.write('\n')
+ conf.write('# Force-Field Parameters\n')
+ conf.write('exclude scaled1-4\n')
+ conf.write('1-4scaling 1.0\n')
+ conf.write('cutoff 12.\n')
+ conf.write('switching on\n')
+ conf.write('switchdist 10.\n')
+ conf.write('pairlistdist 14\n')
+ conf.write('\n')
+ conf.write('# Integrator Parameters\n')
+ conf.write('timestep 1.0 ;# 1fs/step\n')
+ conf.write('nonbondedFreq 1\n')
+ conf.write('fullElectFrequency 2\n')
+ conf.write('stepspercycle 10\n')
+ conf.write('\n')
+ conf.write('# Output\n')
+ conf.write(f'outputName {job.name}_{job.next_stage}_{steps}\n')
+ conf.write('outputEnergies 100\n')
+ conf.write('outputPressure 100\n')
+ conf.write('\n')
+ conf.write('# Run\n')
+ conf.write(f'minimize {steps}')
+ def heat(self, job):
+ temp_reinit_steps = 100
+ steps = 10000
+ final_steps = 30 * temp_reinit_steps + steps
+ cbvx, cbvy, cbvz, corx, cory, corz = self.calc_pcell(job)
+ with open(job.conf, 'w') as conf:
+ conf.write('# Input\n')
+ conf.write(f'structure {job.psf}\n')
+ conf.write(f'coordinates {job.pdb}\n')
+ conf.write(f'bincoordinates {job.coor}\n')
+ conf.write('paraTypeCharmm on\n')
+ for ff in job.ffs:
+ conf.write(f'parameters {ff}\n')
+ conf.write('\n')
+ conf.write('# Temperature\n')
+ conf.write('temperature 0\n')
+ conf.write('\n')
+ conf.write('# Periodic Boundary Conditions\n')
+ conf.write('wrapWater on\n')
+ conf.write('wrapAll on\n')
+ conf.write(f'cellOrigin\t{corx}\t{cory}\t{corz}\n')
+ conf.write(f'cellBasisVector1\t{cbvx}\t0.0\t0.0\n')
+ conf.write(f'cellBasisVector2\t0.0\t{cbvy}\t0.0\n')
+ conf.write(f'cellBasisVector3\t0.0\t0.0\t{cbvz}\n')
+ conf.write('# Force-Field Parameters\n')
+ conf.write('exclude scaled1-4\n')
+ conf.write('1-4scaling 1.0\n')
+ conf.write('cutoff 12.\n')
+ conf.write('switching on\n')
+ conf.write('switchdist 10.\n')
+ conf.write('pairlistdist 14\n')
+ conf.write('\n')
+ conf.write('# Full Electrostatics\n')
+ conf.write('PME on\n')
+ conf.write('PMEGridSpacing 1.0\n')
+ conf.write('\n')
+ conf.write('# Integrator Parameters\n')
+ conf.write('timestep 1.0 ;# 1fs/step\n')
+ conf.write('nonbondedFreq 1\n')
+ conf.write('fullElectFrequency 2\n')
+ conf.write('stepspercycle 10\n')
+ conf.write('\n')
+ conf.write('# Output\n')
+ conf.write(f'outputName {job.name}_{job.next_stage}_{final_steps}\n')
+ conf.write('outputEnergies 100\n')
+ conf.write('outputPressure 100\n')
+ conf.write('dcdfreq 1000\n')
+ conf.write('\n')
+ conf.write('# Constant Temperature Control\n')
+ conf.write('langevin on ;# do langevin dynamics\n')
+ conf.write('langevinDamping 0.5 ;# damping coefficient (gamma) of 0.5/ps\n')
+ conf.write('langevinTemp 310\n')
+ conf.write('langevinHydrogen yes ;# couple langevin bath to hydrogens\n')
+ conf.write('\n')
+ conf.write('# Constant Pressure Control\n')
+ conf.write('useGroupPressure no ;# needed for 2fs steps\n')
+ conf.write('useFlexibleCell yes ;# no for water box, yes for membrane\n')
+ conf.write('useConstantRatio yes ;# no for water box, yes for membrane\n')
+ conf.write('langevinPiston on\n')
+ conf.write('langevinPistonTarget 1.01325 ;# in bar -> 1 atm\n')
+ conf.write('langevinPistonPeriod 100.\n')
+ conf.write('langevinPistonDecay 50.\n')
+ conf.write('langevinPistonTemp 310\n')
+ conf.write('\n')
+ conf.write('# Run equilibration\n')
+ conf.write(f'set freq {temp_reinit_steps}\n')
+ conf.write('for {set i 10} {$i <= 310} {incr i 10} {\n')
+ conf.write('reinitvels $i\n')
+ conf.write('langevinTemp $i\n')
+ conf.write('run $freq\n')
+ conf.write('}\n')
+ conf.write('# Run stabilization\n')
+ conf.write(f'run {steps}')
+ def sim(self, job):
+ cbvx, cbvy, cbvz, corx, cory, corz = self.calc_pcell(job)
+ with open(job.conf, 'w') as conf:
+ conf.write('# Input\n')
+ conf.write(f'structure {job.psf}\n')
+ conf.write(f'coordinates {job.pdb}\n')
+ conf.write(f'bincoordinates {job.coor}\n')
+ conf.write('paraTypeCharmm on\n')
+ for ff in job.ffs:
+ conf.write(f'parameters {ff}\n')
+ conf.write('\n')
+ conf.write('# Temperature\n')
+ conf.write('temperature 0\n')
+ conf.write('\n')
+ conf.write('# Periodic Boundary Conditions\n')
+ conf.write('wrapWater on\n')
+ conf.write('wrapAll on\n')
+ conf.write(f'cellOrigin\t{corx}\t{cory}\t{corz}\n')
+ conf.write(f'cellBasisVector1\t{cbvx}\t0.0\t0.0\n')
+ conf.write(f'cellBasisVector2\t0.0\t{cbvy}\t0.0\n')
+ conf.write(f'cellBasisVector3\t0.0\t0.0\t{cbvz}\n')
+ conf.write('# Force-Field Parameters\n')
+ conf.write('exclude scaled1-4\n')
+ conf.write('1-4scaling 1.0\n')
+ conf.write('cutoff 12.\n')
+ conf.write('switching on\n')
+ conf.write('switchdist 10.\n')
+ conf.write('pairlistdist 14\n')
+ conf.write('\n')
+ conf.write('# Full Electrostatics\n')
+ conf.write('PME on\n')
+ conf.write('PMEGridSpacing 1.0\n')
+ conf.write('\n')
+ conf.write('# Integrator Parameters\n')
+ conf.write('timestep 2.0 ;# 2fs/step\n')
+ conf.write('rigidBonds all ;# needed for 2fs steps\n')
+ conf.write('nonbondedFreq 1\n')
+ conf.write('fullElectFrequency 2\n')
+ conf.write('stepspercycle 10\n')
+ conf.write('\n')
+ conf.write('# Output\n')
+ conf.write(f'outputName {job.name}_{job.next_stage}_{job.next_step}\n')
+ conf.write('outputEnergies 10000\n')
+ conf.write('outputPressure 10000\n')
+ conf.write('dcdfreq 10000\n')
+ conf.write('\n')
+ conf.write('# Constant Temperature Control\n')
+ conf.write('langevin on ;# do langevin dynamics\n')
+ conf.write('langevinDamping 0.5 ;# damping coefficient (gamma) of 0.5/ps\n')
+ conf.write('langevinTemp 310\n')
+ conf.write('langevinHydrogen no ;# couple langevin bath to hydrogens\n')
+ conf.write('\n')
+ conf.write('# Constant Pressure Control\n')
+ conf.write('useGroupPressure yes ;# needed for 2fs steps\n')
+ conf.write('useFlexibleCell yes ;# no for water box, yes for membrane\n')
+ conf.write('useConstantRatio yes ;# no for water box, yes for membrane\n')
+ conf.write('langevinPiston on\n')
+ conf.write('langevinPistonTarget 1.01325 ;# in bar -> 1 atm\n')
+ conf.write('langevinPistonPeriod 100.\n')
+ conf.write('langevinPistonDecay 50.\n')
+ conf.write('langevinPistonTemp 310\n')
+ conf.write('\n')
+ conf.write('# Run\n')
+ conf.write(f'run {job.steps}')
+ def del_all_mols(self):
+ for mol in vmd.molecule.listall():
+ vmd.molecule.delete(mol)
+ def solv_ion(self, job):
+ pdb_f = f'{job.prefix}_{job.stage}.pdb'
+ psf_f = f'{job.prefix}.psf'
+ solv_f = f'{job.prefix}_{job.stage}_solv'
+ solv_ion_f = f'{job.prefix}_{job.stage}_solv_ion'
+ molid = vmd.molecule.load('psf', psf_f, 'namdbin', job.coor)
+ vmd.molecule.write(molid, 'pdb', pdb_f)
+ vmd.evaltcl('package require solvate')
+ vmd.evaltcl(f'solvate {job.psf} {pdb_f} -o {solv_f} '
+ f'-s WT -x 13 -y 13 -z 13 +x 13 +y 13 +z 13 -b 2.4')
+ vmd.evaltcl('package require autoionize')
+ vmd.evaltcl(f'autoionize -psf {solv_f}.psf -pdb {solv_f}.pdb -o {solv_ion_f} '
+ f'-sc 0.15')
+ self.del_all_mols()
+ def calc_pcell(self, job):
+ if job.next_stage == '2-min' or job.next_stage == '3-min':
+ molid = vmd.molecule.load('psf', job.psf, 'pdb', job.pdb)
+ else:
+ molid = vmd.molecule.load('psf', job.psf, 'namdbin', job.coor)
+ all = vmd.atomsel("all", molid=molid)
+ minmax = all.minmax()
+ center = all.center()
+ cbvx = minmax[1][0] - minmax[0][0]
+ cbvy = minmax[1][1] - minmax[0][1]
+ cbvz = minmax[1][2] - minmax[0][2]
+ corx = center[0]
+ cory = center[1]
+ corz = center[2]
+ self.del_all_mols()
+ return cbvx, cbvy, cbvz, corx, cory, corz