Browse Source

Initial commit

cryobry 4 years ago
8 changed files with 769 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 20 0
  2. 1 0
  3. 51 0
  4. 107 0
  5. 304 0
  6. 277 0
  7. 6 0
  8. 3 0

+ 20 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+cmd: 'echo "Pick a command (see .atom-build.yml)"'
+name: ''
+  # Fedora
+  Run silently in fedora:
+    cmd: 'buildWrapper podmanRunEasy -m ephemeral -i fedora:latest -n bw-fedora-test -w {FILE_ACTIVE_PATH} --silent --mkexec {FILE_ACTIVE}'
+  Run debug in fedora:
+    cmd: 'buildWrapper podmanRunEasy -m ephemeral -i fedora:latest -n bw-fedora-test -w {FILE_ACTIVE_PATH} --debug --mkexec {FILE_ACTIVE}'
+  # PHP
+  Run silently with php:
+    cmd: 'buildWrapper podmanRunEasy -m ephemeral -i php:latest -n bw-php-test -w {FILE_ACTIVE_PATH} --silent --mkexec {FILE_ACTIVE}'
+  Run debug with php:
+    cmd: 'buildWrapper podmanRunEasy -m ephemeral -i php:latest -n bw-php-test -w {FILE_ACTIVE_PATH} --debug --mkexec {FILE_ACTIVE}'
+  # Jekyll
+  Run jekyll serve:
+    cmd: 'buildWrapper podmanRunWrapper -m ephemeral -o "-it -p 4000:4000 -v {FILE_ACTIVE_PATH}:/srv/jekyll -v {FILE_ACTIVE_PATH}/vendor/bundle:/usr/local/bundle" -i jekyll/jekyll -n "bw-jekyll-serve-test" "bundle exec jekyll serve --watch --drafts"'
+  # Bundle
+  Run bundle update:
+    cmd: 'buildWrapper podmanRunWrapper -m ephemeral -o "-it -v {FILE_ACTIVE_PATH}:/srv/jekyll -v {FILE_ACTIVE_PATH}/vendor/bundle:/usr/local/bundle" -i jekyll/jekyll -n "bw-jekyll-bundle-update-test" --selinuxfix "chmod a+w /srv/jekyll/Gemfile.lock && bundle update --all"'
+# Please add more!

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Coming soon, this program is still in development

+ 51 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+###### FUNCTIONS #######
+source functions
+_printHelpAndExit () {
+    cat <<-'EOF'
+    buildWrapper plugin [command]
+    buildWrapper podmanRunEasy --mode 0 ./ -d -b
+    buildWrapper podmanRunEasy --mode 1 bundle exec jekyll build --watch
+    buildWrapper podmanRunWrapper -m ephemeral -o "--rm -it -v $PWD:$PWD -w $PWD" -i "php:latest" -c "php ./script.php"
+    plugin
+        Plugin to run (found in plugins/plugin_group/plugin)
+    command
+        Command to be passed to the plugin
+    # Exit using passed exit code
+    [[ -z $1 ]] && exit 0 || exit "$1"
+####### EXECUTE ########
+# check if bash version supports nameref
+# source all plugins
+# make sure that the chosen plugin exists
+pluginExists "$1"
+# Create a new named array with the arguments to be passed to the function
+# We will access this array by name using a nameref (-n attribute) in our functions
+# shellcheck disable=SC2034
+declare -a _BW_ARGS=("${@:2}")
+# Pass the name of the array to the function
+"${1}" -a _BW_ARGS

+ 107 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# shellcheck disable=SC1090,SC2034
+checkBashVersion () {
+    if ! declare -n _assoc; then
+        echo "You must use bash >= 4.3 (supports namerefs) to use build-wrapper"
+        echo "You can still call most functions directly using arguments instead of arrays."
+        _printHelpAndExit 1
+    fi
+getOS () {
+    if [[ -e /etc/os-release ]]; then
+        source /etc/os-release
+    else
+        echo "No /etc/os-release found!"
+        echo "Your OS is unsupported"
+        _printHelpAndExit 1
+    fi
+installPackage () {
+    # We will add packages to this array if their command is not available
+    local -a _pkg_array
+    # parse commands
+    for _pkg in "$@"; do
+        _pkg=$(packageOverrides "$_pkg")
+        # Insert the package name to test if already installed one element from the end
+        # and silence output
+        if ! "${_pkg_query_cmd[@]}" "$_pkg" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+            _pkg_array+=("$_pkg")
+        else
+            echo "$_pkg is already installed!"
+        fi
+    done
+    if [[ ${#_pkg_array[@]} -ge 1 ]]; then
+        [[ -n $_debug ]] && echo "${_install_cmd[@]}" "${_pkg_array[@]}"
+        "${_install_cmd[@]}" "${_pkg_array[@]}"
+    fi
+packageOverrides () {
+    if [[ "$ID" == "ubuntu" || "$ID" == "debian" ]]; then
+        if [[ "$1" == "rpm-build" ]]; then
+            echo "rpm"
+        elif [[ "$1" == "createrepo_c" ]]; then
+            echo "createrepo"
+        else
+            echo "$1"
+        fi
+    else
+        echo "$1"
+    fi
+getBaseDir () {
+    # Get base directory name of where this script resides
+    #
+    _basedir=$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")
+sourcePlugin () {
+    getBaseDir
+    _plugin="$_basedir/plugins/$1"
+    if [[ -f "$_plugin" ]]; then
+        source "$_plugin"
+    else
+        echo "Plugin $_plugin does not exist!"
+    fi
+sourcePlugins () {
+    getBaseDir
+    for _file in "$_basedir"/plugins/*/*; do
+        [[ -f "$_file" ]] && source "$_file"
+    done
+pluginExists () {
+    if [[ $# -lt 1 || ! $(type -t "$1") == "function" ]]; then
+        echo "Plugin not found"
+        _printHelpAndExit 1
+    fi
+fixPermissions () {
+    # Allow container access to the workdir (SELinux)
+    chcon -t container_file_t -R "$1"

+ 304 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# shellcheck disable=SC1090,SC2004
+podmanRunEasy () {
+    sourcePlugin "podman/podmanRunWrapper"
+    ########################
+    ####### DEFAULTS #######
+    ########################
+    # Can be overridden using environment variables
+    [[ -z $_image ]] && _image="fedora:latest"
+    [[ -z $_mode ]] && _mode="ephemeral"
+    [[ -z $_workdir ]] && _workdir="$PWD"
+    _smartDefaults () {
+        echo ""
+        ### UNDER CONSTRUCTION ###
+        # I would like to handle some options automatically to reduce the number of configuration
+        # options necessary to run podman and also make it easy for users to define defaults based
+        # on file extension, command, shebang, etc
+        # check the basename for defaults
+        #[[ -z $COMMAND_DEF ]] \
+        #    && COMMAND_BASENAME="${COMMAND_ARR[0]##*/}" \
+        #    && _set_defaults "${COMMAND_BASENAME}"
+        # check the extension for defaults
+        #[[ -z $COMMAND_DEF ]] \
+        #    && COMMAND_EXT="${COMMAND_BASENAME##*.}" \
+        #    && _set_defaults "${COMMAND_EXT}"
+        # add defaults to the string
+        #if [[ -n $COMMAND_DEF ]]; then
+        #    [[ -z $_silent ]] && echo "Loaded command defaults, executing with \"${COMMAND_DEF}\""
+        #else
+        #    [[ -z $_silent ]] && echo "Could not find command defaults from name or extension"
+        #    [[ -z $_silent ]] && echo "Executing script directly"
+        #fi
+    }
+    ########################
+    ###### FUNCTIONS #######
+    ########################
+    _printHelpAndExit () {
+        cat <<-'EOF'
+    podman-run-easy [-m _mode] [-w PATH] [-d PATH] [-i _image] [--systemd] [--mkexec] [--help]
+                    [--silent] [--debug] [COMMANDS [ARGS...]]
+    COMMANDS to run in the container (e.g. the current active file, an external
+    build script, a program residing in the container, etc.)
+    Can be empty (default entrypoint)
+    --mode, -m MODE
+        MODE can be any of the following:
+            1. ephemeral
+            2. persistent
+            3. recreate-persistent
+            4. remove-persistent
+    --workdir, -w PATH
+        The directory in the container where we execute the COMMANDS
+        Default: The present working directory
+    --maskdir, -d PATH
+        Hide this directory from the host OS, store contents in the container only
+    --image, -i IMAGE
+        IMAGE used to create the container
+        Default: fedora:latest
+    --mkexec, -x
+        Makes the first argument of COMMANDS executable
+    --name, -n CONTAINER_NAME
+        This will form the base of the container name and should be unique to each project
+        Default: Container name will be set based on a concatenation of the image and commands
+    --systemd
+        Force container to init with systemd (--systemd=always)
+        Default: --systemd=true (systemd will only start if CMD is systemd, /usr/sbin/init or
+        /sbin/init)
+    --array, -a ARRAY
+        Read arguments from an existing or new ARRAY (bash >= 4.3)
+        This is useful to reduce parsing errors and recommended for build-wrapper plugins
+    --silent, -s
+        Don't output anything from this program (container output will still be passed to stdout
+        if -it option is used instead of -d, see `man podman run` for more information)
+    --help, -h
+        Print this help message and exit (overrides --silent)
+        # Exit using passed exit code
+        [[ -z $1 ]] && exit 0 || exit "$1"
+    }
+    _parseInput () {
+        [[ -n $_debug ]] && echo "$@"
+        # Unset array variable when reparsing array
+        unset _array
+        # Parse input and set switches using getopt
+        if _input=$(getopt -o +m:w:d:i:a:n:xsh -l mode:,workdir:,maskdir:,image:,array:,name:,mkexec,systemd,silent,debug,help -- "$@"); then
+            eval set -- "$_input"
+            while true; do
+                case "$1" in
+                    --mode|-m)
+                        shift
+                        _mode="$1"
+                        ;;
+                    --workdir|-w)
+                        shift
+                        _workdir="$1"
+                        ;;
+                    --maskdir|-d)
+                        shift
+                        _maskdir="$1"
+                        ;;
+                    --image|-i)
+                        shift
+                        _image="$1"
+                        ;;
+                    --name|-n)
+                        shift
+                        _name="$1"
+                        ;;
+                    --array|-a)
+                        shift
+                        _array="$1"
+                        break
+                        ;;
+                    --mkexec|-x)
+                        _mkexec="true"
+                        ;;
+                    --systemd|-s)
+                        _systemd="true"
+                        ;;
+                    --silent)
+                        _silent="true"
+                        ;;
+                    --debug)
+                        _debug="true"
+                        echo "Debugging on!"
+                        ;;
+                    --help|-h)
+                        _printHelpAndExit 0
+                        ;;
+                    --)
+                        shift
+                        break
+                        ;;
+                esac
+                shift
+            done
+        else
+            echo "Incorrect options provided"
+            _printHelpAndExit 1
+        fi
+        # If array mode, load input array, reparse input, and return
+        if [[ -n $_array ]]; then
+            checkBashVersion
+            local _n_array
+            declare -n _n_array="$_array"
+            _parseInput "${_n_array[@]}"
+            return
+        fi
+        # Create _pre_commands_array from remaining arguments
+        # shift getopt parameters away
+        shift $((OPTIND - 1))
+        # create array
+        declare -ga _pre_commands_array
+        _pre_commands_array=("$@")
+        [[ -n $_debug ]] && echo "_pre_commands_array:" "${_pre_commands_array[@]}"
+        # Sanitize mode numbers
+        [[ "$_mode" == "1" ]] && _mode="ephemeral"
+        [[ "$_mode" == "2" ]] && _mode="persistent"
+        [[ "$_mode" == "3" ]] && _mode="recreate-persistent"
+        [[ "$_mode" == "4" ]] && _mode="remove-persistent"
+        # build the podman options array
+        declare -ga _pre_options_array
+        _pre_options_array+=("-it")
+        #[[ "$_mode" == "ephemeral" ]] && _pre_options_array+=("--rm")
+        _pre_options_array+=("-v" "${_workdir}:${_workdir}")
+        _pre_options_array+=("-w" "${_workdir}")
+        [[ -n $_maskdir ]] && _pre_options_array+=("-v" "${_maskdir}")
+        [[ -n $_systemd ]] && _pre_options_array+=("--systemd=always")
+        [[ -n $_debug ]] && echo "_pre_options_array:" "${_pre_options_array[@]}"
+    }
+    _makeExec () {
+        # make executable
+        if [[ -n $_mkexec ]]; then
+            # assume script/program is the first argument in the command and break on whitespace
+            _program="${_pre_commands_array[0]}"
+            # make executable on the host
+            chmod +x "${_program}"
+            # make executable in the container
+            #COMMAND="chmod 755 ${_program} && $COMMAND"
+        fi
+    }
+    _sanityChecks () {
+        # If missing, create workdir
+        if ! [[ -d "$_workdir" ]]; then
+            [[ -z $_silent ]] && echo "--workdir does not exist!"
+            [[ -z $_silent ]] && echo "Creating ${_workdir} now..."
+            mkdir -p "${_workdir}"
+        fi
+        # Grant container SELinux access to the _workdir
+        fixPermissions "${_workdir}"
+    }
+    _runPodmanRunWrapper() {
+        _makeExec
+        local _prw_array
+        _prw_array=("-m" "${_mode}" "--optionsarray" "_pre_options_array" "-i" "${_image}" "-n" "${_name}" "--commandsarray" "_pre_commands_array")
+        [[ -n $_debug ]] && _prw_array+=("--debug")
+        [[ -n $_silent ]] && _prw_array+=("--silent")
+        if [[ -n $_debug ]]; then
+            echo -n "PRE->PRW argument array: "
+            printf '"%s" ' "${_prw_array[@]}"
+            echo ""
+        fi
+        podmanRunWrapper -a _prw_array
+    }
+####### EXECUTE #########
+    _execute () {
+        # Get input
+        _parseInput "$@"
+        # Call podman-run-wrapper
+        _runPodmanRunWrapper
+    }
+    # Allow this function to be executed directly
+    _execute "$@"
+# Allow this file to be executed directly if not being sourced
+if [[ "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" == "${0}" ]]; then
+    # The following functions are usually handled by build-wrapper
+    _getBaseDir () {
+        # Get base directory name of where this script resides
+        #
+        _basedir=$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")
+    }
+    _sourceFunctions () {
+        # Get the location of this file
+        _getBaseDir
+        # Go up two directories
+        ff="${_basedir%/*/*}/functions"
+        # Source functions file
+        if [[ -f "$ff" ]]; then
+            source "$ff"
+        else
+            echo "Cannot find functions file: ${ff}"
+        fi
+    }
+    _sourceFunctions
+    podmanRunEasy "$@"

+ 277 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# shellcheck disable=SC1090,SC2004
+podmanRunWrapper () {
+    ########################
+    ###### FUNCTIONS #######
+    ########################
+    _printHelpAndExit () {
+        if [[ -z $_debug ]]; then
+            cat <<-'EOF'
+    Argument mode:
+        podman-run-wrapper -m MODE -o OPTIONS -i IMAGE [-n CONTAINER_NAME]
+        [--help] [--silent] [--debug] [COMMANDS [ARGS...]]
+    Array mode (bash >= 4.3):
+        podman-run-wrapper -a ARRAY
+    podman-run-wrapper -m ephemeral -o "-it -v $PWD:$PWD -w $PWD" -i "php:latest" -c "php ./script.php"
+    ARRAY=( "-m" "ephemeral" "-o" "--rm -it -v $PWD:$PWD -w $PWD" "-i" "php:latest" "-c" "php ./script.php")
+    podman-run-wrapper -a ARRAY
+    COMMANDS to run in the container (e.g. the current active file, an external build script, a
+    program residing in the container, etc.)
+    Can be empty (run default container entrypoint)
+    --mode, -m MODE
+        MODE can be any of the following:
+            1. ephemeral
+            2. persistent
+            3. recreate-persistent
+            4. remove-persistent
+    --options, -o OPTIONS
+        OPTIONS to pass directly to `podman run` or `podman exec` depending on the mode or
+        container state
+    --image, -i IMAGE
+        IMAGE used to create the container
+    --array, -a ARRAY
+        Read arguments array named ARRAY (bash >= 4.3)
+        This is useful to reduce parsing errors and recommended for build-wrapper plugins
+    --optionsarray OPTIONS_ARRAY
+        Read podman options from array named OPTIONS_ARRAY (bash >= 4.3)
+        This is useful to reduce parsing errors and recommended for build-wrapper plugins
+    --commandsarray COMMANDS_ARRAY
+        Read container commands from array named COMMANDS_ARRAY (bash >= 4.3)
+        This is useful to reduce parsing errors and recommended for build-wrapper plugins
+    --name, -n CONTAINER_NAME
+        Use the CONTAINER_NAME base to name containers (should be unique to each project)
+        Default: Container name will be set based on a concatenation of the image and commands
+    --selinuxfix
+        A temporary hack to grant SELinux write access on $PWD until a better fix is found
+    --silent, -s
+        Only print errors
+    --debug, -d
+        Print debugging
+    --help, -h
+        Print this help message and exit
+        fi
+        # Exit using passed exit code
+        [[ -z $1 ]] && exit 0 || exit "$1"
+    }
+    # Parse input
+    _parseInput () {
+        unset _mode _cmds_arr _opts_arr _options _prw_opts_arr _image _name _array _selinux_fix
+        # Use getopt to print help
+        if INPUT=$(getopt -o +m:o:i:x:n:a:sdh -l mode:,options:,image:,name:,array:,optionsarray:,commandsarray:,selinuxfix,silent,debug,help -- "$@"); then
+            eval set -- "$INPUT"
+            while true; do
+                case "$1" in
+                    --mode|-m)
+                        shift
+                        _mode="$1"
+                        ;;
+                    --options|-o)
+                        shift
+                        _options="$1"
+                        ;;
+                    --image|-i)
+                        shift
+                        _image="$1"
+                        ;;
+                    --name|-n)
+                        shift
+                        _name="$1"
+                        ;;
+                    --array|-a)
+                        shift
+                        _array="$1"
+                        ;;
+                    --optionsarray)
+                        shift
+                        _opts_arr="$1"
+                        ;;
+                    --commandsarray)
+                        shift
+                        _cmds_arr="$1"
+                        ;;
+                    --selinuxfix)
+                        _selinux_fix="1"
+                        ;;
+                    --help|-h)
+                        _printHelpAndExit 0
+                        ;;
+                    --silent|-s)
+                        _silent="1"
+                        ;;
+                    --debug|-d)
+                        _debug="1"
+                        echo "Debugging on!"
+                        ;;
+                    --)
+                        shift
+                        break
+                        ;;
+                esac
+                shift
+            done
+        else
+            echo "Incorrect options provided!"
+            _printHelpAndExit 1
+        fi
+        # If array mode, load and parse input array
+        if [[ -n $_array ]]; then
+            checkBashVersion
+            local _n_array
+            declare -n _n_array="$_array"
+            _parseInput "${_n_array[@]}"
+            return
+        fi
+        # Parse podman options
+        if [[ -n $_opts_arr ]]; then
+            # namerefs are awesome
+            declare -gn _prw_opts_arr="$_opts_arr"
+        # If not array mode optionally load podman options from input string
+        elif [[ -n $_options ]]; then
+            declare -ga _prw_opts_arr
+            for _option in $_options; do
+                _prw_opts_arr+=("$_option")
+            done
+        else
+            echo "Must provide --options or the name of an existing --optionsarray"
+            _printHelpAndExit 1
+        fi
+        # Parse commands
+        if [[ -n $_cmds_arr ]]; then
+            declare -gn _prw_cmds_arr="$_cmds_arr"
+        else
+            # Create COMMANDS array from remaining arguments
+            # shift getopt parameters away
+            shift $((OPTIND - 1))
+            # create array
+            declare -ga _prw_cmds_arr
+            _prw_cmds_arr=("$@")
+            if [[ ${#_prw_cmds_arr[@]} -lt 1 ]]; then
+                [[ -z $_silent ]] && echo "Warning: running container without any commands"
+            fi
+        fi
+        [[ -n $_debug ]] && echo "_prw_opts_arr:" "${_prw_opts_arr[@]}"
+        [[ -n $_debug ]] && echo "_prw_cmds_arr:" "${_prw_cmds_arr[@]}"
+    }
+    _addCName () {
+        # autogenerate _name if missing
+        [[ -z $_name ]] && _name="${_image}${_prw_cmds_arr[*]}"
+        # sanitize container name
+        _name="${_name//_/}" && _name="${_name// /}" && \
+        _name="${_name//[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/}" && _name="${_name,,}"
+        # append flag
+        if [[ "$_mode" == "ephemeral" ]]; then
+            _cname="prw-e-$_name"
+        else
+            _cname="prw-p-$_name"
+        fi
+        _prw_opts_arr+=("--name" "$_cname")
+    }
+    _removeContainer () {
+        if podman container exists "$_cname"; then
+            [[ -z $_silent ]] && echo "Removing container: $_cname"
+            [[ -n $_debug ]] && echo "podman rm -v -f $_cname"
+            podman rm -v -f "$_cname"
+        fi
+    }
+    _runContainer () {
+        # Run _remove_container first to not run in existing container
+        if podman container exists "${_cname}"; then
+            [[ -z $_silent ]] && echo "Reusing container: $_cname"
+            [[ -n $_debug ]] && echo podman exec "$_cname" sh -c "${_prw_cmds_arr[@]}"
+            podman exec "$_cname" sh -c "${_prw_cmds_arr[@]}"
+            exit $?
+        else
+            [[ -z $_silent ]] && echo "Running in container: $_cname"
+            [[ -n $_debug ]] && echo "Command: podman run" "${_prw_opts_arr[@]}" "$_image" sh -c "${_prw_cmds_arr[@]}"
+            podman run "${_prw_opts_arr[@]}" "$_image" "${_prw_cmds_arr[@]}"
+            exit $?
+        fi
+    }
+####### EXECUTE #########
+    _execute () {
+        # Get input
+        _parseInput "$@"
+        # Set container name
+        _addCName
+        # SELinux fix
+        [[ -n $_selinux_fix ]] && fixPermissions "$PWD"
+        # Execute podman
+        if [[ $_mode == "ephemeral" || $_mode == "recreate-persistent" ]]; then
+            _removeContainer
+            _runContainer
+        elif [[ $_mode == "remove-persistent" ]]; then
+            _removeContainer
+        elif [[ $_mode == "persistent" ]]; then
+            _runContainer
+        else
+            echo "Unknown mode!"
+            _printHelpAndExit 1
+        fi
+    }
+    # Allow this function to be executed directly
+    _execute "$@"
+# Allow script to be called directly
+if [[ "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" == "$0" ]]; then
+    # No imported functions
+    #source-functions
+    podmanRunWrapper "$@"

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env php
+    print("Hello World");

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+echo "Hello World"