@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# shellcheck disable=SC1090,SC2004
-podmanRunWrapper () {
+podmanRunWrapper() {
###### FUNCTIONS #######
- _printHelpAndExit () {
+ _printHelpAndExit() {
if [[ -z $_debug ]]; then
cat <<-'EOF'
Argument mode:
- podman-run-wrapper -m MODE -o OPTIONS -i IMAGE [-n CONTAINER_NAME]
- [--help] [--silent] [--debug] [COMMANDS [ARGS...]]
+ podmanRunWrapper -m MODE -o OPTIONS -i IMAGE [-n CONTAINER_NAME] [--help]
+ [--debug] [COMMANDS [ARGS...]]
Array mode (bash >= 4.3):
- podman-run-wrapper -a ARRAY
+ podmanRunWrapper -a ARRAY
- podman-run-wrapper -m ephemeral -o "-it -v $PWD:$PWD -w $PWD" -i "php:latest" -c "php ./script.php"
+ podmanRunWrapper -m ephemeral -o "-it -v $PWD:$PWD -w $PWD" -i "php:latest" -c "php ./script.php"
ARRAY=( "-m" "ephemeral" "-o" "--rm -it -v $PWD:$PWD -w $PWD" "-i" "php:latest" "-c" "php ./script.php")
- podman-run-wrapper -a ARRAY
+ podmanRunWrapper -a ARRAY
COMMANDS to run in the container (e.g. the current active file, an external build script, a
@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ OPTIONS
1. ephemeral
2. persistent
3. recreate-persistent
- 4. remove-persistent
--options, -o OPTIONS
OPTIONS to pass directly to `podman run` or `podman exec` depending on the mode or
@@ -65,9 +64,6 @@ OPTIONS
A temporary hack to grant SELinux write access on $PWD until a better fix is found
- --silent, -s
- Only print errors
--debug, -d
Print debugging
@@ -83,12 +79,12 @@ EOF
# Parse input
- _parseInput () {
+ _parseInput() {
unset _mode _cmds_arr _opts_arr _options _prw_opts_arr _image _name _array _selinux_fix
# Use getopt to print help
- if INPUT=$(getopt -o +m:o:i:x:n:a:sdh -l mode:,options:,image:,name:,array:,optionsarray:,commandsarray:,selinuxfix,silent,debug,help -- "$@"); then
+ if INPUT=$(getopt -o +m:o:i:x:n:a:dh -l mode:,options:,image:,name:,array:,optionsarray:,commandsarray:,selinuxfix,debug,help -- "$@"); then
eval set -- "$INPUT"
while true; do
case "$1" in
@@ -126,11 +122,8 @@ EOF
_printHelpAndExit 0
- --silent|-s)
- _silent="1"
- ;;
- _debug="1"
+ export _debug="1"
echo "Debugging on!"
@@ -178,16 +171,16 @@ EOF
declare -ga _prw_cmds_arr
if [[ ${#_prw_cmds_arr[@]} -lt 1 ]]; then
- [[ -z $_silent ]] && echo "Warning: running container without any commands"
+ debug "Running container without any commands"
- [[ -n $_debug ]] && echo "_prw_opts_arr:" "${_prw_opts_arr[@]}"
- [[ -n $_debug ]] && echo "_prw_cmds_arr:" "${_prw_cmds_arr[@]}"
+ debug "_prw_opts_arr:" "${_prw_opts_arr[@]}"
+ debug "_prw_cmds_arr:" "${_prw_cmds_arr[@]}"
- _addCName () {
+ _addCName() {
# autogenerate _name if missing
[[ -z $_name ]] && _name="${_image}${_prw_cmds_arr[*]}"
@@ -206,27 +199,24 @@ EOF
- _removeContainer () {
+ _removeContainer() {
- if podman container exists "$_cname"; then
- [[ -z $_silent ]] && echo "Removing container: $_cname"
- [[ -n $_debug ]] && echo "podman rm -v -f $_cname"
- podman rm -v -f "$_cname"
+ if podman container exists "$1"; then
+ debug "podman rm -v -f $1"
+ podman rm -v -f "$1"
- _runContainer () {
+ _runContainer() {
# Run _remove_container first to not run in existing container
- if podman container exists "${_cname}"; then
- [[ -z $_silent ]] && echo "Reusing container: $_cname"
- [[ -n $_debug ]] && echo podman exec "$_cname" sh -c "${_prw_cmds_arr[@]}"
- podman exec "$_cname" sh -c "${_prw_cmds_arr[@]}"
+ if podman container exists "$1"; then
+ debug podman exec "$1" sh -c "${_prw_cmds_arr[@]}"
+ podman exec "$1" sh -c "${_prw_cmds_arr[@]}"
exit $?
- [[ -z $_silent ]] && echo "Running in container: $_cname"
- [[ -n $_debug ]] && echo "Command: podman run" "${_prw_opts_arr[@]}" "$_image" sh -c "${_prw_cmds_arr[@]}"
+ debug "Command: podman run" "${_prw_opts_arr[@]}" "$_image" sh -c "${_prw_cmds_arr[@]}"
podman run "${_prw_opts_arr[@]}" "$_image" "${_prw_cmds_arr[@]}"
exit $?
@@ -237,7 +227,7 @@ EOF
####### EXECUTE #########
- _execute () {
+ __main() {
# Get input
_parseInput "$@"
@@ -249,26 +239,40 @@ EOF
[[ -n $_selinux_fix ]] && fixPermissions "$PWD"
# Execute podman
- if [[ $_mode == "ephemeral" || $_mode == "recreate-persistent" ]]; then
- _removeContainer
- _runContainer
- elif [[ $_mode == "remove-persistent" ]]; then
- _removeContainer
- elif [[ $_mode == "persistent" ]]; then
- _runContainer
- else
- echo "Unknown mode!"
- _printHelpAndExit 1
+ if [[ "$_mode" =~ ^(ephemeral|recreate-persistent)$ ]]; then
+ _removeContainer "$_cname"
+ _runContainer "$_cname"
# Allow this function to be executed directly
- _execute "$@"
+ __main "$@"
+ exit $?
# Allow script to be called directly
if [[ "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" == "$0" ]]; then
- # No imported functions
- #source-functions
+ _getBaseDir () {
+ # Get base directory name of where this script resides
+ # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59895/how-to-get-the-source-directory-of-a-bash-script-from-within-the-script-itself#comment54598418_246128
+ _basedir=$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")
+ }
+ _sourceFunctions () {
+ # Get the location of this file
+ _getBaseDir
+ # Go up two directories
+ ff="${_basedir%/*/*}/functions"
+ # Source functions file
+ if [[ -f "$ff" ]]; then
+ source "$ff"
+ else
+ echo "Cannot find functions file: ${ff}"
+ fi
+ }
+ _sourceFunctions
podmanRunWrapper "$@"