Install JRiver Media Center and optional helper services on most Linux distributions

bryan 363f67b425 1.4.6 release hai 2 meses
.gitignore b91b690aa2 Update .gitignore hai 4 meses 363f67b425 1.4.6 release hai 2 meses
installJRMC 363f67b425 1.4.6 release hai 2 meses


This self-contained program will install JRiver Media Center and associated services on most Linux distributions.

You can find the latest version of installJRMC, changelog, and documentation in my repository.


installJRMC [--option [ARGUMENT]]

Running installJRMC without any options implies --install repo (on SUSE: --install local) and will install the latest version of Media Center from the official JRiver repository (Ubuntu/Debian) or my unofficial repository (Fedora/CentOS) using the system package manager. If --service or --container is passed then the default install method (--install repo or --install local) must be specified (to allow services and containers to be installed independent of MC).

Recent versions of installJRMC will automatically self-update to the latest installJRMC release.




$ installJRMC --help
--install, -i repo|local
    repo: Install MC from repository, future updates will be handled by the system package manager
    local: Build and install MC package locally from official source package
    Build RPM from source DEB but do not install
    Optionally, specify a target distro for cross-building (ex. --build=suse, note the '=')
    Build/install MC without minimum dependency version requirements
--mcversion VERSION
    Build or install a specific MC version, ex. "33.0.49" or "33" (default: latest)
--mcrepo REPO
    Specify the MC repository, ex. "bullseye", "bookworm", "noble", etc (default: latest official)
--arch ARCH
    Specify the MC architecture, ex. "amd64", "arm64", etc (default: host architecture)
--outputdir PATH
    Generate rpmbuild output in this PATH (default: ./output)
--restorefile RESTOREFILE
    Restore file location for automatic license registration
--betapass PASSWORD
    Enter beta team password for access to beta builds
--service, -s SERVICE
    See SERVICES section below for the list of services to deploy
  --service-type user|system
      Starts services at boot (system) or user login (user) (default: per-service, see SERVICES)
--container, -c CONTAINER (TODO: Under construction)
    See CONTAINERS section below for a list of containers to deploy
    Build rpm, copy to webroot, and run createrepo.
    Optionally, specify a target distro for non-native repo (ex. --createrepo=fedora, note the '=')
  --createrepo-webroot PATH
      The webroot directory to install the repo (default: /var/www/jriver/)
  --createrepo-user USER
      The web server user if different from the current user
    Disable the installJRMC update check
--yes, -y, --auto
    Always assume yes for questions
--version, -v
    Print this script version and exit
--debug, -d
    Print debug output
--help, -h
    Print help dialog and exit
--uninstall, -u
    Uninstall JRiver MC, service files, and firewall rules (does not remove library or media files)


jriver-mediaserver [--service-type=user]
    Enable and start a mediaserver systemd service (requires an existing X server)
jriver-mediacenter [--service-type=user]
    Enable and start a mediacenter systemd service (requires an existing X server)
jriver-x11vnc [--service-type=user]
    Enable and start x11vnc for the local desktop (requires an existing X server, does NOT support Wayland)
  --vncpass and --display are also valid options (see below)
jriver-xvnc [--service-type=system]
    Enable and start a new Xvnc session running JRiver Media Center
  --vncpass PASSWORD
    Set vnc password for x11vnc/Xvnc access. If no password is set, the script will either use existing password stored in ~/.vnc/jrmc_passwd or use no password
  --display DISPLAY
    Manually specify display to use for x11vnc/Xvnc (ex. ':1')
jriver-createrepo [--service-type=system]
    Install hourly service to build latest MC RPM and run createrepo
    By default installs as root service to handle www permissions more gracefully


By default, MC services use a sane --service-type listed next to the service name in the --service= section. User services begin at user login and are managed by the unprivileged user, for example: systemctl --user stop jriver-mediacenter. System services begin at boot and are managed by root, for example: sudo systemctl stop jriver-servicename@username.service. It is possible to run all services of a particular user at boot using sudo loginctl enable-linger username.

Multiple services (but not --service-types) can be installed at one time using multiple --service blocks: installJRMC --install repo --service jriver-x11vnc --service jriver-mediacenter

jriver-x11vnc versus jriver-xvnc

jriver-x11vnc shares the existing X display via VNC and can be combined with additional services to start Media Center or Media Server. Conversely, jriver-xvnc creates a new Xvnc display and starts a JRiver Media Center service in the foreground of the new VNC display.


Coming soon!


installJRMC automatically creates port forwarding firewall rules for remote access to Media Network (52100-52200/tcp, 1900/udp DLNA) and Xvnc/x11vnc (if selected), using firewall-cmd or ufw.

Note: ufw is not installed by default on Debian but will be installed by installJRMC. To prevent SSH lock-out, Debian users that have not already enabled ufw will need to sudo ufw enable after running installJRMC and inspecting their configuration.


  • installJRMC

    Install the latest version of MC from the best available repository.

  • installJRMC --install local --compat

    Install a more widely-compatible version of the latest MC (for older distros).

  • installJRMC --install repo --service jriver-mediacenter --service-type user

    Install MC from the repository and start/enable jriver-mediacenter.service as a user service.

  • installJRMC --install local --compat --restorefile /path/to/license.mjr --mcversion 33.0.49

    Build and install an MC 33.0.49 compatibility RPM locally and activate it using the /path/to/license.mjr

  • installJRMC --createrepo --createrepo-webroot /srv/jriver/repo --createrepo-user www-user

    Build an RPM locally for the current distro, move it to the webroot, and run createrepo as www-user.

  • installJRMC --service jriver-createrepo --createrepo-webroot /srv/jriver/repo --createrepo-user www-user

    Install the jriver-createrepo timer and service to build the RPM, move it to the webroot, and run createrepo as www-user hourly.

  • installJRMC --install repo --service jriver-x11vnc --service jriver-mediacenter --vncpass "letmein"

    Install services to share the existing local desktop via VNC and automatically run MC on startup.

  • installJRMC --install repo --service jriver-xvnc --display ":2"

    Install an Xvnc server on display ':2' that starts MC.

  • installJRMC --uninstall

    Uninstall MC, services, and firewall rules. This will not remove your media, media library/database, or library backup folder.

Additional Info

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