@@ -1,214 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-import gspread
-from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials
-import sys
-import nba_py.player as player
-import datetime
-import time
-import timeout_decorator
-#_spreadsheetKey = "1wX5ilnky-YDfa2lTLcLYHpGq1UOLkUI5Ii9cIZeAZVI"
-_spreadsheetKey = "12Zv95ZMJ008KXC5ytVnBusjX9wUnpOg0TOLwmxMNOTQ"
-def _getStatsSheet(_key):
- scope = ['https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds',
- 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive']
- _credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name('NBA Playoffs Game-1f9a46f0715c.json', scope)
- _gc = gspread.authorize(_credentials)
- # open spreadsheet
- _spreadsheet = _gc.open_by_key(_key)
- # open worksheet
- _statsSheet = _spreadsheet.get_worksheet(0)
- _leaderSheet = _spreadsheet.get_worksheet(1)
- # count participants
- _numParticipants = _leaderSheet.row_count - 1
- # return stats worksheet
- return _statsSheet, _numParticipants
-def _getPlayersCells(_statsSheet, _numParticipants):
- # get today
- _today = datetime.date.today()
- #_today = datetime.date(2018, 5, 2)
- _urlDate = _today.strftime('%m/%d/%Y')
- # count rows
- _shtRows = _statsSheet.row_count
- # set first date cell
- _startRow = 4
- # get date cells
- while _startRow <= _shtRows:
- _dateCell = _statsSheet.cell(_startRow, 1, value_render_option='UNFORMATTED_VALUE')
- _daysSince1900 = _dateCell.value
- _date = datetime.date(1899, 12, 30) + datetime.timedelta(int(_daysSince1900))
- if _today == _date:
- break
- else:
- _startRow += _numParticipants
- _lastRow = _startRow + _numParticipants - 1
- # get todays players
- _playersCells = _statsSheet.range(_startRow, 3, _lastRow, 3)
- # filter cells
- for _playerCell in _playersCells[:]:
- while True:
- try:
- # remove empty cells
- if _playerCell.value == "":
- _playersCells.remove(_playerCell)
- break
- # remove finished games
- #_rowNumber = _playerCell.row
- #_wlCell = _statsSheet.cell(_rowNumber, 11)
- #if _wlCell.value != "":
- #_playersCells.remove(_playerCell)
- #break
- except gspread.exceptions.APIError:
- print("API overloaded, adding a 100 second delay...")
- time.sleep(100)
- continue
- break
- return _playersCells, _urlDate
-####### PARSE PLAYERS #######
-def _getPlayerFirstNameLastName(_player):
- _firstNamelastName = _player.split()
- _firstName = _firstNamelastName[0]
- _firstName = _firstName.replace('.', '')
- _lastName = _firstNamelastName[1]
- return _firstName, _lastName
-def _getPlayerID(_firstName, _lastName):
- _playerID = player.get_player(first_name=_firstName,last_name=_lastName)
- return _playerID
-####### GET STATS #######
-def _getPlayerStats(_playerID, _urlDate):
- _playerStats = {}
- _playerGameLogs = player.PlayerGameLogs(player_id=_playerID,
- season_type='Playoffs',
- date_from=_urlDate,
- date_to=_urlDate)
- for _playerGameLog in _playerGameLogs.info():
- for _stat in _playerGameLog.keys():
- _playerStats[_stat] = _playerGameLog[_stat]
- return _playerStats
-def _updatePlayerStatsCells(_statsSheet, _playerCell, _playerStats):
- _rowNumber = _playerCell.row
- for _stat in _playerStats:
- if _stat == "PTS" and _playerStats[_stat] != "":
- _statsSheet.update_cell(_rowNumber, 4, _playerStats[_stat])
- elif _stat == "REB" and _playerStats[_stat] != "":
- _statsSheet.update_cell(_rowNumber, 5, _playerStats[_stat])
- elif _stat == "AST" and _playerStats[_stat] != "":
- _statsSheet.update_cell(_rowNumber, 6, _playerStats[_stat])
- elif _stat == "STL" and _playerStats[_stat] != "":
- _statsSheet.update_cell(_rowNumber, 7, _playerStats[_stat])
- elif _stat == "BLK" and _playerStats[_stat] != "":
- _statsSheet.update_cell(_rowNumber, 8, _playerStats[_stat])
- elif _stat == "TOV" and _playerStats[_stat] != "":
- _statsSheet.update_cell(_rowNumber, 9, _playerStats[_stat])
- if _stat == "WL" and _playerStats[_stat] != "":
- _statsSheet.update_cell(_rowNumber, 11, _playerStats[_stat])
-def _badName(_statsSheet, _playerCell):
- _rowNumber = _playerCell.row
- _statsSheet.update_cell(_rowNumber, 12, "Fix name, then delete this message!")
-###### EXECUTE ########
-while True:
- try:
- _statsSheet, _numParticipants = _getStatsSheet(_spreadsheetKey)
- _playersCells, _urlDate = _getPlayersCells(_statsSheet, _numParticipants)
- except gspread.exceptions.APIError:
- print("API overloaded, adding a 100 second delay...")
- time.sleep(100)
- continue
- for _playerCell in _playersCells:
- while True:
- try:
- _playerName = _playerCell.value
- print(_playerName)
- except gspread.exceptions.APIError:
- print("API overloaded, adding a 100 second delay...")
- time.sleep(100)
- continue
- try:
- _firstName, _lastName = _getPlayerFirstNameLastName(_playerName)
- except:
- #_badName(_statsSheet, _playerCell)
- break
- try:
- print("Getting player ID...")
- _playerID = _getPlayerID(_firstName, _lastName)
- except timeout_decorator.TimeoutError:
- print("NBA.com API not responding, retrying...")
- continue
- except:
- #_badName(_statsSheet, _playerCell)
- break
- try:
- print("Getting player stats...")
- _playerStats = _getPlayerStats(_playerID, _urlDate)
- except timeout_decorator.TimeoutError:
- print("NBA.com API not responding, retrying...")
- continue
- try:
- print("Updating stats...")
- _updatePlayerStatsCells(_statsSheet, _playerCell, _playerStats)
- except gspread.exceptions.APIError:
- print("API overloaded, adding a 100 second delay...")
- time.sleep(100)
- continue
- break # move to next player in player list
- print("Cooling down, safe to break!")
- time.sleep(100)
- continue # restart entire loop