@@ -19,166 +19,368 @@
-description="Mount picture frame ftp share and rsync syncthing picture_frame directory to it"
-user="$(id -un)"
-user_id="$(id -u)"
-group_id="$(id -g)"
-debug() { [[ $debug == "on" ]] && echo "debug: $*"; }
-check_and_install() {
- if ! command -v "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
- echo "Installing $1"
- [[ -f /etc/os-release ]] && source /etc/os-release
- if [[ "${NAME,,}" =~ (fedora|centos) ]]; then
- debug "sudo dnf install -y $1"
- if ! sudo dnf install -y "$1"; then
- echo "Could not install $1, exiting"
- exit 1
- fi
- elif [[ "${NAME,,}" =~ (debian|ubuntu) ]]; then
- debug "sudo apt install -y $1"
- if ! sudo apt install -y "$1"; then
- echo "Could not install $1, exiting"
- exit 1
- fi
+rsync-ftp-timer() {
+ version="0.2"
+ [[ -v debug ]] && echo "Debugging on"
+ name="rsync-to-picture-frame"
+ description="Mount picture frame ftp share and rsync syncthing picture_frame directory to it"
+ ftp_share=""
+ source_dir="$HOME/Pictures/picture_frame"
+ user="$(id -un)"
+ user_id=$(id -u "$user")
+ group=$(id -gn "$user")
+ group_id=$(id -g "$user")
+ script_dir="$PWD"
+ mount_dir="/media/$name"
+ temp_dir="/tmp/name"
+ service_dir="$HOME/.config/systemd/user"
+ on_calendar="hourly"
+ print_help_and_exit() {
+ debug "Running: ${FUNCNAME[0]}"
+ cat <<-'EOF'
+install.sh [[OPTION] [VALUE]]...
+./install.sh \
+ -n "rsync-to-picture-frame" \
+ -d "Mount picture frame ftp share and rsync syncthing picture_frame directory to it" \
+ -f "" \
+ -s "$HOME/Pictures/picture_frame"
+ --name, -n
+ Name of the service
+ --description, -d
+ Description of the service
+ --ftp-share, -f
+ The destination address of the ftp share to sync to (ex.
+ --source-dir, -s
+ The source directory to sync from
+ --user, -u
+ The user to run the service as (default: the current user)
+ --install-dir, -i
+ The location to install the script to (default: $PWD)
+ --mount-dir, -m
+ The location to mount the ftp share (default: /media/name)
+ --temp-dir, -t
+ The location of the temp directory (default: /tmp/name)
+ Note: FTP does not support rsync temp files so we must use a local temp dir
+ --service-dir
+ The location of the service directory (default: $HOME/.config/systemd/user)
+ --on-calendar
+ The systemd OnCalendar command (default: hourly)
+ --version, -v
+ Print this script version and exit
+ --debug
+ Print debug output
+ --help, -h
+ Print help dialog and exit
+ --uninstall
+ Completely uninstall the named service and remove associated directories
+ [[ -z $1 ]] && exit 0 || exit "$1"
+ }
+ parse_input() {
+ debug "Running: ${FUNCNAME[0]}"
+ if _input=$(getopt -o +n:d:f:s:u:i:m:t:vhu -l name:,description:,ftp-share:,source-dir:,user:,install-dir:,mount-dir:,temp-dir:,service-dir:,on-calendar:,version,debug,help,uninstall -- "$@"); then
+ eval set -- "$_input"
+ while true; do
+ case "$1" in
+ --name|-n)
+ shift && name="$1"
+ ;;
+ --description|-d)
+ shift && declare -g description="$1"
+ ;;
+ --ftp-share|-f)
+ shift && declare -g ftp_share="$1"
+ ;;
+ --source-dir|-s)
+ shift && declare -g source_dir="$1"
+ ;;
+ --user|-u)
+ shift && \
+ declare -g user user_id group group_id && \
+ user="$1" && user_id=$(id -u "$user") && \
+ group=$(id -gn "$user") && group_id=$(id -g "$user")
+ ;;
+ --install-dir|-i)
+ shift && declare -g script_dir="$1"
+ ;;
+ --mount-dir|-m)
+ shift && declare -g mount_dir="$1"
+ ;;
+ --temp-dir|-t)
+ shift && declare -g temp_dir="$1"
+ ;;
+ --service-dir)
+ shift && declare -g service_dir="$1"
+ ;;
+ --on-calendar)
+ shift && declare -g on_calendar="$1"
+ ;;
+ --version|-v)
+ echo "Version: $version"
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ --debug)
+ echo "Debugging on"
+ debug="true"
+ ;;
+ --help|-h)
+ print_help_and_exit 0
+ ;;
+ --uninstall)
+ uninstall="true"
+ ;;
+ --)
+ shift
+ break
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+ done
- echo "$1 must be installed"
- exit 1
+ err "Incorrect option(s) provided"
+ print_help_and_exit 1
- fi
- return $?
+ }
-mk_dir() {
- for DIR in "$@"; do
- if [[ ! -d "$DIR" ]]; then
- debug "mkdir -p $DIR"
- if ! mkdir -p "$DIR"; then
- debug "sudo mkdir -p $DIR"
- if ! sudo mkdir -p "$DIR"; then
- echo "sudo mkdir $DIR failed, exiting"
+ err() { echo "Error: $*" >&2; }
+ debug() { [[ $debug == "true" ]] && echo "debug: $*"; }
+ check_and_install() {
+ debug "Running: ${FUNCNAME[0]}" "$1"
+ if ! command -v "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ echo "Installing $1"
+ [[ -f /etc/os-release ]] && source /etc/os-release
+ if [[ "${NAME,,}" =~ (fedora|centos) ]]; then
+ debug "sudo dnf install -y $1"
+ if ! sudo dnf install -y "$1"; then
+ err "Could not install $1, exiting"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ elif [[ "${NAME,,}" =~ (debian|ubuntu) ]]; then
+ debug "sudo apt install -y $1"
+ if ! sudo apt install -y "$1"; then
+ err "Could not install $1, exiting"
exit 1
+ else
+ err "$1 must be installed"
+ exit 1
- done
+ return $?
+ }
-chown_dir() {
- for DIR in "$@"; do
- debug "chown $user:$user -R $DIR"
- if ! chown "$user":"$user" -R "$DIR"; then
- debug "sudo chown $user:$user -R $DIR"
- if ! sudo chown "$user":"$user" -R "$DIR"; then
- echo "sudo chown on $DIR failed, exiting"
- exit 1
+ mk_dir() {
+ debug "Running: ${FUNCNAME[0]}" "$@"
+ local DIR
+ for DIR in "$@"; do
+ if [[ ! -d "$DIR" ]]; then
+ debug "mkdir -p $DIR"
+ if ! mkdir -p "$DIR"; then
+ debug "sudo mkdir -p $DIR"
+ if ! sudo mkdir -p "$DIR"; then
+ err "sudo mkdir $DIR failed, exiting"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ }
+ chown_dir() {
+ debug "Running: ${FUNCNAME[0]}" "$@"
+ local DIR
+ local user="$1"
+ local group="$2"
+ shift 2
+ for DIR in "$@"; do
+ debug "chown $user:$group -R $DIR"
+ if ! chown "$user":"$group" -R "$DIR"; then
+ debug "sudo chown $user:$group -R $DIR"
+ if ! sudo chown "$user":"$group" -R "$DIR"; then
+ err "sudo chown on $DIR failed, exiting"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ }
+ make_exec() {
+ debug "Running: ${FUNCNAME[0]}" "$@"
+ local FILE
+ for FILE in "$@"; do
+ debug "chmod a+x $FILE"
+ if ! chmod a+x "$FILE"; then
+ debug "sudo chmod a+x $FILE"
+ if ! sudo chmod a+x "$FILE"; then
+ err "sudo chmod on $FILE failed, exiting"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ done
+ }
+ cp_file() {
+ debug "Running: ${FUNCNAME[0]}" "$@"
+ if [[ ! -f "$1" ]]; then
+ err "$1 is missing"
+ exit 1
- done
- return $?
-make_exec() {
- for FILE in "$@"; do
- debug "chmod a+x $FILE"
- if ! chmod a+x "$FILE"; then
- debug "sudo chmod a+x $FILE"
- if ! sudo chmod a+x "$FILE"; then
- echo "sudo chmod on $FILE failed, exiting"
+ [[ -e "$2" ]] && rm_file_dir "$2"
+ if ! cp -af "$1" "$2"; then
+ err "failed, retrying with sudo"
+ debug "sudo cp -f $1 $2"
+ if ! sudo cp -af "$1" "$2"; then
+ err "Copying script failed, exiting"
exit 1
- done
- return $?
-cp_file() {
- if [[ ! -f "$1" ]]; then
- echo "$1 is missing"
- exit 1
- elif ! cp -af "$1" "$2"; then
- echo "failed, retrying with sudo"
- debug "sudo cp -f $1 $2"
- if ! sudo cp -af "$1" "$2"; then
- echo "Copying script failed, exiting"
+ }
+ rm_file_dir() {
+ debug "Running: ${FUNCNAME[0]}" "$@"
+ local OBJ
+ for OBJ in "$@"; do
+ if [[ -e "$OBJ" ]]; then
+ debug "rm -rf $OBJ"
+ if ! rm -rf "$OBJ"; then
+ err "failed, retrying with sudo"
+ debug "sudo rm -rf $OBJ"
+ if ! sudo rm -rf "$OBJ"; then
+ err "Could not remove $OBJ"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ }
+ f_and_r() {
+ debug "Running: ${FUNCNAME[0]}" "$@"
+ debug "s#$1#$2#" "$3"
+ if ! sed -i "s#$1#$2#g" "$3"; then
exit 1
- fi
+ }
-f_and_r() {
- debug "s#$1#$2#" "$3"
- if ! sed -i "s#$1#$2#g" "$3"; then
- exit 1
- fi
-main() {
- debug "check_and_install curlftpfs"
- check_and_install "curlftpfs"
- debug "systemctl --user disable --now $service_name.timer"
- systemctl --user disable --now "$service_name.timer" &> /dev/null
- mountpoint -q -- "$mount_dir" && fusermount -u "$mount_dir"
- mk_dir "$source_dir" "$mount_dir" "$service_dir" "$script_dir"
- chown_dir "$source_dir" "$mount_dir" "$service_dir" "$script_dir"
- cp_file "original.sh" "$script_dir/$service_name.sh"
- make_exec "$script_dir/$service_name.sh"
- f_and_r "{{mount_dir}}" "$mount_dir" "$script_dir/$service_name.sh"
- f_and_r "{{source_dir}}" "$source_dir" "$script_dir/$service_name.sh"
- f_and_r "{{ftp_share}}" "$ftp_share" "$script_dir/$service_name.sh"
- f_and_r "{{user_id}}" "$user_id" "$script_dir/$service_name.sh"
- f_and_r "{{group_id}}" "$group_id" "$script_dir/$service_name.sh"
- f_and_r "{{temp_dir}}" "$temp_dir" "$script_dir/$service_name.sh"
- cp_file "original.service" "$service_dir/$service_name.service"
- f_and_r "{{path_to_script}}" "$script_dir/$service_name.sh" "$service_dir/$service_name.service"
- f_and_r "{{description}}" "$script_dir/$service_name.sh" "$service_dir/$service_name.service"
- cp_file "original.timer" "$service_dir/$service_name.timer"
- f_and_r "{{on_calendar}}" "$on_calendar" "$service_dir/$service_name.timer"
- f_and_r "{{description}}" "$description" "$service_dir/$service_name.timer"
- debug "systemctl --user daemon-reload"
- systemctl --user daemon-reload
- debug "systemctl --user enable --now $service_name.timer"
- systemctl --user enable --now "$service_name.timer"
+ _uninstall() {
+ if [[ -v name ]]; then
+ debug "systemctl --user disable--now $name.timer"
+ systemctl --user disable --now "$name.timer"
+ debug "rm_file_dir $service_dir/$name.timer $service_dir/$name.service"
+ rm_file_dir "$service_dir/$name.timer" "$service_dir/$name.service"
+ debug "rm_file_dir $script_dir/$name.sh"
+ rm_file_dir "$script_dir/$name.sh"
+ mountpoint -q -- "$mount_dir" && \
+ debug "fusermount -u $mount_dir" && \
+ fusermount -u "$mount_dir"
+ return 0
+ else
+ err "\$name must be set to uninstall"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ }
+ main() {
+ debug "Running: ${FUNCNAME[0]}" "$@"
+ parse_input "$@"
+ [[ "$uninstall" == "true" ]] && _uninstall
+ check_and_install "curlftpfs"
+ debug "systemctl --user disable --now $name.timer"
+ systemctl --user disable --now "$name.timer" &> /dev/null
+ mountpoint -q -- "$mount_dir" && \
+ debug "fusermount -u $mount_dir" && \
+ fusermount -u "$mount_dir"
+ mk_dir "$source_dir" "$mount_dir" "$service_dir" "$script_dir"
+ chown_dir "$user" "$group" "$source_dir" "$mount_dir" "$service_dir" "$script_dir"
+ cp_file "original.sh" "$script_dir/$name.sh"
+ make_exec "$script_dir/$name.sh"
+ f_and_r "{{mount_dir}}" "$mount_dir" "$script_dir/$name.sh"
+ f_and_r "{{source_dir}}" "$source_dir" "$script_dir/$name.sh"
+ f_and_r "{{ftp_share}}" "$ftp_share" "$script_dir/$name.sh"
+ f_and_r "{{user_id}}" "$user_id" "$script_dir/$name.sh"
+ f_and_r "{{group_id}}" "$group_id" "$script_dir/$name.sh"
+ f_and_r "{{temp_dir}}" "$temp_dir" "$script_dir/$name.sh"
+ cp_file "original.service" "$service_dir/$name.service"
+ f_and_r "{{path_to_script}}" "$script_dir/$name.sh" "$service_dir/$name.service"
+ f_and_r "{{description}}" "$script_dir/$name.sh" "$service_dir/$name.service"
+ cp_file "original.timer" "$service_dir/$name.timer"
+ f_and_r "{{on_calendar}}" "$on_calendar" "$service_dir/$name.timer"
+ f_and_r "{{description}}" "$description" "$service_dir/$name.timer"
+ debug "systemctl --user daemon-reload"
+ systemctl --user daemon-reload
+ debug "systemctl --user start $name.service"
+ if systemctl --user start "$name.service"; then
+ debug "systemctl --user enable --now $name.timer"
+ systemctl --user enable --now "$name.timer"
+ else
+ err "systemctl --user start $name.service failed"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ }
-main "$@"
-exit $?
+if [[ "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" == "$0" ]]; then
+ rsync-ftp-timer
+ main "$@"
+ exit $?