@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+toolboxrun () {
+ _printHelpAndExit () {
+ cat <<-'EOF'
+ toolboxrun -c NAME [-i NAME] [-r RELEASE] [--no-sh] [-h] [-s] [-d] [COMMANDS [ARGS...]]
+ COMMANDS to run in the container (e.g. the current active file, an external
+ build script, a program residing in the container, etc.)
+ Can be empty (default entrypoint)
+ --container NAME, -c NAME
+ Assign a different NAME to the toolbox container. This is useful for creating multiple
+ toolbox containers from the same base image, or for entirely customized containers from
+ custom-built base images.
+ If the toolbox container NAME already exists, the command passed to toolboxRun will be
+ executed in the existing toolbox. If toolbox container NAME does not exist, it will be
+ created and the COMMAND will then be run in it.
+ --image NAME, -i NAME
+ Change the NAME of the base image used to create the toolbox container. This is useful for
+ creating containers from custom-built base images.
+ --release RELEASE, -r RELEASE
+ Create a toolbox container for a different operating system RELEASE than the host.
+ --ephemeral
+ The toolbox will be removed after the COMMAND is executed
+ --recreate
+ If the toolbox NAME already exists, it will first be removed and recreated
+ --no-sh, -n
+ Do not wrap COMMANDS in 'sh -c'
+ --help, -h
+ Print this help message and exit (overrides --silent)
+ # Exit using passed exit code
+ [[ -z $1 ]] && exit 0 || exit "$1"
+ }
+ _parseInput () {
+ # Parse input and set switches using getopt
+ if _input=$(getopt -o +c:i:r:nh -l container:,image:,release:,ephemeral,recreate,no-sh,help -- "$@"); then
+ eval set -- "$_input"
+ while true; do
+ case "$1" in
+ --container|-c)
+ shift && export _cname="$1"
+ ;;
+ --image|-i)
+ shift && export _image=("-i" "$1")
+ ;;
+ --release|-r)
+ shift && export _release=("-r" "$1")
+ ;;
+ --ephemeral)
+ export _ephemeral="true"
+ ;;
+ --recreate)
+ export _recreate="true"
+ ;;
+ --no-sh|-n)
+ export _no_sh="true"
+ ;;
+ --help|-h)
+ _printHelpAndExit 0
+ ;;
+ --)
+ shift
+ break
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+ done
+ else
+ echo "Incorrect options provided"
+ _printHelpAndExit 1
+ fi
+ # Create _pre_commands_array from remaining arguments
+ # shift getopt parameters away
+ shift $((OPTIND - 1))
+ # Assume program name is first argument
+ export _program="$1"
+ # create command array
+ declare -ga _cmd_array=("$@")
+ }
+ _shWrap () { [[ -z $_no_sh ]] && _cmd_array=("sh" "-c" "${_cmd_array[*]}"); }
+ _toolboxExists () { toolbox list -c | cut -d ' ' -f 3 | grep -w "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1; }
+ _toolboxCreate () { toolbox create -c "$1" "${_image[@]}" "${_release[@]}"; }
+ _toolboxRemove () { toolbox rm -f "$1"; }
+ _toolboxRun () { toolbox run -c "$1" "${_cmd_array[@]}"; }
+ __main () {
+ # Get input
+ _parseInput "$@"
+ # Wrap command with `sh -c` by default
+ [[ -z $_no_sh ]] && _shWrap
+ # Check if container exists
+ if _toolboxExists "$_cname"; then
+ if [[ -n $_recreate || -n $_ephemeral ]]; then
+ _toolboxRemove "$_cname"
+ fi
+ else
+ _toolboxCreate "$_cname"
+ fi
+ _toolboxRun "$_cname" && export _ec="$?"
+ [[ -n $_ephemeral ]] && _toolboxRemove "$_cname"
+ }
+ # Allow this function to be executed directly
+ __main "$@"
+if [[ "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" == "${0}" ]]; then
+ toolboxrun "$@"
+ exit "$_ec"