12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940414243 |
- #!/usr/bin/env bash
- ssh_server="bryanroessler.com"
- ssh_files_path="/var/www/repos.bryanroessler.com/files"
- www_files_path="https://repos.bryanroessler.com/files"
- if [[ "$#" -lt 1 ]]; then
- echo "You must provide at least one argument"
- exit 1
- fi
- hash wl-copy &>/dev/null || echo "Please install wl-copy (usually in the wl-clipboard package)"
- readarray -t files <<< "$NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_SELECTED_URIS"
- files=("${files[@]#file://}")
- files=("${files[@]//\%20/ }")
- else
- files=("$@")
- fi
- for file in "${files[@]}"; do
- [[ "$file" == "" ]] && continue
- echo here
- fname="${file##*/}"
- random64=$(tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' < /dev/urandom | fold -w 64 | head -n 1)
- echo "rsync -a ${file} ${ssh_server}:${ssh_files_path}/${random64}/"
- nohup rsync -a "${file}" "${ssh_server}:${ssh_files_path}/${random64}/" &
- links_array+=("$www_files_path/${random64}/${fname// /%20}")
- done
- if [[ "${#links_array[@]}" == 1 ]]; then
- printf '%s' "${links_array[@]}" | wl-copy
- else
- printf '%s\n' "${links_array[@]}" | wl-copy
- fi
- hash notify-send &>/dev/null &&
- notify-send -t 3000 -i face-smile "share-link" "File(s) uploaded and link copied to clipboard"
- exit 0