123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196 |
- #!/usr/bin/env R
- # GTA (GoTermAveraging)
- # Your output may not be reproducible as org.Sc.sgd.db is uploaded from Bioconductor R library and changes
- #
- # Updated 240724 Bryan C Roessler to improve file operations and portability
- # NOTE: The script now has 2 additional OPTIONAL arguments:
- # 1. Path to SGD terms file (go.terms.tab)
- # 2. Path to SGD features file (gene_association.sgd)
- library("stringr")
- library("org.Sc.sgd.db")
- library("plyr")
- # Parse arguments
- args <- commandArgs(TRUE)
- exp_name <- args[1]
- if (length(args) >= 2) {
- zscores_file <- args[2]
- } else {
- zscores_file <- "zscores/zscores_interaction.csv" # https://downloads.yeastgenome.org/curation/chromosomal_feature/gene_association.sgd
- }
- if (length(args) >= 3) {
- sgd_terms_file <- args[3]
- } else {
- sgd_terms_file <- "go_terms.tab"
- }
- if (length(args) >= 4) {
- sgd_features_file <- args[4]
- } else {
- sgd_features_file <- "gene_association.sgd" # https://downloads.yeastgenome.org/curation/chromosomal_feature/gene_association.sgd
- }
- if (length(args) >= 5) {
- output_dir <- args[5]
- } else {
- output_dir <- "../../out/gta" # https://downloads.yeastgenome.org/curation/chromosomal_feature/gene_association.sgd
- }
- # # Set SGDgeneList file path
- # if (length(args) > 4) {
- # SGDgeneList <- args[4]
- # } else {
- # SGDgeneList <- "../Code/SGD_features.tab"
- # Begin for loop for experiments in this study
- # ZScores_Interaction.csv
- for (m in 1:length(zscores_file)) {
- # zscores_file <- paste(Wstudy,"/",expName[m],'/ZScores/ZScores_Interaction.csv',sep="") #ArgsScore[1]
- X <- read.csv(file = zscores_file[m], stringsAsFactors = FALSE, header = TRUE)
- if (colnames(X)[1] == "OrfRep") {
- colnames(X)[1] <- "ORF"
- }
- #Terms is the GO term list
- Terms <- read.delim(file = sgd_terms_file, header = FALSE, quote = "",
- col.names = c("GO_ID", "GO_Term", "GO_Aspect", "GO_Term_Definition"))
- #all ORFs associated with GO term
- GO2ALLORFs <- as.list(org.Sc.sgdGO2ALLORFS)
- #Gene_Association is the gene association to GO term file
- Gene_Association <- read.delim(sgd_features_file, skip = 8, header = FALSE, quote = "",
- col.names = c("Database", "Database_Object_ID", "Database_Object_Symbol", "NOT", "GO_ID",
- "Database_Reference", "Evidence", "With_or_From", "Aspect", "Database_Object_Name",
- "Database_Object_Synonym", "Database_Object_Type", "taxon", "Date", "Assigned_By", "OtherInfo", "Empty"
- )
- )
- #Get the ORF names associated with each gene/GO term
- Gene_Association$ORF <- str_split_fixed(as.character(Gene_Association$Database_Object_Synonym), "\\|", 2)[, 1]
- #Get the numeric GO ID for matching
- Gene_Association$GO_ID_Numeric <- as.integer(str_split_fixed(as.character(Gene_Association$GO_ID), "\\:", 2)[, 2])
- #Get all unique GO terms
- GO_Terms <- unique(Gene_Association$GO_ID)
- #Create a character vector with just the ColNames of the input file to store the scores for each GO term
- Col_Names_X <- colnames(X)
- #Create a data_frame with header from input_file
- GO_Term_Averages <- X[0, ]
- #Fill table with NAs same length as number of GO terms
- GO_Term_Averages[1:length(GO_Terms), ] <- NA
- #Change the first and second col names to GO_ID and Term
- colnames(GO_Term_Averages)[1] <- "GO_ID"
- colnames(GO_Term_Averages)[2] <- "Term"
- # Create new columns
- GO_Term_Averages$Ontology <- NA
- GO_Term_Averages$NumGenes <- NA
- GO_Term_Averages$AllPossibleGenes <- NA
- GO_Term_Averages$Genes <- NA
- GO_Term_Averages$ORFs <- NA
- # Create a data.frame for the standard deviation info
- GO_Term_SD <- X[0, ]
- GO_Term_SD[1:length(GO_Terms), ] <- NA
- colnames(GO_Term_SD)[1] <- "GO_ID"
- colnames(GO_Term_SD)[2] <- "Term"
- # Loop for each GO term to get an average L and K Z score
- for (i in 1:length(GO_Terms)) {
- # Get the GO_Term
- ID <- GO_Terms[i]
- # Get data.frame for all genes associated to the GO Term
- ID_AllGenes <- Gene_Association[Gene_Association$GO_ID == ID, ]
- # Get a vector of just the gene names
- ID_AllGenes_vector <- as.vector(GO2ALLORFs[as.character(ID)][[1]])
- if (length(unique(ID_AllGenes_vector)) > 4000) {
- next()
- }
- # Get the GO term character description where numeric Terms ID matches GO_Term's ID
- GO_Description_Term <- as.character(Terms[Terms$GO_ID %in% ID_AllGenes$GO_ID_Numeric, ]$GO_Term[1])
- # Get the Z scores for all genes in the GO_ID
- Zscores_For_ID <- X[X$ORF %in% ID_AllGenes_vector, ]
- # Get the Gene names and ORFs for the term
- GO_Term_Averages$Genes[i] <- paste(unique(Zscores_For_ID$Gene), collapse = " | ")
- GO_Term_Averages$ORFs[i] <- paste(unique(Zscores_For_ID$ORF), collapse = " | ")
- # Dataframe to report the averages for a GO term
- # Get the GO ID
- GO_Term_Averages$GO_ID[i] <- as.character(ID)
- # Get the term name
- GO_Term_Averages$Term[i] <- GO_Description_Term
- # Get total number of genes annotated to the Term that we have in our library
- GO_Term_Averages$NumGenes[i] <- length(unique(Zscores_For_ID$ORF))
- # Get total number of genes annotated to the Term in SGD
- GO_Term_Averages$AllPossibleGenes[i] <- length(unique(ID_AllGenes_vector))
- # Get the ontology of the term
- GO_Term_Averages$Ontology[i] <- as.character(ID_AllGenes$Aspect[1])
- # Calculate the average score for every column
- for (j in 3:length(X[1, ])) {
- GO_Term_Averages[i, j] <- mean(Zscores_For_ID[, j], na.rm = TRUE)
- # GO_Scores <- colMeans(Zscores_For_ID[,3:length(X[1,])])
- }
- # Also calculate same values for the SD
- GO_Term_SD$GO_ID[i] <- as.character(ID)
- # Get the term name
- GO_Term_SD$Term[i] <- GO_Description_Term
- # Calculate column scores for SD
- for (j in 3:length(X[1, ])) {
- GO_Term_SD[i, j] <- sd(Zscores_For_ID[, j], na.rm = TRUE)
- # GO_Scores <- colMeans(Zscores_For_ID[,3:length(X[1,])])
- }
- }
- # Add either _Avg or _SD depending on if the calculated score is an average or SD
- colnames(GO_Term_Averages) <- paste(colnames(GO_Term_Averages), "Avg", sep = "_")
- colnames(GO_Term_SD) <- paste(colnames(GO_Term_SD), "SD", sep = "_")
- # Combine the averages with the SDs to make one big data.frame
- X2 <- cbind(GO_Term_Averages, GO_Term_SD)
- # Test[ , order(names(test))]
- X2 <- X2[, order(names(X2))]
- X2 <- X2[!is.na(X2$Z_lm_L_Avg), ]
- # Create output file
- write.csv(X2, file.path(output_dir, expName[m], "Average_GOTerms_All.csv"), row.names = FALSE)
- # Remove NAs
- X3 <- X2[!is.na(X2$Z_lm_L_Avg), ]
- # Identify redundant GO terms
- for (i in 1:length(X3[, 1])) {
- # Loop through each GO term - get term
- GO_term_ID <- as.character(X3$GO_ID_Avg[i])
- # Get term in the X3
- X3_Temp <- X3[X3$GO_ID_Avg == GO_term_ID, ]
- # Get anywhere that has the same number K_Avg value
- X3_Temp2 <- X3[X3$Z_lm_K_Avg %in% X3_Temp, ]
- if (length(X3_Temp2[, 1]) > 1) {
- if (length(unique(X3_Temp2$Genes_Avg)) == 1) {
- X3_Temp2 <- X3_Temp2[1, ]
- }
- }
- if (i == 1) {
- Y <- X3_Temp2
- }
- if (i > 1) {
- Y <- rbind(Y, X3_Temp2)
- }
- }
- Y1 <- unique(Y)
- write.csv(Y1, file.path(output_dir, exp_name, "Average_GOTerms_All_NonRedundantTerms.csv"), row.names = FALSE)
- Y2 <- Y1[Y1$Z_lm_L_Avg >= 2 | Y1$Z_lm_L_Avg <= -2, ]
- Y2 <- Y2[!is.na(Y2$Z_lm_L_Avg), ]
- write.csv(Y2, file.path(output_dir, exp_name, "Average_GOTerms_NonRedundantTerms_Above2SD_L.csv"), row.names = FALSE)
- Y3 <- Y2[Y2$NumGenes_Avg > 2, ]
- write.csv(Y3, file.path(output_dir, exp_name, "Average_GOTerms_NonRedundantTerms_Above2SD_L_Above2Genes.csv"), row.names = FALSE)
- Y4 <- Y1[Y1$Z_lm_K_Avg >= 2 | Y1$Z_lm_K_Avg <= -2, ]
- Y4 <- Y4[!is.na(Y4$Z_lm_K_Avg), ]
- write.csv(Y4, file.path(output_dir, exp_name, "Average_GOTerms_NonRedundantTerms_Above2SD_K.csv"), row.names = FALSE)
- Y5 <- Y4[Y4$NumGenes_Avg > 2, ]
- write.csv(Y5, file.path(output_dir, exp_name, "Average_GOTerms_NonRedundantTerms_Above2SD_K_Above2Genes.csv"), row.names = FALSE)
- }