Browse Source

Merge upstream and update Gemfile.lock

bryan 5 years ago
50 changed files with 1651 additions and 199 deletions
  1. 2 0
  2. 1 12
  3. 1 1
  4. 1 2
  5. 5 4
  6. 22 0
  7. 2 0
  8. 3 0
  9. 3 0
  10. 5 0
  11. 1 1
  12. 75 0
  13. 3 3
  14. 1 1
  15. 29 28
  16. 10 1
  17. 325 0
  18. 17 0
  19. 2 7
  20. 494 0
  21. 1 1
  22. 1 1
  23. 4 4
  24. 14 14
  25. 3 3
  26. 13 11
  27. 11 0
  28. 1 1
  29. 1 1
  30. 16 10
  31. 7 7
  32. 4 0
  33. 19 21
  34. 3 12
  35. 22 0
  36. 81 0
  37. 1 1
  38. 6 0
  39. 9 3
  40. 1 1
  41. 31 0
  42. 46 35
  43. 1 1
  44. 0 5
  45. 180 0
  46. 4 4
  47. 3 1
  48. 54 0
  49. 110 0
  50. 2 2

+ 2 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+name: 'Run'

+ 1 - 12

@@ -1,13 +1,2 @@
-cmd: '{FILE_ACTIVE}'
 name: 'Run'
-  Persistent F31 container:
-    cmd: ' --file {FILE_ACTIVE} --file-path {FILE_ACTIVE_PATH} --mode 1 --mask-dir RPMS --image fedora:latest --force-systemd -- -d -b'
-  Reset and run persistent F31 container:
-    cmd: ' --file {FILE_ACTIVE} --file-path {FILE_ACTIVE_PATH} --mode 2 --mask-dir RPMS --image fedora:latest --force-systemd -- -d -b'
-  Nonpersistent F31 container w/ output:
-    cmd: ' --file {FILE_ACTIVE} --file-path {FILE_ACTIVE_PATH} --mode 0 --image jekyll:latest'
-  Persistent F31 container w/ output:
-    cmd: ' --file {FILE_ACTIVE} --file-path {FILE_ACTIVE_PATH} --mode 1 --image fedora:latest --force-systemd -- -d -b'
-  Reset and run persistent F31 container w/ output:
-    cmd: ' --file {FILE_ACTIVE} --file-path {FILE_ACTIVE_PATH} --mode 2 --image fedora:latest --force-systemd -- -d -b'

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 FROM jekyll/jekyll
 COPY --chown=jekyll:jekyll Gemfile .
-COPY --chown=jekyll:jekyll Gemfile.lock .
+#COPY --chown=jekyll:jekyll Gemfile.lock .
 RUN bundle install --clean

+ 1 - 2

@@ -241,11 +241,10 @@ GEM
-  x64-mingw32
   github-pages (= 197)
-   1.17.3
+   2.0.2

+ 5 - 4

@@ -10,13 +10,14 @@
 #    jekyll:latest \
 #    bundle update
-podman build -t atomjekylltemp .
+podman build -t atomjekylltemp "$1"
 podman run \
     --rm \
     -it \
     -p 4000:4000 \
-    -v "$PWD:/srv/jekyll" \
-    -v "$PWD/vendor/bundle:/usr/local/bundle" \
-    localhost/atomjekylltemp
+    -v "${1}:/srv/jekyll" \
+    -v "${1}/vendor/bundle:/usr/local/bundle" \
+    localhost/atomjekylltemp \
+    /bin/bash
 #podman rmi localhost/atomjekylltemp

+ 22 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# build and deploy
+#podman build \
+#    --rm \
+#    -it \
+#    -v "$PWD:/srv/jekyll" \
+#    -v "$PWD/vendor/bundle:/usr/local/bundle" \
+#    -u 1000:1001 \
+#    jekyll:latest \
+#    bundle update
+podman build -t atomjekylltemp .
+podman run \
+    --rm \
+    -it \
+    -p 4000:4000 \
+    -v "$PWD:/srv/jekyll" \
+    -v "$PWD/vendor/bundle:/usr/local/bundle" \
+    localhost/atomjekylltemp
+#podman rmi localhost/atomjekylltemp

+ 2 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+name: 'Run'

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# These are supported funding model platforms
+#github: daattali

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Thank you for submitting an issue!
+Please only submit bug reports or feature suggestions. Please do not submit support requests and general help questions in this forum.

+ 5 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+Please note that if you are trying to update **your** website, this is the wrong place to do so. Please carefully follow the Beautiful Jekyll instructions (found at and make sure you submit changes to **your** version of the project.
+If your intention is to submit a Pull Request, please describe what your pull request achieves.
+Thank you!

+ 1 - 1

@@ -9,5 +9,5 @@ permalink: /404.html
   <h1>Move along. (404 error)</h1>
-  <img src="{{ site.baseurl }}/img/404-southpark.jpg" />
+  <img src="{{ 'img/404-southpark.jpg' | relative_url }}" />

+ 75 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+This file lists all non-trivial changes to Beautiful Jekyll.
+I often make small changes to documentation, to the demo site, or to the general look-and-feel. These changes will not be listed here. Any other minor changes will also not be listed here.
+**2018-12-24** Add support for Staticman comments (#440) (thanks @VincentTam)
+**2018-10-19** Move Google Analytics to the head (#419) (thanks @jpvicari)
+**2018-06-08** Add support for Facebook comments (#350) (thanks @npes87184)
+**2018-02-22** Automatically generate sitemap (#323) (thanks @JosemyDuarte)
+**2018-01-18** Add clickable tags to each post and a tags index page, works for GitHub sites (#307) (thanks @OCram85)
+**2018-01-14** Redo Dockerfile (#302) (thanks @jennydaman)
+**2018-01-06** More color personalization options (#297 and #299) (thanks @jennydaman)
+**2018-01-05** Abstract the social networks logic (thanks @OCram85)
+**2018-01-03** Avatar image no longer causes a ghost click (thanks @alefi87)
+**2017-10-16** Add GitHub buttons to posts (#265) (thanks @yonicd)
+**2017-09-04** Ability to change colour/image of navbar/footer/body
+**2017-08-17** Add support for notification, error, and warning boxes in markdown (#227) (thanks @OCram85)
+**2017-08-12** Add social buttons for twitch, yelp, and steam (#234) (thanks @TheRealBenForce)
+**2017-03-30** Make the footer contact links friendly for screen readers (thanks @eugenius1)
+**2017-03-30** Started a CHANGELOG file (thanks @eugenius1)
+**2017-01-28** Add Subresource Integrity (SRI) support (#164) (thanks @tony-ho)
+**2017-01-09** Add Google Tag Manager Integration (#157) (thanks @csarigoz)
+**2017-01-06** Add options to configure HTML document title (#154) (thanks @tony-ho)
+**2016-12-25** Allow dynamic images on each blog post (#143) (thanks @bbritten)
+**2016-12-15** Support `title-img` config param to have image in the navbar instead of text
+**2016-12-08** Add support for phone numbers in footer; fix #136
+**2016-12-06** Update gemfile (#134) (thanks @stephentuso)
+**2016-10-09** Add Docker deployment (#114) (thanks @mangar)
+**2016-08-06** Add social share buttons for posts (thanks @rtlee9)
+**2016-07-29** Add CSS styling to code chunks
+**2016-07-27** Add clickable tags that lead to a tag page (doesn't work for GitHub hosted sites) (thanks @epwalsh)
+**2016-07-21** Add support for twitter cards (sharing on Twitter will be better); fixes #70
+**2016-03-18** Support full-width images in page headers; fixes #37
+**2016-03-18** Support menus in navigation bar
+**2016-02-07** Avatar is now conditional (thanks @hristoyankov)
+**2016-02-02** Migrate (forced to...) to jekyll 3
+**2016-01-22** Make sure not to include JQuery twice, fixes #29
+**2015-11-19** Support external links in navigation bar; fixes #3
+... Many small changes because the site was in its infancy
+**2015-03-12** Beautiful Jekyll version 0.0000001 is released!

+ 3 - 3

@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 FROM jekyll/jekyll
-COPY Gemfile .
-COPY Gemfile.lock .
+COPY --chown=jekyll:jekyll Gemfile .
+#COPY --chown=jekyll:jekyll Gemfile.lock .
-RUN bundle install --quiet --clean
+RUN bundle install --clean
 CMD ["jekyll", "serve"]

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 source ''
-gem "github-pages", '193', group: :jekyll_plugins
+gem "github-pages", '197', group: :jekyll_plugins
 # enable tzinfo-data for local build
 # gem 'tzinfo-data', platforms: [:mingw, :mswin, :x64_mingw]

+ 29 - 28

@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ GEM
       minitest (~> 5.1)
       thread_safe (~> 0.3, >= 0.3.4)
       tzinfo (~> 1.1)
-    addressable (2.6.0)
-      public_suffix (>= 2.0.2, < 4.0)
+    addressable (2.7.0)
+      public_suffix (>= 2.0.2, < 5.0)
     coffee-script (2.4.1)
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ GEM
     commonmarker (0.17.13)
       ruby-enum (~> 0.5)
     concurrent-ruby (1.1.5)
-    dnsruby (1.61.2)
+    dnsruby (1.61.3)
       addressable (~> 2.5)
     em-websocket (0.5.1)
       eventmachine (>= 0.12.9)
@@ -25,14 +25,14 @@ GEM
       ffi (>= 1.3.0)
     eventmachine (1.2.7)
     execjs (2.7.0)
-    faraday (0.15.4)
+    faraday (1.0.0)
       multipart-post (>= 1.2, < 3)
-    ffi (1.11.1)
+    ffi (1.12.1)
     forwardable-extended (2.6.0)
     gemoji (3.0.1)
-    github-pages (193)
+    github-pages (197)
       activesupport (= 4.2.10)
-      github-pages-health-check (= 1.8.1)
+      github-pages-health-check (= 1.16.1)
       jekyll (= 3.7.4)
       jekyll-avatar (= 0.6.0)
       jekyll-coffeescript (= 1.1.1)
@@ -40,13 +40,13 @@ GEM
       jekyll-default-layout (= 0.1.4)
       jekyll-feed (= 0.11.0)
       jekyll-gist (= 1.5.0)
-      jekyll-github-metadata (= 2.9.4)
+      jekyll-github-metadata (= 2.12.1)
       jekyll-mentions (= 1.4.1)
       jekyll-optional-front-matter (= 0.3.0)
       jekyll-paginate (= 1.1.0)
       jekyll-readme-index (= 0.2.0)
       jekyll-redirect-from (= 0.14.0)
-      jekyll-relative-links (= 0.5.3)
+      jekyll-relative-links (= 0.6.0)
       jekyll-remote-theme (= 0.3.1)
       jekyll-sass-converter (= 1.5.2)
       jekyll-seo-tag (= 2.5.0)
@@ -66,22 +66,22 @@ GEM
       jekyll-theme-tactile (= 0.1.1)
       jekyll-theme-time-machine (= 0.1.1)
       jekyll-titles-from-headings (= 0.5.1)
-      jemoji (= 0.10.1)
+      jemoji (= 0.10.2)
       kramdown (= 1.17.0)
       liquid (= 4.0.0)
       listen (= 3.1.5)
       mercenary (~> 0.3)
       minima (= 2.5.0)
-      nokogiri (>= 1.8.2, < 2.0)
+      nokogiri (>= 1.8.5, < 2.0)
       rouge (= 2.2.1)
       terminal-table (~> 1.4)
-    github-pages-health-check (1.8.1)
+    github-pages-health-check (1.16.1)
       addressable (~> 2.3)
       dnsruby (~> 1.60)
       octokit (~> 4.0)
-      public_suffix (~> 2.0)
+      public_suffix (~> 3.0)
       typhoeus (~> 1.3)
-    html-pipeline (2.11.0)
+    html-pipeline (2.12.3)
       activesupport (>= 2)
       nokogiri (>= 1.4)
     http_parser.rb (0.6.0)
@@ -118,8 +118,8 @@ GEM
       jekyll (~> 3.3)
     jekyll-gist (1.5.0)
       octokit (~> 4.2)
-    jekyll-github-metadata (2.9.4)
-      jekyll (~> 3.1)
+    jekyll-github-metadata (2.12.1)
+      jekyll (~> 3.4)
       octokit (~> 4.0, != 4.4.0)
     jekyll-mentions (1.4.1)
       html-pipeline (~> 2.3)
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ GEM
       jekyll (~> 3.0)
     jekyll-redirect-from (0.14.0)
       jekyll (~> 3.3)
-    jekyll-relative-links (0.5.3)
+    jekyll-relative-links (0.6.0)
       jekyll (~> 3.3)
     jekyll-remote-theme (0.3.1)
       jekyll (~> 3.5)
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ GEM
       jekyll (~> 3.3)
     jekyll-watch (2.2.1)
       listen (~> 3.0)
-    jemoji (0.10.1)
+    jemoji (0.10.2)
       gemoji (~> 3.0)
       html-pipeline (~> 2.2)
       jekyll (~> 3.0)
@@ -203,23 +203,24 @@ GEM
       jekyll (~> 3.5)
       jekyll-feed (~> 0.9)
       jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.1)
-    minitest (5.11.3)
+    minitest (5.14.0)
     multipart-post (2.1.1)
-    nokogiri (1.10.3)
+    nokogiri (1.10.7)
       mini_portile2 (~> 2.4.0)
-    octokit (4.14.0)
+    octokit (4.15.0)
+      faraday (>= 0.9)
       sawyer (~> 0.8.0, >= 0.5.3)
     pathutil (0.16.2)
       forwardable-extended (~> 2.6)
-    public_suffix (2.0.5)
+    public_suffix (3.1.1)
     rb-fsevent (0.10.3)
-    rb-inotify (0.10.0)
+    rb-inotify (0.10.1)
       ffi (~> 1.0)
     rouge (2.2.1)
     ruby-enum (0.7.2)
     ruby_dep (1.5.0)
-    rubyzip (1.2.3)
+    rubyzip (2.1.0)
     safe_yaml (1.0.5)
     sass (3.7.4)
       sass-listen (~> 4.0.0)
@@ -234,16 +235,16 @@ GEM
     thread_safe (0.3.6)
     typhoeus (1.3.1)
       ethon (>= 0.9.0)
-    tzinfo (1.2.5)
+    tzinfo (1.2.6)
       thread_safe (~> 0.1)
-    unicode-display_width (1.6.0)
+    unicode-display_width (1.6.1)
-  github-pages (= 193)
+  github-pages (= 197)
-   2.0.1
+   2.0.2

+ 10 - 1

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 The MIT License (MIT)
-Copyright (c) 2016 Dean Attali
+Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Dean Attali
 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
 of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+staticman integration
+The MIT License (MIT)
+Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Michael Rose

+ 325 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+# Beautiful Jekyll
+[![Gem Version](](
+> *Copyright 2019 [Dean Attali](*
+**Beautiful Jekyll** is a ready-to-use template to help you create an awesome website quickly. Perfect for personal sites, blogs, or simple project websites.  [Check out a demo]( of what you'll get after just two minutes.  You can also look at [my personal website]( to see it in use, or see examples of websites other people created using this theme [here](#showcased-users-success-stories).
+**If you enjoy this theme, please consider [supporting me]( for developing and maintaining this template.**
+<p align="center">
+  <a href="">
+    <img src="" />
+  </a>
+### Table of contents
+- [Prerequisites](#prerequisites)
+- [Build your website in 3 steps](#build-your-website-in-3-steps)
+- [Add your own content](#add-your-own-content)
+- [Last important thing: YAML front matter ("parameters" for a page)](#last-important-thing-yaml-front-matter-parameters-for-a-page)
+- [Features](#features)
+- [Creating a User Page vs a Project Page](#creating-a-user-page-vs-a-project-page)
+- [Showcased users (success stories!)](#showcased-users-success-stories)
+- [Advanced: local development](#advanced-local-development-using-docker)
+- [FAQ and support](#faq-and-support)
+- [Credits and contributions](#credits)
+## Prerequisites
+- You need to have a GitHub account. If you don't have one, [sign up here]( - it takes one minute. This is where your website will live - if you sign up with username `johnsmith` then your website will be ``.
+- It would be helpful to understand what Markdown is and how to write it. Markdown is just a way to take a piece of text and format it to look a little nicer.  For example, this whole instruction set that you're reading is written in markdown - it's just text with some words being bold/larger/italicized/etc. I recommend taking 5 minutes to learn markdown [with this amazingly easy yet useful tutorial](
+## Build your website in 3 steps
+Getting started is *literally* as easy as 1-2-3 :smile:
+Scroll down to see the steps involved, but here is a 40-second video just as a reference as you work through the steps.
+![Installation steps](img/install-steps.gif)
+### 1. Fork this repository
+(Assuming you are on this page and logged into GitHub) Fork this repository by clicking the *Fork* button on the top right corner. Forking means that you now copied this whole project and all the files into your account.
+### 2. Rename the repository to `<yourusername>`
+This will create a GitHub User page ready with the **Beautiful Jekyll** template that will be available at `https://<yourusername>` within a couple minutes.  To do this, click on *Settings* at the top (the cog icon) and there you'll have an option to rename.
+### 3. Customize your website settings
+Edit the `_config.yml` file to change all the settings to reflect your site. To edit the file, click on it and then click on the pencil icon (watch the video tutorial above if you're confused).  The settings in the file are fairly self-explanatory and I added comments inside the file to help you further. Any line that begins with a pound sign (`#`) is a comment, and the rest of the lines are actual settings.
+Another way to edit the config file (or any other file) is to use [](, which is just a simple interface to allow you to more intuitively edit files or add new files to your project.
+After you save your changes to the config file (by clicking on *Commit changes* as the video tutorial shows), your website should be ready in a minute or two at `https://<yourusername>`. Every time you make a change to any file, your website will get rebuilt and should be updated in about a minute or so.
+You can now visit your shiny new website, which will be seeded with several sample blog posts and a couple other pages. Your website is at `https://<yourusername>` (replace `<yourusername>` with your user name). Do not add `www` to the URL - it will not work!
+**Note:** The video above goes through the setup for a user with username `daattalitest`. I only edited one setting in the `_config.yml` file in the video, but **you should actually go through the rest of the settings as well. Don't be lazy, go through all the settings :)**
+## Add your own content
+To add pages to your site, you can either write a markdown file (`.md`) or you can write an HTML file directly.  It is much easier to write markdown than HTML, so I suggest you do that (use the [tutorial I mentioned above]( if you need to learn markdown). You can look at some files on this site to get an idea of how to write markdown. To look at existing files, click on any file that ends in `.md`, for example [``](./ On the next page you can see some nicely formatted text (there is a word in bold, a link, bullet points), and if you click on the pencil icon to edit the file, you will see the markdown that generated the pretty text. Very easy!
+In contrast, look at [`index.html`](./index.html). That's how your write HTML - not as pretty. So stick with markdown if you don't know HTML.
+Any file that you add inside the [`_posts`](./_posts) directory will be treated as a blog entry.  You can look at the existing files there to get an idea of how to write blog posts.  After you successfully add your own post, you can delete the existing files inside [`_posts`](./_posts) to remove the sample posts, as those are just demo posts to help you learn.
+As mentioned previously, you can use []( to add or edit files instead of doing it directly on GitHub, it can be a little easier that way.
+## Last important thing: YAML front matter ("parameters" for a page)
+In order to have your new pages use this template and not just be plain pages, you need to add [YAML front matter]( to the top of each page. This is where you'll give each page some parameters that I made available, such as a title and subtitle. I'll go into more detail about what parameters are available later. If you don't want to use any parameters on your new page (this also means having no title), then use the empty YAML front matter:
+If you want to use any parameters, write them between the two lines. For example, you can have this at the top of a page:
+title: Contact me
+subtitle: Here you'll find all the ways to get in touch with me
+You can look at the top of [``](./ or [`index.html`](./index.html) as more examples.
+**Important takeaway: ALWAYS add the YAML front matter, which is two lines with three dashes, to EVERY page. If you have any parameters, they go between the two lines.**    
+If you don't include YAML then your file will not use the template.
+## Features
+### Mobile-first
+**Beautiful Jekyll** is designed to look great on both large-screen and small-screen (mobile) devices. Load up your site on your phone or your gigantic iMac, and the site will work well on both, though it will look slightly different.
+### Customizable
+Many personalization settings in `_config.yml`, such as setting your name and site's description, changing the background colour/image, setting your avatar to add a little image in the navigation bar, customizing the links in the menus, customizing what social media links to show in the footer, etc.
+### Allowing users to leave comments
+If you want to enable comments on your site, Beautiful Jekyll supports either the [Disqus]( comments plugin, [Facebook]( comments, [Staticman]( or [JustComments]( If any of these are set in the configuration file, then all blog posts will have comments turned on by default. To turn off comments on a particular blog post, add `comments: false` to the YAML front matter. If you want to add comments on the bottom of a non-blog page, add `comments: true` to the YAML front matter.
+#### Disqus comments
+To use Disqus, simply sign up to [Disqus]( and add your Disqus shortname to the `disqus` parameter in the `_config.yml` file.
+#### Facebook comments
+To use Facebook comments, create a Facebook app using [Facebook developers](, and add the Facebook App ID to the `fb_comment_id` parameter in `_config.yml`.
+#### Staticman comments
+To use Staticman, you first need to invite `staticmanlab` as a collaborator to your repository (by going to your repository **Settings** page, navigate to the **Collaborators** tab, and add the username `staticmanlab`), and then accept the invitation by going to `<username>/<repo-name>`. Lastly, fill in the `staticman` parameters in the Staticman section of `_config.yml`. You may also choose a different Staticman instance other than `staticmanlab`.
+Optional: You may want to configure a webhook to prevent old inactive branches (representing approved comments) from stacking up.  You can refer to [Staticman's documentation]( for details.  Make sure to input the **Payload URL** according to your chosen `endpoint`.  For example, the default `endpoint` is ``, so the corresponding **Payload URL** should be ``.
+#### JustComments
+To use JustComments you first need to have an account. After you just need to copy the API key to the `just-comments` property in `_config.yml` file.
+### Adding Google Analytics to track page views
+Beautiful Jekyll lets you easily add Google Analytics to all your pages. This will let you track all sorts of information about visits to your website, such as how many times each page is viewed and where (geographically) your users come from.  To add Google Analytics, simply sign up to [Google Analytics]( to obtain your Google Tracking ID, and add this tracking ID to the `google_analytics` parameter in `_config.yml`.
+### Sharing blog posts on social media
+By default, all blog posts will have buttons at the bottom of the post to allow people to share the current page on Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn.  You can choose to enable/disable specific social media websites in the `_config.yml` file. You can also turn off the social media buttons on specific blog posts using `social-share: false` in the YAML front matter.
+### RSS feed
+Beautiful Jekyll automatically generates a simple RSS feed of your blog posts, to allow others to subscribe to your posts.  If you want to add a link to your RSS feed in the footer of every page, find the `rss: false` line in `_config.yml` and change it to `rss: true`.
+### Page types
+- **post** - To write a blog post, add a markdown or HTML file in the `_posts` folder. As long as you give it YAML front matter (the two lines of three dashes), it will automatically be rendered like a blog post. Look at the existing blog post files to see examples of how to use YAML parameters in blog posts.
+- **page** - Any page outside the `_posts` folder that uses YAML front matter will have a very similar style to blog posts.
+- **minimal** - If you want to create a page with minimal styling (ie. without the bulky navigation bar and footer), assign `layout: minimal` to the YAML front matter.
+- If you want to completely bypass the template engine and just write your own HTML page, simply omit the YAML front matter. Only do this if you know how to write HTML!
+### YAML front matter parameters
+These are the main parameters you can place inside a page's YAML front matter that **Beautiful Jekyll** supports.
+Parameter   | Description
+----------- | -----------
+title       | Page or blog post title
+subtitle    | Short description of page or blog post that goes under the title
+tags        | List of tags to categorize the post. Separate the tags with commas and place them inside square brackets. Example: `[personal, self help, finance]`
+bigimg      | Include a large full-width image at the top of the page.  You can either give the path to a single image, or provide a list of images to cycle through (see [my personal website]( as an example).
+comments    | If you want do add comments to a specific page, use `comments: true`. Comments are automatically enabled on blog posts; to turn comments off for a specific post, use `comments: false`. Comments only work if you enable at least one provider(diqus, staticman, just-comments) in `_config.yml` file.
+show-avatar | If you have an avatar configured in the `_config.yml` but you want to turn it off on a specific page, use `show-avatar: false`. If you want to turn it off by default, locate the line `show-avatar: true` in the file `_config.yml` and change the `true` to `false`; then you can selectively turn it on in specific pages using `show-avatar: true`.
+image       | If you want to add a personalized image to your blog post that will show up next to the post's excerpt and on the post itself, use `image: /path/to/img`.
+share-img   | If you want to specify an image to use when sharing the page on Facebook or Twitter, then provide the image's full URL here.
+social-share | If you don't want to show buttons to share a blog post on social media, use `social-share: false` (this feature is turned on by default).
+use-site-title | If you want to use the site title rather than page title as HTML document title (ie. browser tab title), use `use-site-title: true`. When set, the document title will take the format `Site Title - Site Description` (eg. `My website - A virtual proof that name is awesome!`). By default, it will use `Page Title` if it exists, or `Site Title` otherwise.
+layout      | What type of page this is (default is `post` for blog posts and `page` for other pages. You can use `minimal` if you don't want a header and footer)
+js          | List of local JavaScript files to include in the page (eg. `/js/mypage.js`)
+ext-js      | List of external JavaScript files to include in the page (eg. `//`). External JavaScript files that support [Subresource Integrity (SRI)]( can be specified using the `href` and `sri` parameters eg.<br/>`href: "//"`<br/>`sri: "sha256-hVVnYaiADRTO2PzUGmuLJr8BLUSjGIZsDYGmIJLv2b8="`
+css         | List of local CSS files to include in the page
+ext-css      | List of external CSS files to include in the page. External CSS files using SRI (see `ext-js` parameter) are also supported.
+googlefonts | List of Google fonts to include in the page (eg. `["Monoton", "Lobster"]`)
+gh-repo   | If you want to show GitHub buttons at the top of a post, this sets the GitHub repo name (eg. `daattali/beautiful-jekyll`). You must also use the `gh-badge` parameter to specify what buttons to show.
+gh-badge  | Select which GitHub buttons to display, available options are: [star, watch, fork, follow]. You must also use the `gh-repo` parameter to specify the GitHub repo.
+### Advanced features (including how to use a custom URL address for your site)
+I wrote [a blog post]( describing some more advanced features that I used in my website that are applicable to any Jekyll site.  It describes how I used a custom URL for my site ( instead of, how to add a Google-powered search into your site, and provides a few more details about having an RSS feed.
+## Creating a User Page vs a Project Page
+If you're not sure what the difference is, you can probably safely ignore this section.
+If you want to use this theme to host a website that will be available at ``, then you do not need to read this section. That is called a User Page, you can only have one User Page in your GitHub account, and it is what you get by default when forking this project.
+If you want to use this theme to create a website for a particular repository, it will be available at ``, and that is called a [Project Page]( You can have a Project Page for any repository you have on GitHub.
+**When using this theme for a Project Page, by default your website will be served from the `gh-pages` branch**, so you must take the following steps: 
+1. [Delete the existing `gh-pages` branch](
+2. [Create a new branch named `gh-pages` from the `master` branch](
+Alternatively, instead of the above two steps, you can opt to use the `master` branch instead of `gh-pages` branch as your website's source by choosing that option in the main Settings page. 
+## Showcased users (success stories!)
+To my huge surprise, Beautiful Jekyll has been used in over 500 websites in its first 6 months alone! Here is a hand-picked selection of some websites that use Beautiful Jekyll.
+Want your website featured here? [Contact me]( to let me know about your website.
+### Project/company websites
+| Website | Description |
+| :------ |:----------- |
+| []( | R Epidemics Consortium |
+| []( | Vaccine Impact Modelling Consortium |
+| []( | Using R for Fisheries Analyses |
+| []( | Creating Big Data solutions Juju Solutions |
+| []( | Clipboard Actions - an Android app |
+| []( | shinyjs - an R package |
+| []( | Library for canonicalising blank node labels in RDF graphs |
+| []( | Create iOS and Android apps with React and Ionic |
+| []( | Jagged Alliance 2 Stracciatella |
+| []( | RADSeq Bioinformatics and Beyond |
+| []( | Free online guitar lessons for all |
+| []( | Information about the 2016 Italy earthquake |
+### Personal websites
+| Website | Who | What |
+| :------ |:--- | :--- |
+| []( | Dean Attali | Creator of Beautiful Jekyll |
+| []( | Juuso Parkkinen | Data scientist |
+| []( | Derek Ogle | Professor of Mathematical Sciences and Natural Resources |
+| []( | Melyanna | Shows off her nice art |
+| []( | Claudia Hauff | Professor at Delft University of Technology |
+| []( | Pascal van Kooten | Data analytics |
+| []( | Shaun Jackman | PhD candidate in bioinformatics |
+| []( | Anudit Verma | Engineering student |
+| []( | Oscar Medina | Independent Hacker |
+| []( | Marco Blessing | A personal blog about PowerShell and automation |
+| []( | Harry Khanna | Law and software |
+## Advanced: Local development using Docker
+Beautiful Jekyll is meant to be so simple to use that you can do it all within the browser. However, if you'd like to develop locally on your own machine, that's possible too if you're comfortable with command line. Follow these simple steps set that up with Docker:
+1. Make sure you have [Docker]( installed.
+2. Clone your repository locally.
+    ```bash
+    git clone<your_username>/<your_username>
+    ```
+3. Run the following shell commands to build the docker image and start the container for the first time:
+    ```bash
+    cd <repository_folder>
+    docker build -t beautiful-jekyll "$PWD"
+    docker run -d -p 4000:4000 --name beautiful-jekyll -v "$PWD":/srv/jekyll beautiful-jekyll
+    ```
+Now that Docker is set up, you do not need to run the above steps again. You can now view your website at http://localhost:4000/. You can start the container again in the future with:
+docker start beautiful-jekyll
+And you can stop the server with:
+docker stop beautiful-jekyll
+Whenever you make any changes to `_config.yml`, you must stop and re-start the server for the new config settings to take effect.
+Disclaimer: I personally am NOT using local development so I don't know much about running Jekyll locally. If you follow this route, please don't ask me questions because unfortunately I honestly won't be able to help!
+## FAQ and support
+If you need any help, I suggest heading over to the [Jekyll support forum](
+Beautiful Jekyll is actively used by thousands of people with wildly varying degrees of competency, so it's impossible to answer all the questions that may arise. Below are answers to a few very common questions. Most questions that I get asked are not directly related to this theme, and instead are more general questions about Jekyll or web development. Many such questions can be answered by reading the [Jekyll documentation]( or with Google.
+#### How do I change the number of posts per page OR the colour of the navigation bar OR the image in the navigation bar OR ...?
+Beautiful Jekyll is built to be very customizable, and as such, many questions about "how do I change ..." can be answered by looking at the `_config.yml` file. The configuration file has many adjustable parameters to customize your site.
+#### How do I add a favicon to my site?
+Easy! Just place a valid `favicon.ico` (or another valid favicon image) in the root directory of your project. And then wait! It can take a while to update.
+#### How do I move the blog to another page instead of having it on the home page?
+The default style of Beautiful Jekyll is to feature the blog feed on the front page. But for many sites that's not the ideal structure, and you may want to have a separate dedicated page for the blog posts. To have the blog hosted on a different URL (for example at `<>/blog`), copy the `index.html` file into a folder with the same name as the desired page (for example, to `blog/index.html`), and in the `_config.yml` file you need to add a parameter `paginate_path: "/<page name>/page:num/"` (for example `paginate_path: "/blog/page:num/"`).
+#### What size do you recommend using for the `bigimg` photos?
+Unfortunately, this is a no-answer! There isn't a one-size-fits-all solution to this, because every person will view your site on a different browser with different dimensions. Some browsers will have very wide aspect ratio, some will be narrower, some will be vertical (such as phones), different phones have different screens, etc. The image will always be centered, so the only tip I can give is that you should make sure the important part of the image is in the middle so that it'll always show. Other than that, every browser will show a different clipping of the image.
+#### How do I use MathJax equations in my posts?
+MathJax can be easily integrated into your website with a one-line addition. You can see [this discussion]( for more information.
+#### My project page appear to be broken after a recent update!
+In June 2019, some URL related settings have been adjusted to be more in-line with how Jekyll uses them officially. Project Page absolute links might appear to be broken if you haven't propagated all necessary changes to your local templates, or if you have created additional templates making use of old settings. If a link contains a duplicated project path component, this is most likely the cause. In summary:
+| &nbsp; | Old behavior | New behavior |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| `url` setting | `` | (unset, GitHub auto detects) |
+| `baseurl` setting | `/projectname` | (unset, GitHub auto detects) |
+| Absolute link construction | `{{ site.url }}/your/path` | `{{ '/your/path' \| absolute_url }}` |
+| Relative link construction | `{{ site.baseurl }}/your/path` | `{{ '/your/path' \| relative_url }}` |
+## Credits
+This template was not made entirely from scratch. I would like to give special thanks to:
+- [Barry Clark]( and his project [Jekyll Now](, from whom I've taken several ideas and code snippets, as well as some documenation tips.
+- [Iron Summit Media]( and their project [Bootstrap Clean Blog](, from which I've used some design ideas and some of the templating code for posts and pagination.
+I'd also like to thank [Dr. Jekyll's Themes](, [Jekyll Themes](, and another [Jekyll Themes]( for featuring Beautiful Jekyll in their Jekyll theme directories.
+## Contributions
+If you find anything wrong or would like to contribute in any way, feel free to create a pull request/open an issue/send me a message.  Any comments are welcome!
+Thank you to [all contributors]( Special thanks to  [@OCram85]( and [@abelcheung]( for contributing multiple times as well as helping with discussions.
+If you do fork or clone this project to use as a template for your site, I would appreciate if you keep the link in the footer to this project.  I've noticed that several people who forked this repo removed the attribution and I would prefer to get the recognition if you do use this :)
+## Known limitations
+- If you have a project page and you want a custom 404 page, you must have a custom domain.  See  This means that if you have a regular User Page you can use the 404 page from this theme, but if it's a website for a specific repository, the 404 page will not be used.
+- If there are many navigation bar links and avatar, some of the links may get partially hidden behind the avatar. 

+ 17 - 0

@@ -119,9 +119,23 @@ url-pretty: ""  # eg. ""
 # Fill in your Disqus shortname (NOT the userid) if you want to support Disqus comments
 # disqus: ""
+# If you want to use JustComments fill with the API Key
+#just-comments: "ABCD-EFGH-IJKL"
 # To use Facebook Comments, fill in a Facebook App ID
 # fb_comment_id: ""
+# To use Staticman comments, fill in repository, branch, and endpoint
+  repository : # GitHub username/repository eg. "daattali/beautiful-jekyll"
+  branch     : master # If you're not using `master` branch, then you also need to update the `branch` parameter in `staticman.yml`
+  endpoint   : # URL of your own deployment, with a trailing slash (will fallback to a public GitLab instance) eg. https://<your-api>/v3/entry/github/
+  reCaptcha:
+    # reCaptcha for Staticman (OPTIONAL, but recommended for spam protection)
+    # If you use reCaptcha, you must also set these parameters in staticman.yml
+    siteKey  : # Use your own site key, you need to apply for one on Google
+    secret   : # ENCRYPT your password by going to<your-site-secret>
 # --- Misc --- #
 # Facebook App ID
@@ -135,6 +149,9 @@ excerpt_length: 50
 # and RSS feed title
 title-separator: "-"
+# Ruby Date Format
+date_format: "%B %-d, %Y"
 # --- Don't need to touch anything below here (but you can if you want) --- #
 # Output options (more information on Jekyll's site)

+ 2 - 7

@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ facebook:
   name: "GitHub"
-  baseURL: ""
+  baseURL: ""
   icon: "fa-github"
@@ -26,11 +26,6 @@ reddit:
   baseURL: ""
   icon: "fa-reddit"
-  name: "Google+"
-  baseURL: ""
-  icon: "fa-google-plus"
   name: "Email me"
   baseURL: "mailto:"
@@ -78,7 +73,7 @@ telephone:
   name: "RSS"
-  baseURL: "{{ '/feed.xml' | prepend: site.baseurl }}"
+  baseURL: "{{ '/feed.xml' | relative_url }}"
   icon: "fa-rss"

+ 494 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,494 @@
+# User interface text and labels
+# English (default)
+# -----------------
+  comments_label             : "Leave a comment"
+  comments_title             : "Comments"
+  comment_form_info          : "Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked"
+  comment_form_comment_label : "Comment"
+  comment_form_md_info       : "Markdown is supported."
+  comment_form_name_label    : "Name"
+  comment_form_email_label   : "Email address"
+  comment_form_website_label : "Website (optional)"
+  comment_btn_submit         : "Submit comment"
+  comment_btn_submitted      : "Submitted"
+  comment_success_msg        : "Thanks for your comment! It will show on the site once it has been approved."
+  comment_error_msg          : "Sorry, there was an error with your submission. Please make sure all required fields have been completed and try again."
+  <<: *DEFAULT_EN
+  <<: *DEFAULT_EN
+  <<: *DEFAULT_EN
+  <<: *DEFAULT_EN
+# Spanish
+# -------
+  comments_label             : "Dejar un commentario"
+  comments_title             : "Comentar"
+  comment_form_info          : "Su dirección de correo no será publicada. Se han resaltado los campos requeridos"
+  comment_form_comment_label : "Comentario"
+  comment_form_md_info       : "Markdown está soportado."
+  comment_form_name_label    : "Nombre"
+  comment_form_email_label   : "Dirección de E-mail"
+  comment_form_website_label : "Sitio web (opcional)"
+  comment_btn_submit         : "Enviar Commentario"
+  comment_btn_submitted      : "Enviado"
+  comment_success_msg        : "Gracias por su comentario!, Este se visualizará en el sitio una vez haya sido aprobado"
+  comment_error_msg          : "Lo sentimos, ha ocurrido un error al enviar su comentario. Por favor asegurese que todos los campos han sido diligenciados e intente de nuevo"
+  <<: *DEFAULT_ES
+  <<: *DEFAULT_ES
+# French
+# ------
+  comments_label             : "Laisser un commentaire"
+  comments_title             : "Commentaires"
+  comment_form_info          : "Votre adresse email ne sera pas visible. Les champs obligatoires sont marqués"
+  comment_form_comment_label : "Commentaire"
+  comment_form_md_info       : "Markdown est supporté."
+  comment_form_name_label    : "Nom"
+  comment_form_email_label   : "Adresse mail"
+  comment_form_website_label : "Site web (optionnel)"
+  comment_btn_submit         : "Envoyer"
+  comment_btn_submitted      : "Envoyé"
+  comment_success_msg        : "Merci pour votre commentaire, il sera visible sur le site une fois approuvé."
+  comment_error_msg          : "Désolé, une erreur est survenue lors de la soumission. Vérifiez que les champs obligatoires ont été remplis et réessayez."
+  <<: *DEFAULT_FR
+  <<: *DEFAULT_FR
+  <<: *DEFAULT_FR
+# Turkish
+# -------
+  comments_label             : "Yorum yapın"
+  comments_title             : "Yorumlar"
+  comment_form_info          : "Email adresiniz gösterilmeyecektir. Zorunlu alanlar işaretlenmiştir"
+  comment_form_comment_label : "Yorumunuz"
+  comment_form_md_info       : "Markdown desteklenmektedir."
+  comment_form_name_label    : "Adınız"
+  comment_form_email_label   : "Email adresiniz"
+  comment_form_website_label : "Websiteniz (opsiyonel)"
+  comment_btn_submit         : "Yorum Yap"
+  comment_btn_submitted      : "Gönderildi"
+  comment_success_msg        : "Yorumunuz için teşekkürler! Yorumunuz onaylandıktan sonra sitede gösterilecektir."
+  comment_error_msg          : "Maalesef bir hata oluştu. Lütfen zorunlu olan tüm alanları doldurduğunuzdan emin olun ve sonrasında tekrar deneyin."
+  <<: *DEFAULT_TR
+# Portuguese
+# ----------
+  comments_label             : "Deixe um Comentário"
+  comments_title             : "Comentários"
+  comment_form_info          : "O seu endereço email não será publicado. Os campos obrigatórios estão assinalados"
+  comment_form_comment_label : "Comentário"
+  comment_form_md_info       : "Markdown é suportado."
+  comment_form_name_label    : "Nome"
+  comment_form_email_label   : "Endereço Email"
+  comment_form_website_label : "Site (opcional)"
+  comment_btn_submit         : "Sumbeter Comentário"
+  comment_btn_submitted      : "Submetido"
+  comment_success_msg        : "Obrigado pelo seu comentário! Será visível no site logo que aprovado."
+  comment_error_msg          : "Lamento, ocorreu um erro na sua submissão. Por favor verifique se todos os campos obrigatórios estão corretamente preenchidos e tente novamente."
+  <<: *DEFAULT_PT
+# Brazilian Portuguese
+  comments_label             : "Deixe um comentário"
+  comments_title             :
+  comment_form_info          : "Seu email não será publicado. Os campos obrigatórios estão marcados"
+  comment_form_comment_label : "Comentário"
+  comment_form_md_info       : "Markdown é suportado."
+  comment_form_name_label    : "Nome"
+  comment_form_email_label   : "Email"
+  comment_form_website_label : "Site (opcional)"
+  comment_btn_submit         : "Enviar Comentário"
+  comment_btn_submitted      : "Enviado"
+  comment_success_msg        : "Obrigado pelo seu comentário! Ele aparecerá no site assim que for aprovado."
+  comment_error_msg          : "Desculpe, ocorreu um erro no envio. Por favor verifique se todos os campos obrigatórios foram preenchidos e tente novamente."
+# Italian
+# -------
+  comments_label             : "Scrivi un commento"
+  comments_title             :
+  comment_form_info          : "Il tuo indirizzo email non sarà pubblicato. Sono segnati i campi obbligatori"
+  comment_form_comment_label : "Commenta"
+  comment_form_md_info       : "Il linguaggio Markdown è supportato"
+  comment_form_name_label    : "Nome"
+  comment_form_email_label   : "Indirizzo email"
+  comment_form_website_label : "Sito Web (opzionale)"
+  comment_btn_submit         : "Invia commento"
+  comment_btn_submitted      : "Inviato"
+  comment_success_msg        : "Grazie per il tuo commento! Verrà visualizzato nel sito una volta che sarà approvato."
+  comment_error_msg          : "C'è stato un errore con il tuo invio. Assicurati che tutti i campi richiesti siano stati completati e riprova."
+  <<: *DEFAULT_IT
+# Chinese  (zh-CN Chinese - China)
+# --------------------------------
+  comments_label             : "留下评论"
+  comments_title             : "评论"
+  comment_form_info          : "您的电子邮箱地址并不会被展示。请填写标记为必须的字段。"
+  comment_form_comment_label : "评论"
+  comment_form_md_info       : "Markdown语法已支持。"
+  comment_form_name_label    : "姓名"
+  comment_form_email_label   : "电子邮箱"
+  comment_form_website_label : "网站(可选)"
+  comment_btn_submit         : "提交评论"
+  comment_btn_submitted      : "已提交"
+  comment_success_msg        : "感谢您的评论!被批准后它会立即在此站点展示。"
+  comment_error_msg          : "很抱歉,您的提交存在错误。请确保所有必填字段都已填写正确,然后再试一次。"
+# Taiwan (Traditional Chinese)
+  comments_label             : "留言"
+  comments_title             : "留言內容"
+  comment_form_comment_label : "留言內容"
+  comment_form_md_info       : "支援Markdown語法。"
+  comment_form_name_label    : "名字"
+  comment_form_email_label   : "電子信箱帳號"
+  comment_form_website_label : "網頁 (可選填)"
+  comment_btn_submit         : "送出留言"
+  comment_btn_submitted      : "已送出"
+  comment_success_msg        : "感謝您的留言! 審核後將會顯示在站上。"
+  comment_error_msg          : "抱歉,部份資料輸入有問題。請確認資料填寫正確後再試一次。"
+# German / Deutsch
+# ----------------
+  comments_label             : "Hinterlasse einen Kommentar"
+  comments_title             : "Kommentare"
+  comment_form_info          : "Die E-Mail Adresse wird nicht veröffentlicht. Benötigte Felder sind markiert"
+  comment_form_comment_label : "Kommentar"
+  comment_form_md_info       : "Markdown wird unterstützt."
+  comment_form_name_label    : "Name"
+  comment_form_email_label   : "E-Mail-Adresse"
+  comment_form_website_label : "Webseite (optional)"
+  comment_btn_submit         : "Kommentar absenden"
+  comment_btn_submitted      : "Versendet"
+  comment_success_msg        : "Danke für den Kommentar! Er wird nach Prüfung auf der Seite angezeigt."
+  comment_error_msg          : "Entschuldigung, es gab einen Fehler. Bitte fülle alle benötigten Felder aus und versuche es erneut."
+  <<: *DEFAULT_DE
+  <<: *DEFAULT_DE
+  <<: *DEFAULT_DE
+  <<: *DEFAULT_DE
+  <<: *DEFAULT_DE
+  <<: *DEFAULT_DE
+# Nepali (Nepal)
+# --------------
+  comments_label             : "टिप्पणी दिनुहोस्"
+  comments_title             : "टिप्पणीहरू"
+  comment_form_info          : "तपाइँको इमेल ठेगाना प्रकाशित गरिने छैन।आवश्यक जानकारीहरुमा चिन्ह लगाइको छ"
+  comment_form_comment_label : "टिप्पणी"
+  comment_form_md_info       : "मार्कडाउन  समर्थित छ।"
+  comment_form_name_label    : "नाम"
+  comment_form_email_label   : "इमेल ठेगाना"
+  comment_form_website_label : "वेबसाइट (वैकल्पिक)"
+  comment_btn_submit         : "टिप्पणी दिनुहोस् "
+  comment_btn_submitted      : "टिप्पणी भयो"
+  comment_success_msg        : "तपाईंको टिप्पणीको लागि धन्यवाद! एक पटक यो अनुमोदन गरेपछी यो साइटमा देखाउनेछ।"
+  comment_error_msg          : "माफ गर्नुहोस्, तपाईंको टिप्पणी त्रुटि थियो।सबै आवश्यक जानकारीहरु पूरा गरिएको छ भने निश्चित गर्नुहोस् र फेरि प्रयास गर्नुहोस्।"
+  <<: *DEFAULT_NE
+# Korean
+# ------
+  comments_label             : "댓글남기기"
+  comments_title             : "댓글"
+  comment_form_info          : "이메일은 공개되지 않습니다. 작성 필요 필드:"
+  comment_form_comment_label : "댓글"
+  comment_form_md_info       : "마크다운을 지원합니다."
+  comment_form_name_label    : "이름"
+  comment_form_email_label   : "이메일"
+  comment_form_website_label : "웹사이트(선택사항)"
+  comment_btn_submit         : "댓글 등록"
+  comment_btn_submitted      : "등록됨"
+  comment_success_msg        : "감사합니다! 댓글이 머지된 후 확인하실 수 있습니다."
+  comment_error_msg          : "댓글 등록에 문제가 있습니다. 필요 필드를 작성했는지 확인하고 다시 시도하세요."
+  <<: *DEFAULT_KO
+# Russian / Русский
+# -----------------
+  comments_label             : "Оставить комментарий"
+  comments_title             : "Комментарии"
+  comment_form_info          : "Ваш адрес электронной почты не будет опубликован. Обязательные поля помечены"
+  comment_form_comment_label : "Комментарий"
+  comment_form_md_info       : "Поддерживается синтаксис Markdown."
+  comment_form_name_label    : "Имя"
+  comment_form_email_label   : "Электронная почта"
+  comment_form_website_label : "Ссылка на сайт (необязательно)"
+  comment_btn_submit         : "Оставить комментарий"
+  comment_btn_submitted      : "Отправлено"
+  comment_success_msg        : "Спасибо за Ваш комментарий! Он будет опубликован на сайте после проверки."
+  comment_error_msg          : "К сожалению, произошла ошибка с отправкой комментария. Пожалуйста, убедитесь, что все обязательные поля заполнены и попытайтесь снова."
+  <<: *DEFAULT_RU
+# Lithuanian / Lietuviškai
+# ------------------------
+  comments_label             : "Palikti komentarą"
+  comments_title             : "Komentaras"
+  comment_form_info          : "El. pašto adresas nebus viešinamas. Būtini laukai pažymėti"
+  comment_form_comment_label : "Komentaras"
+  comment_form_md_info       : "Markdown palaikomas."
+  comment_form_name_label    : "Vardas"
+  comment_form_email_label   : "El. paštas"
+  comment_form_website_label : "Tinklapis (nebūtina)"
+  comment_btn_submit         : "Komentuoti"
+  comment_btn_submitted      : "Įrašytas"
+  comment_success_msg        : "Ačiū už komentarą! Jis bus parodytas kai bus patvirtintas."
+  comment_error_msg          : "Atleiskite, įvyko netikėta klaida įrašant komentarą. Pasitikrinkite ar užpildėte visus būtinus laukus ir pamėginkite dar kartą."
+  <<: *DEFAULT_LT
+# Greek
+# -----
+  comments_label             : "Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο"
+  comments_title             : "Σχόλια"
+  comment_form_info          : "Η διεύθυνση email σας δεν θα δημοσιευθεί. Τα απαιτούμενα πεδία εμφανίζονται με αστερίσκο"
+  comment_form_comment_label : "Σχόλιο"
+  comment_form_md_info       : "Το πεδίο υποστηρίζει Markdown."
+  comment_form_name_label    : "Όνομα"
+  comment_form_email_label   : "Διεύθυνση email"
+  comment_form_website_label : "Ιστοσελίδα (προαιρετικό)"
+  comment_btn_submit         : "Υπόβαλε ένα σχόλιο"
+  comment_btn_submitted      : "Έχει υποβληθεί"
+  comment_success_msg        : "Ευχαριστούμε για το σχόλιό σας! Θα εμφανιστεί στην ιστοσελίδα αφού εγκριθεί."
+  comment_error_msg          : "Λυπούμαστε, παρουσιάστηκε σφάλμα με την υποβολή σας. Παρακαλούμε βεβαιωθείτε ότι έχετε όλα τα απαιτούμενα πεδία συμπληρωμένα και δοκιμάστε ξανά."
+  <<: *DEFAULT_GR
+# Swedish
+# -------
+  comments_label             : "Lämna en kommentar"
+  comments_title             : "Kommentarer"
+  comment_form_info          : "Din e-post adress kommer inte att publiceras. Obligatoriska fält är markerade"
+  comment_form_comment_label : "Kommentar"
+  comment_form_md_info       : "Använd Markdown för text-formateringen."
+  comment_form_name_label    : "Namn"
+  comment_form_email_label   : "E-post adress"
+  comment_form_website_label : "Webdsida (valfritt)"
+  comment_btn_submit         : "Skicka en kommentar"
+  comment_btn_submitted      : "Kommentaren har tagits emot"
+  comment_success_msg        : "Tack för din kommentar! Den kommer att visas på sidan så fort den har godkännts."
+  comment_error_msg          : "Tyvärr det har blivit något fel i en av fälten, se till att du fyller i alla rutor och försök igen."
+  <<: *DEFAULT_SV
+  <<: *DEFAULT_SV
+# Dutch
+# -----
+  comments_label             : "Laat een reactie achter"
+  comments_title             : "Commentaren"
+  comment_form_info          : "Uw e-mailadres wordt niet gepubliceerd. Verplichte velden zijn gemarkeerd"
+  comment_form_comment_label : "Commentaar"
+  comment_form_md_info       : "Markdown wordt ondersteund."
+  comment_form_name_label    : "Naam"
+  comment_form_email_label   : "E-mailadres"
+  comment_form_website_label : "Website (optioneel)"
+  comment_btn_submit         : "Commentaar toevoegen"
+  comment_btn_submitted      : "Toegevoegd"
+  comment_success_msg        : "Bedankt voor uw reactie! Het zal op de site worden weergegeven zodra het is goedgekeurd."
+  comment_error_msg          : "Sorry, er is een fout opgetreden bij uw inzending. Zorg ervoor dat alle vereiste velden zijn voltooid en probeer het opnieuw."
+  <<: *DEFAULT_NL
+  <<: *DEFAULT_NL
+# Indonesian
+# ----------
+  comments_label             : "Tinggalkan komentar"
+  comments_title             : "Komentar"
+  comment_form_info          : "Email Anda tidak akan dipublish. Kolom yang diperlukan ditandai"
+  comment_form_comment_label : "Komentar"
+  comment_form_md_info       : "Markdown disupport."
+  comment_form_name_label    : "Nama"
+  comment_form_email_label   : "Alamat email"
+  comment_form_website_label : "Website (opsional)"
+  comment_btn_submit         : "Submit Komentar"
+  comment_btn_submitted      : "Telah disubmit"
+  comment_success_msg        : "Terimakasih atas komentar Anda! Komentar ini akan tampil setelah disetujui."
+  comment_error_msg          : "Maaf, ada kesalahan pada submisi Anda. Pastikan seluruh kolom sudah dilengkapi dan coba kembali."
+  <<: *DEFAULT_ID
+# Vietnamese
+# ----------
+  comments_label             : "Để lại bình luận"
+  comments_title             : "Bình luận"
+  comment_form_info          : "Email của bạn sẽ được giữ bí mật. Các phần bắt buộc được đánh dấu"
+  comment_form_comment_label : "Bình luận"
+  comment_form_md_info       : "Hỗ trợ Markdown."
+  comment_form_name_label    : "Tên"
+  comment_form_email_label   : "Địa chỉ email"
+  comment_form_website_label : "Website (không bắt buộc)"
+  comment_btn_submit         : "Gửi bình luận"
+  comment_btn_submitted      : "Đã được gửi"
+  comment_success_msg        : "Cảm ơn bạn đã bình luận! Bình luận sẽ xuất hiện sau khi được duyệt."
+  comment_error_msg          : "Rất tiếc, có lỗi trong việc gửi bình luận. Hãy đảm bảo toàn bộ các phần bắt buộc đã được điền đầy đủ và thử lại."
+  <<: *DEFAULT_VI
+# Danish
+# ------
+  comments_label             : "Skriv en kommentar"
+  comments_title             : "Kommentarer"
+  comment_form_info          : "Din e-mail bliver ikke offentliggjort. Obligatoriske felter er markeret"
+  comment_form_comment_label : "Kommentar"
+  comment_form_md_info       : "Markdown er understøttet."
+  comment_form_name_label    : "Navn"
+  comment_form_email_label   : "E-mail"
+  comment_form_website_label : "Website (frivillig)"
+  comment_btn_submit         : "Send kommentar"
+  comment_btn_submitted      : "Sendt"
+  comment_success_msg        : "Tak for din kommentar! Den bliver vist på siden, så snart den er godkendt."
+  comment_error_msg          : "Desværre skete der en fejl. Prøv igen, mens du sørger for at alle obligatoriske felter er udfyldt."
+  <<: *DEFAULT_DA
+# Polish
+# ------
+  comments_label             : "Zostaw komentarz"
+  comments_title             : "Komentarze"
+  comment_form_info          : "Twój adres email nie będzie udostępiony. Wymagane pola są oznaczone"
+  comment_form_comment_label : "Skomentuj"
+  comment_form_md_info       : "Markdown jest wspierany"
+  comment_form_name_label    : "Imię"
+  comment_form_email_label   : "Adres email"
+  comment_form_website_label : "Strona www (opcjonalna)"
+  comment_btn_submit         : "Skomentuj"
+  comment_btn_submitted      : "Komentarz dodany"
+  comment_success_msg        : "Dziękuję za Twój komentarz! Zostanie dodany po akceptacji."
+  comment_error_msg          : "Niestety wystąpił błąd. Proszę upewnij się, że wszystkie wymagane pola zostały wypełnione i spróbuj ponownie."
+  <<: *DEFAULT_PL
+# Japanese
+# --------
+  comments_label             : "コメントする"
+  comments_title             : "コメント"
+  comment_form_info          : "メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。次の印のある項目は必ず入力してください:"
+  comment_form_comment_label : "コメント"
+  comment_form_md_info       : "Markdown を使用できます"
+  comment_form_name_label    : "名前"
+  comment_form_email_label   : "メールアドレス"
+  comment_form_website_label : "URL (任意)"
+  comment_btn_submit         : "コメントを送信する"
+  comment_btn_submitted      : "送信しました"
+  comment_success_msg        : "コメントありがとうございます! コメントは承認されるとページに表示されます。"
+  comment_error_msg          : "送信エラーです。必須項目がすべて入力されていることを確認して再送信してください。"
+  <<: *DEFAULT_JA
+# Slovak
+# -----------------
+  comments_label             : "Zanechaj odkaz"
+  comments_title             : "Komentáre"
+  comment_form_info          : "Tvoja emailová adresa nebude publikovaná. Požadované polia sú označené"
+  comment_form_comment_label : "Komentár"
+  comment_form_md_info       : "Markdown je podporovaný."
+  comment_form_name_label    : "Meno"
+  comment_form_email_label   : "Emailová adresa"
+  comment_form_website_label : "Webstránka (voliteľné)"
+  comment_btn_submit         : "Vlož komentár"
+  comment_btn_submitted      : "Vložený"
+  comment_success_msg        : "Ďakujem za tvoj komentár! Po schválení bude zobrazený na stránke."
+  comment_error_msg          : "Prepáč, pri ukladaní nastala chyba. Ubezpeč sa prosím, že si vyplnil všetky požadované polia a skús znova."
+  <<: *DEFAULT_SK
+# Hungarian
+# -----------------
+  comments_label             : "Szólj hozzá!"
+  comments_title             : "Hozzászólások"
+  comment_form_info          : "Az e-mail címed nem lesz publikus. A csillagozott mezők kitöltése kötelező"
+  comment_form_comment_label : "Hozzászólás"
+  comment_form_md_info       : "Támogatott formázási mód: Markdown"
+  comment_form_name_label    : "Név"
+  comment_form_email_label   : "Email cím"
+  comment_form_website_label : "Honlap (nem kötelező):"
+  comment_btn_submit         : "Hozzászólás elküldése"
+  comment_btn_submitted      : "Hozzászólás elküldve"
+  comment_success_msg        : "Köszönjük a Hozzászólást! A Hozzászólások csak előzetes moderáció után lesznek publikusak."
+  comment_error_msg          : "Hoppá, hiba történt a beküldés közben. Kérlek ellenőrizd hogy minden kötelező mező ki van-e töltve."
+  <<: *DEFAULT_HU
+# Romanian
+# -----------------
+  comments_label             : "Lasă un comentariu"
+  comments_title             : "Comentarii"
+  comment_form_info          : "Adresa ta de email nu va fi făcută publică. Câmpurile marcate sunt obligatorii"
+  comment_form_comment_label : "Comentariu"
+  comment_form_md_info       : "Markdown este suportat."
+  comment_form_name_label    : "Nume"
+  comment_form_email_label   : "Adresă de email"
+  comment_form_website_label : "Site (opțional)"
+  comment_btn_submit         : "Trimite comentariul"
+  comment_btn_submitted      : "Trimis"
+  comment_success_msg        : "Mulțumesc pentru comentariu! Va apărea pe site în momentul în care va fi aprobat."
+  comment_error_msg          : "Scuze, este o problemă cu comentariul tău. Asigură-te că toate câmpurile obligatorii au fost completate și încearcă din nou."
+  <<: *DEFAULT_RO
+# Punjabi
+# -----------------
+  comments_label             : "ਇੱਕ ਟਿੱਪਣੀ ਛੱਡੋ"
+  comments_title             : "ਟਿੱਪਣੀਆਂ"
+  comment_form_info          : "ਤੁਹਾਡਾ ਈਮੇਲ ਪਤਾ ਪ੍ਰਕਾਸ਼ਿਤ ਨਹੀਂ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾਵੇਗਾ। ਅਨੁਮਾਨਿਤ ਸਥਾਨਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਅੰਡਰਲਾਈਨ ਕੀਤਾ ਗਿਆ ਹੈ"
+  comment_form_comment_label : "ਟਿੱਪਣੀ"
+  comment_form_md_info       : "ਮਾਰਕਡਾਊਨ ਵਰਤ ਸਕਦੇ ਹੋ।"
+  comment_form_name_label    : "ਨਾਮ"
+  comment_form_email_label   : "ਈਮੇਲ ਪਤਾ"
+  comment_form_website_label : "ਵੈਬਸਾਈਟ (ਵਿਕਲਪਿਕ)"
+  comment_btn_submit         : "ਕੋਈ ਟਿੱਪਣੀ ਭੇਜੋ"
+  comment_btn_submitted      : "ਪੇਸ਼ ਕੀਤਾ"
+  comment_success_msg        : "ਤੁਹਾਡੀਆਂ ਟਿੱਪਣੀਆਂ ਲਈ ਧੰਨਵਾਦ! ਇਹ ਮਨਜ਼ੂਰੀ ਮਿਲਣ ਦੇ ਬਾਅਦ ਸਾਈਟ 'ਤੇ ਦਿਖਾਇਆ ਜਾਵੇਗਾ।"
+  comment_error_msg          : "ਮੁਆਫ ਕਰਨਾ, ਤੁਹਾਡੀ ਅਧੀਨਗੀ ਵਿੱਚ ਕੋਈ ਗਲਤੀ ਹੋਈ ਸੀ ਕਿਰਪਾ ਕਰਕੇ ਯਕੀਨੀ ਬਣਾਓ ਕਿ ਸਾਰੇ ਲੋੜੀਂਦੇ ਖੇਤਰ ਪੂਰੇ ਹੋ ਗਏ ਹਨ ਅਤੇ ਦੁਬਾਰਾ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ ਕਰੋ।"
+  <<: *DEFAULT_PA  
+# Another locale
+# --------------

+ 1 - 1

@@ -4,4 +4,4 @@
   <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ include.css.href }}" />
 {% else %}
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-{% endif %}
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+ 1 - 1

@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
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     }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));</script>
-    <div class="fb-comments" data-href="{{ site.url }}{{ page.url }}" data-width="100%" data-numposts="5"></div>
+    <div class="fb-comments" data-href="{{ page.url | absolute_url }}" data-width="100%" data-numposts="5"></div>
     <noscript>Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Facebook.</noscript>
 {%- endif -%}

+ 4 - 4

@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@
 	{% else %}
 	  {{ site.time | date: '%Y' }}
 	{% endif %}
     {% if site.url-pretty %}
-    <a href="{{ site.url }}">{{ site.url-pretty }}</a>
-    {% endif %}	
+    <a href="{{ '' | absolute_url }}">{{ site.url-pretty }}</a>
+    {% endif %}

+ 14 - 14

@@ -4,29 +4,29 @@
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+          document.write('<script src="{{ js | relative_url }}"></scr' + 'ipt>');
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+      <script src="{{ js | relative_url }}"></script>
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+  {% for js in page.js %}
+    <script src="{{ js | relative_url }}"></script>
+  {% endfor %}
+{% endif %}

+ 3 - 3

@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
             {%- assign element =[curkey] -%}
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-              <a href="{{ '/feed.xml' | prepend: site.baseurl }}" title="{{ }}">
+              <a href="{{ '/feed.xml' | relative_url }}" title="{{ }}">
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@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
       {% if site.url-pretty %}
-      <a href="{{ site.url }}">{{ site.url-pretty }}</a>
+      <a href="{{ '' | absolute_url }}">{{ site.url-pretty }}</a>
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@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
           <!-- Please don't remove this, keep my open source work credited :) -->
     <p class="theme-by text-muted">
       Theme by
-      <a href="">beautiful-jekyll</a>
+      <a href="">beautiful-jekyll</a>

+ 13 - 11

@@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
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+    (function (i, s, o, g, r, a, m) {
+        i['GoogleAnalyticsObject'] = r; i[r] = i[r] || function () {
+            (i[r].q = i[r].q || []).push(arguments)
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+            m = s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0]; a.async = 1; a.src = g; m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m)
+    })(window, document, 'script', '', 'ga');
+    ga('create', '{{ site.google_analytics }}', 'auto');
+    ga('send', 'pageview');
+<!-- End Google Analytics -->
+{% endif %}

+ 11 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
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+<script async src="{{ site.gtag }}"></script>
+    <script>
+          window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
+  function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
+  gtag('js', new Date());
+  gtag('config', '{{ site.gtag }}');
+{% endif %}

+ 1 - 1

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+ 1 - 1

@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@
     })(window,document,'script','dataLayer','{{ site.gtm }}');</script>
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+{% endif %}

+ 16 - 10

@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
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+  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, viewport-fit=cover">
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@@ -11,8 +11,9 @@
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@@ -24,7 +25,7 @@
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@@ -42,7 +43,7 @@
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@@ -77,17 +78,17 @@
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-  <link rel="canonical" href="{{ site.url }}{{ page.url }}" />
+  <meta property="og:url" content="{{ page.url | absolute_url }}" />
+  <link rel="canonical" href="{{ page.url | absolute_url }}" />
   {% else %}
-  <meta property="og:url" content="{{ site.url }}{{ page.url | remove: '/index.html' | remove: '.html' }}" />
-  <link rel="canonical" href="{{ site.url }}{{ page.url | remove: '/index.html' | remove: '.html' }}" />
+  <meta property="og:url" content="{{ page.url | absolute_url | strip_index }}" />
+  <link rel="canonical" href="{{ page.url | absolute_url | strip_index }}" />
   {% endif %}
   {% if page.share-img %}
   <meta property="og:image" content="{{ page.share-img }}" />
   {% elsif site.avatar %}
-  <meta property="og:image" content="{{ site.url }}{{ site.avatar }}" />
+  <meta property="og:image" content="{{ site.avatar | absolute_url }}" />
   {% endif %}
@@ -115,11 +116,16 @@
   {% if page.share-img %}
   <meta name="twitter:image" content="{{ page.share-img }}" />
   {% elsif site.avatar %}
-  <meta name="twitter:image" content="{{ site.url }}{{ site.avatar }}" />
+  <meta name="twitter:image" content="{{ site.avatar | absolute_url }}" />
   {% endif %}
   {% if site.matomo %}
   {% include matomo.html %}
   {% endif %}
+  {% if page.comments and site.staticman.repository and site.staticman.branch %}
+  <!-- Staticman -->
+  <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ "/css/staticman.css" | relative_url }}" />
+  {% endif %}

+ 7 - 7

@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@
 	  {% assign imgnum = forloop.index %}
 	  {% for imginfo in bigimg %}
 	    {% if imginfo[0] %}
-		  data-img-src-{{ imgnum }}="{{ imginfo[0] | prepend: site.baseurl | replace: '//', '/' }}"
+		  data-img-src-{{ imgnum }}="{{ imginfo[0] | relative_url }}"
 		  data-img-desc-{{ imgnum }}="{{ imginfo[1] }}"
 		{% else %}
-		  data-img-src-{{ imgnum }}="{{ imginfo | prepend: site.baseurl | replace: '//', '/' }}"
+		  data-img-src-{{ imgnum }}="{{ imginfo | relative_url }}"
 		{% endif %}
 	  {% endfor %}
     {% endfor %}
@@ -34,9 +34,9 @@
 			<h2 class="{{ include.type }}-subheading">{{ page.subtitle }}</h2>
 			{% endif %}
 		  {% endif %}
 		  {% if include.type == "post" %}
-		  <span class="post-meta">Posted on {{ | date: "%B %-d, %Y" }}</span>
+		  <span class="post-meta">Posted on {{ | date: site.date_format }}</span>
 		  {% endif %}
@@ -59,9 +59,9 @@
 			<h2 class="{{ include.type }}-subheading">{{ page.subtitle }}</h2>
 			{% endif %}
 		  {% endif %}
 		  {% if include.type == "post" %}
-		  <span class="post-meta">Posted on {{ | date: "%B %-d, %Y" }}</span>
+		  <span class="post-meta">Posted on {{ | date: site.date_format }}</span>
 		  {% endif %}
@@ -73,4 +73,4 @@
 {% else %}
 <div class="intro-header"></div>
-{% endif %}
+{% endif %}

+ 4 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+{%- if site.just-comments -%}
+<div class="just-comments" data-apikey="{{site.just-comments}}"></div>
+<script async src=""></script>
+{%- endif -%}

+ 19 - 21

@@ -7,49 +7,47 @@
         <span class="icon-bar"></span>
         <span class="icon-bar"></span>
-      {% if site.title-img %}
-        <a class="navbar-brand navbar-brand-logo" href="{{ site.url }}"><img src="{{ site.title-img }}"/></a>
-      {% else %}
-        <a class="navbar-brand" href="{{ site.url }}">{{ site.title }}</a>
-      {% endif %}
+      {%- if site.title-img -%}
+        <a class="navbar-brand navbar-brand-logo" href="{{ '' | absolute_url }}"><img src="{{ site.title-img }}"/></a>
+      {%- else -%}
+        <a class="navbar-brand" href="{{ '' | absolute_url }}">{{ site.title }}</a>
+      {%- endif -%}
     <div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="main-navbar">
       <ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right">
-      {% for link in site.navbar-links %}
-        {% if link[1].first %}
+      {%- for link in site.navbar-links -%}
+        {%- if link[1].first %}
           <li class="navlinks-container">
             <a class="navlinks-parent" href="javascript:void(0)">{{ link[0] }}</a>
             <div class="navlinks-children">
-              {% for childlink in link[1] %}
-                {% for linkparts in childlink %}
-                  {% include navbarlink.html link=linkparts %}
-                {% endfor %}
-              {% endfor %}
+              {%- for childlink in link[1] -%}
+              {%- for linkparts in childlink %}
+              <a href="{{ linkparts[1] | relative_url }}">{{ linkparts[0] }}</a>
+              {%- endfor -%}
+              {%- endfor %}
         {% else %}
-          <li>
-            {% include navbarlink.html link=link %}
-          </li>
-        {% endif %}
-        {% endfor %}
+          <li><a href="{{ link[1] | relative_url }}">{{ link[0] }}</a></li>
+        {%- endif -%}
+      {%- endfor -%}
 	{% if page.image and ( or %}
 	<div class="avatar-container">
 	  <div class="avatar-img-border">
-	    <a href="{{ site.url }}">
-	      <img class="avatar-img" src="{{ page.image | prepend: site.baseurl | replace: '//', '/' }}" />
+	    <a href="{{ '' | absolute_url }}">
+	      <img class="avatar-img" src="{{ page.image | relative_url }}" />
 	{% elsif site.avatar and ( or %}
 	<div class="avatar-container">
 	  <div class="avatar-img-border">
-	    <a href="{{ site.url }} ">
-	      <img class="avatar-img" src="{{ site.avatar | prepend: site.baseurl | replace: '//', '/' }}" />
+	    <a href="{{ '' | absolute_url }}">
+	      <img class="avatar-img" src="{{ site.avatar | relative_url }}" />

+ 3 - 12

@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
   {% if site.share-links-active.twitter %}
   <!--- Share on Twitter -->
-    <a href="{{ page.title | url_encode }}+{{ site.url }}{{ page.url }}"
+    <a href="{{ page.title | url_encode }}&url={{ page.url | absolute_url | url_encode }}"
       class="btn btn-social-icon btn-twitter" title="Share on Twitter">
       <span class="fa fa-fw fa-twitter" aria-hidden="true"></span>
       <span class="sr-only">Twitter</span>
@@ -21,25 +21,16 @@
   {% if site.share-links-active.facebook %}
   <!--- Share on Facebook -->
-    <a href="{{ site.url }}{{ page.url }}"
+    <a href="{{ page.url | absolute_url | url_encode }}"
       class="btn btn-social-icon btn-facebook" title="Share on Facebook">
       <span class="fa fa-fw fa-facebook" aria-hidden="true"></span>
       <span class="sr-only">Facebook</span>
   {% endif %}
-  {% if %}
-  <!--- Share on Google Plus -->
-    <a href="{{ site.url }}{{ page.url }}"
-      class="btn btn-social-icon btn-google" title="Share on Google+">
-      <span class="fa fa-fw fa-google-plus" aria-hidden="true"></span>
-      <span class="sr-only">Google+</span>
-    </a>
-  {% endif %}
   {% if site.share-links-active.linkedin %}
   <!--- Share on LinkedIn -->
-    <a href="{{ site.url }}{{ page.url }}"
+    <a href="{{ page.url | absolute_url | url_encode }}"
       class="btn btn-social-icon btn-linkedin" title="Share on LinkedIn">
       <span class="fa fa-fw fa-linkedin" aria-hidden="true"></span>
       <span class="sr-only">LinkedIn</span>

+ 22 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+<article id="comment{{ include.index }}" class="js-comment comment" itemprop="comment" itemscope itemtype="">
+  <div class="comment__avatar-wrapper">
+    <img class="comment__avatar" src="{{ }}?d=mm&s=80" alt="{{ }}">
+  </div>
+  <div class="comment__content-wrapper">
+    <h4 class="comment__author" itemprop="author" itemscope itemtype="">
+      {% unless include.url == blank %}
+        <span itemprop="name"><a rel="external nofollow" itemprop="url" href="{{ include.url }}">{{ }}</a></span>
+      {% else %}
+        <span itemprop="name">{{ }}</span>
+      {% endunless %}
+    </h4>
+    <p class="comment__date">
+      {% if %}
+        {% if include.index %}<a href="#comment{{ include.index }}" itemprop="url">{% endif %}
+        <time datetime="{{ | date_to_xmlschema }}" itemprop="datePublished">{{ | date: "%B %d, %Y at %I:%M %p" }}</time>
+        {% if include.index %}</a>{% endif %}
+      {% endif %}
+    </p>
+    <div itemprop="text">{{ include.message | markdownify }}</div>
+  </div>

+ 81 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+{% if site.staticman.repository and site.staticman.branch %}
+  <div class="page__comments">
+    <!-- Start static comments -->
+    <div class="js-comments">
+      {% if[page.slug] %}
+        <h3 class="page__comments-title">{{[site.locale].comments_title | default: "Comments" }}</h3>
+        {% assign comments =[page.slug] | sort %}
+        {% for comment in comments %}
+          {% assign email = comment[1].email %}
+          {% assign name = comment[1].name %}
+          {% assign url = comment[1].url %}
+          {% assign date = comment[1].date %}
+          {% assign message = comment[1].message %}
+          {% include staticman-comment.html index=forloop.index email=email name=name url=url date=date message=message %}
+        {% endfor %}
+      {% endif %}
+    </div>
+    <!-- End static comments -->
+    <!-- Start new comment form -->
+    <div class="page__comments-form">
+      <h3 class="page__comments-title">{{[site.locale].comments_label | default: "Leave a Comment" }}</h3>
+      <p class="small">{{[site.locale].comment_form_info | default: "Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked" }} <span class="required">*</span></p>
+      <form id="new_comment" class="page__comments-form js-form form" method="post">
+        <div class="form-group">
+          <label for="comment-form-message">{{[site.locale].comment_form_comment_label | default: "Comment" }} <small class="required">*</small></label><br>
+          <textarea type="text" rows="12" cols="36" id="comment-form-message" name="fields[message]" tabindex="1"></textarea>
+          <div class="small help-block"><a href="">{{[site.locale].comment_form_md_info | default: "Markdown is supported." }}</a></div>
+        </div>
+        <div class="form-group">
+          <label for="comment-form-name">{{[site.locale].comment_form_name_label | default: "Name" }} <small class="required">*</small></label>
+          <input type="text" id="comment-form-name" name="fields[name]" tabindex="2" />
+        </div>
+        <div class="form-group">
+          <label for="comment-form-email">{{[site.locale].comment_form_email_label | default: "Email address" }} <small class="required">*</small></label>
+          <input type="email" id="comment-form-email" name="fields[email]" tabindex="3" />
+        </div>
+        <div class="form-group">
+          <label for="comment-form-url">{{[site.locale].comment_form_website_label | default: "Website (optional)" }}</label>
+          <input type="url" id="comment-form-url" name="fields[url]" tabindex="4"/>
+        </div>
+        <div class="form-group hidden" style="display: none;">
+          <input type="hidden" name="options[origin]" value="{{ page.url | absolute_url }}">
+          <input type="hidden" name="options[slug]" value="{{ page.slug }}">
+          <label for="comment-form-location">Not used. Leave blank if you are a human.</label>
+          <input type="text" id="comment-form-location" name="fields[hidden]" autocomplete="off"/>
+          {% if site.staticman.reCaptcha.siteKey %}<input type="hidden" name="options[reCaptcha][siteKey]" value="{{ site.staticman.reCaptcha.siteKey }}">{% endif %}
+          {% if site.staticman.reCaptcha.secret %}<input type="hidden" name="options[reCaptcha][secret]" value="{{ site.staticman.reCaptcha.secret }}">{% endif %}
+        </div>
+        <!-- Start comment form alert messaging -->
+        <p class="hidden js-notice">
+          <strong class="js-notice-text-success hidden">{{[site.locale].comment_success_msg | default: "Thanks for your comment! It will show on the site once it has been approved." }}</strong>
+          <strong class="js-notice-text-failure hidden">{{[site.locale].comment_error_msg | default: "Sorry, there was an error with your submission. Please make sure all required fields have been completed and try again." }}</strong>
+        </p>
+        <!-- End comment form alert messaging -->
+        {% if site.staticman.reCaptcha.siteKey %}
+          <div class="form-group">
+            <div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="{{ site.staticman.reCaptcha.siteKey }}"></div>
+          </div>
+        {% endif %}
+        <div class="form-group">
+          <button type="submit" id="comment-form-submit" tabindex="5" class="btn btn--primary btn--large">{{[site.locale].comment_btn_submit | default: "Submit Comment" }}</button>
+          <button type="submit" id="comment-form-submitted" tabindex="5" class="btn btn--primary btn--large hidden" disabled>{{[site.locale].comment_btn_submitted | default: "Submitted" }}</button>
+        </div>
+      </form>
+    </div>
+    <!-- End new comment form -->
+    <!-- Load reCaptcha if site key is set -->
+    {% if site.staticman.reCaptcha.siteKey %}
+      <script async src=""></script>
+    {% endif %}
+  </div>
+  <!-- Load script to handle comment form submission -->
+  <!-- doing something a bit funky here because I want to be careful not to include JQuery twice! -->
+  <script>
+    if (typeof jQuery == 'undefined') {
+      document.write('<script src="{{ "/js/jquery-1.11.2.min.js" | relative_url }}"></scr' + 'ipt>');
+    }
+  </script>
+  <script src="{{ "/js/staticman.js" | relative_url }}"></script>
+{% endif %}

+ 1 - 1

@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ layout: base
 <div role="main" class="container">
   {{ content }}

+ 6 - 0

@@ -13,6 +13,12 @@ layout: base
 	        {% include disqus.html %}
 	        {% include fb-comment.html %}
+        <div class="staticman-comments">
+          {% include staticman-comments.html %}
+        </div>
+        <div class="justcomments-comments">
+          {% include just_comments.html %}
+        </div>
 	    {% endif %}

+ 9 - 3

@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ layout: base
           {% if %}
           {% for tag in page.tags %}
-            <a href="{{ site.baseurl }}/tags#{{- tag -}}">{{- tag -}}</a>
+            <a href="{{ '/tags' | relative_url }}#{{- tag -}}">{{- tag -}}</a>
           {% endfor %}
           {% else %}
             {{ page.tags | join: ", " }}
@@ -55,12 +55,12 @@ layout: base
       <ul class="pager blog-pager">
         {% if page.previous.url %}
         <li class="previous">
-          <a href="{{ page.previous.url | prepend: site.baseurl | replace: '//', '/' }}" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="{{page.previous.title}}">&larr; Previous Post</a>
+          <a href="{{ page.previous.url | relative_url }}" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="{{page.previous.title}}">&larr; Previous Post</a>
         {% endif %}
         {% if %}
         <li class="next">
-          <a href="{{ | prepend: site.baseurl | replace: '//', '/' }}" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="{{}}">Next Post &rarr;</a>
+          <a href="{{ | relative_url }}" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="{{}}">Next Post &rarr;</a>
         {% endif %}
@@ -70,6 +70,12 @@ layout: base
           {% include disqus.html %}
           {% include fb-comment.html %}
+        <div class="staticman-comments">
+          {% include staticman-comments.html %}
+        </div>
+        <div class="justcomments-comments">
+          {% include just_comments.html %}
+        </div>
       {% endif %}

+ 1 - 1

@@ -13,4 +13,4 @@ What else do you need?
 ### my history
-To be honest, I'm having some trouble remembering right now, so why don't you just watch [my movie]( and it will answer **all** your questions.
+To be honest, I'm having some trouble remembering right now, so why don't you just watch [my movie]( and it will answer **all** your questions.

+ 31 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# build and deploy
+#podman build \
+#    --rm \
+#    -it \
+#    -v "$PWD:/srv/jekyll" \
+#    -v "$PWD/vendor/bundle:/usr/local/bundle" \
+#    -u 1000:1001 \
+#    jekyll:latest \
+#    bundle update
+podman build -t atomjekylltemp2 "$1"
+#podman run \
+#    --rm \
+#    -it \
+#    -p 4001:4000 \
+#    -v "${1}:/srv/jekyll" \
+#    -v "${1}/vendor/bundle:/usr/local/bundle" \
+#    localhost/atomjekylltemp2 \
+#    bundle --version
+podman run \
+    --rm \
+    -it \
+    -v "${1}:/srv/jekyll" \
+    -v "${1}/vendor/bundle:/usr/local/bundle" \
+    localhost/atomjekylltemp2 \
+    bundle --version
+#podman rmi localhost/atomjekylltemp_2

+ 46 - 35

@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ body {
   position: relative;
   background-color: {{ }};
   {% if %}
-  background-image: url({{ }});
+  background-image: url({{ | relative_url }});
   background-attachment: fixed;
   {% endif %}
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ img {
   border-bottom: 1px solid #EAEAEA;
   font-family: 'Open Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
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-  background-image: url({{ site.navbar-img }});
+  background-image: url({{ site.navbar-img | relative_url }});
   background-attachment: fixed;
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@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ img {
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-.navbar-custom .avatar-container  .avatar-img-border {
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+.navbar-custom .avatar-container .avatar-img {
   width: 100%;
   border-radius: 50%;
   display: block;
 } .avatar-container  { .avatar-container {
   display: none;
@@ -197,14 +197,14 @@ img {
     margin-top: -50px;
-  .navbar-custom .avatar-container  .avatar-img-border {
+  .navbar-custom .avatar-container .avatar-img-border {
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     box-shadow: 1px 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .8);
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-  .navbar-custom .avatar-container  .avatar-img {
+  .navbar-custom .avatar-container .avatar-img {
     width: 100%;
@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ footer {
   font-size: 14px;
   background-color: {{ site.footer-col }};
   {% if site.footer-img %}
-  background-image: url({{ site.footer-img }});
+  background-image: url({{ site.footer-img | relative_url }});
   background-attachment: fixed;
   {% endif %}
@@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ footer .theme-by {
   margin-top: 51px; /* The small navbar is 50px tall + 1px border */
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-.intro-header.big-img  .big-img-transition {
+.intro-header.big-img .big-img-transition {
   position: absolute;
   width: 100%;
   height: 100%;
@@ -516,10 +516,10 @@ footer .theme-by {
     margin-top: 130px;
   .intro-header.big-img {
-    margin-top: 91px;  /* Full navbar is small navbar + 20px padding on each side when expanded */
+    margin-top: 91px; /* Full navbar is small navbar + 20px padding on each side when expanded */
   .intro-header.big-img .page-heading,
-  .intro-header.big-img .post-heading  {
+  .intro-header.big-img .post-heading {
     padding: 150px 0;
   .intro-header .page-heading h1 {
@@ -621,7 +621,7 @@ footer .theme-by {
 @media only screen and (min-width: 768px) {
-  {
+ {
     margin-top: 10px;
@@ -668,37 +668,43 @@ pre {
   font-size: 16px;
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-pre code {
-  white-space: pre;
+.highlight pre {
+  border: none;
+  background: none;
+  margin: 0;
-pre.highlight, .highlight > pre, td.code pre {
-  background-color: #FAFAFA;
-  background-image: linear-gradient(#F9F9F9 50%, #FDFDFD 50%);
-  background-repeat: repeat;
-  background-size: 3em 3em;
-  background-position: 0px 10px;
+.highlight > pre {
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+    rgba(0,0,0,0.06), rgba(0,0,0,0.06) 1.5em, rgba(0,0,0,0.03) 1.5em, rgba(0,0,0,0.03) 3em);
+  background-size: auto 3em;
+  background-position-y: 10px;
+  border: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
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-code table, code table td, code table th, code table tbody, code table tr,
-td.gutter pre {
+.highlight > pre:not([class~="highlight"]) { /* code block with line number */
   padding: 0;
-  border: none;
-  background-color: #fff;
-.highlight > pre {
+.highlight table, .highlight tr, .highlight td { /* to be removed after fixing table styles */
+  border: none;
+  background: none;
   padding: 0;
+  margin: 0;
-.highlight > pre.highlight {
-  padding: 9.5px;
-td.code pre {
-  border-width: 0 0 0 2px;
-  border-style: solid;
-  border-color: #444;
+.highlight pre.lineno {
+  color: rgba(0,0,0,0.3);
   border-radius: 0;
+  border-right: 2px solid #444;
+/* Make line numbers unselectable: excludes line numbers from copy-paste user ops */
+.lineno {
+  -webkit-user-select: none;
+     -moz-user-select: none;
+      -ms-user-select: none;
+          user-select: none;
-td.gutter {
-  padding-top: 3px;
+.lineno::selection, .lineno::-moz-selection {
+  background: none;
 /* --- Social media sharing section --- */
@@ -708,7 +714,7 @@ td.gutter {
 /* --- Notification boxes --- */, .box-warning, .box-error {, .box-warning, .box-error, .box-success {
   padding: 15px 15px 15px 10px;
   margin: 20px 20px 20px 5px;
   border: 1px solid #eee;
@@ -731,6 +737,11 @@ td.gutter {
   border-left-color: #c0392b;
 } {
+  background-color: #98FB98;
+  border-left-color: #3CB371;
 /* Fix table border github gist snippets */
 .gist, .gist-file table tr {

+ 1 - 1

@@ -424,4 +424,4 @@ table {
 th {
   padding: 0;

+ 0 - 5

@@ -59,8 +59,3 @@
 .highlight .vg { color: #008080 } /* Name.Variable.Global */
 .highlight .vi { color: #008080 } /* Name.Variable.Instance */
 .highlight .il { color: #009999 } /* Literal.Number.Integer.Long */
-/* Make line numbers unselectable: excludes line numbers from copy-paste user ops */
-.highlight .lineno {color:rgba(0,0,0,0.3);padding: 0 10px;-webkit-user-select: none;-moz-user-select: none; -o-user-select: none;}
-.lineno::-moz-selection {background-color: transparent;} /* Mozilla specific */
-.lineno::selection {background-color: transparent;} /* Other major browsers */

+ 180 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+/* ==========================================================================
+ Forms
+ ========================================================================== */
+.staticman-comments form {
+  margin: 0 0 5px 0;
+  padding: 1em;
+  background-color: #f2f3f3;
+.staticman-comments form p {
+  margin-bottom: 2.5px;
+.staticman-comments form br {
+  display: none;
+.staticman-comments label, .staticman-comments input, .staticman-comments button, .staticman-comments textarea {
+  vertical-align: baseline;
+  vertical-align: middle;
+.staticman-comments input, .staticman-comments button, .staticman-comments textarea {
+  box-sizing: border-box;
+.staticman-comments label {
+  display: block;
+  margin-bottom: 0.25em;
+  color: #494e52;
+  cursor: pointer;
+.staticman-comments label small {
+  font-size: 0.75em;
+.staticman-comments label input, .staticman-comments label textarea {
+  display: block;
+.staticman-comments input, .staticman-comments textarea {
+  display: inline-block;
+  width: 100%;
+  padding: 0.25em;
+  margin-bottom: 0.5em;
+  color: #494e52;
+  background-color: #fff;
+  border: #f2f3f3;
+  border-radius: 4px;
+  box-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.125);
+.staticman-comments .input-mini {
+  width: 60px;
+.staticman-comments .input-small {
+  width: 90px;
+.staticman-comments input[type="button"], .staticman-comments input[type="reset"], .staticman-comments input[type="submit"] {
+  width: auto;
+  height: auto;
+  cursor: pointer;
+  overflow: visible;
+.staticman-comments textarea {
+  resize: vertical;
+  height: auto;
+  overflow: auto;
+  vertical-align: top;
+.staticman-comments input[type="hidden"] {
+  display: none;
+.staticman-comments .form {
+  position: relative;
+ Focus & active state
+ ========================================================================== */
+.staticman-comments input:focus, .staticman-comments textarea:focus {
+  border-color: #7a8288;
+  outline: 0;
+  outline: thin dotted \9;
+  box-shadow: inset 0 1px 3px rgba(73, 78, 82, 0.06), 0 0 5px rgba(122, 130, 136, 0.7);
+.staticman-comments input[type="file"]:focus, .staticman-comments input[type="radio"]:focus, .staticman-comments input[type="checkbox"]:focus:focus {
+  box-shadow: none;
+ Help text
+ ========================================================================== */
+.staticman-comments .help-block {
+  color: #898c8e;
+.staticman-comments .help-block {
+  display: block;
+  margin-bottom: 1em;
+  line-height: 1em;
+ .form-group
+ ========================================================================== */
+.staticman-comments .form-group {
+  margin-bottom: 5px;
+  padding: 0;
+  border-width: 0;
+ Comments
+ ========================================================================== */
+.staticman-comments .page__comments {
+  float: left;
+  margin-left: 0;
+  margin-right: 0;
+  width: 100%;
+  clear: both;
+.staticman-comments .page__comments-title {
+  margin-top: 2rem;
+  margin-bottom: 10px;
+  padding-top: 2rem;
+  border-top: 1px solid #f2f3f3;
+.staticman-comments .page__comments-form {
+  -webkit-transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out;
+  transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out;
+.staticman-comments .page__comments-form.disabled input, .staticman-comments .page__comments-form.disabled button, .staticman-comments .page__comments-form.disabled textarea, .staticman-comments .page__comments-form.disabled label {
+  pointer-events: none;
+  cursor: not-allowed;
+  filter: alpha(opacity=65);
+  box-shadow: none;
+  opacity: 0.65;
+.staticman-comments .comment {
+  margin: 1em 0;
+.staticman-comments .comment:not(:last-child) {
+  border-bottom: 1px solid #f2f3f3;
+.staticman-comments .comment__avatar-wrapper {
+  float: left;
+  width: 60px;
+  height: 60px;
+.staticman-comments .comment__avatar {
+  width: 40px;
+  height: 40px;
+  border-radius: 50%;
+.staticman-comments .comment__content-wrapper {
+  width: calc(100% - 60px);
+.staticman-comments .comment__author {
+  margin: 0;
+.staticman-comments .comment__author a {
+  text-decoration: none;
+.staticman-comments .comment__date {
+  margin: 0;
+.staticman-comments .comment__date a {
+  text-decoration: none;
+/* ==========================================================================
+ ========================================================================== */
+.staticman-comments @media print {
+  /*
+   Hide the following elements on print
+   ========================================================================== */
+.staticman-comments [hidden] {
+    display: none;
+  }
+.staticman-comments .masthead, .staticman-comments .toc, .staticman-comments .page__share, .staticman-comments .page__related, .staticman-comments .pagination, .staticman-comments .ads, .staticman-comments .page__footer, .staticman-comments .page__comments-form, .staticman-comments .author__avatar, .staticman-comments .author__content, .staticman-comments .author__urls-wrapper, .staticman-comments .nav__list, .staticman-comments .sidebar, .staticman-comments .adsbygoogle {
+    display: none !important;
+    height: 1px !important;
+  }
+ Post pagination navigation links
+ ========================================================================== */
+.staticman-comments .page__comments + .staticman-comments .pagination {
+  margin-top: 2em;
+  padding-top: 2em;
+  border-top: 1px solid #f2f3f3;

+ 4 - 4

@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ layout: null
     <title>{{ site.title | xml_escape }}</title>
     <description>{{ site.description | xml_escape }}</description>
-    <link>{{ site.url }}</link>
-    <atom:link href="{{ site.url }}/feed.xml" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />
+    <link>{{ '' | absolute_url }}</link>
+    <atom:link href="{{ 'feed.xml' | absolute_url }}" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />
     {% for post in site.posts limit:20 %}
         <title>{{ post.title | xml_escape }}</title>
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ layout: null
           {{ post.content | strip_html | xml_escape | truncatewords: 50 }}
         <pubDate>{{ | date: "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z" }}</pubDate>
-        <link>{{ site.url }}{{ post.url }}</link>
-        <guid isPermaLink="true">{{ site.url }}{{ post.url }}</guid>
+        <link>{{ post.url | absolute_url }}</link>
+        <guid isPermaLink="true">{{ post.url | absolute_url }}</guid>
     {% endfor %}

+ 3 - 1

@@ -5,4 +5,6 @@ subtitle:
 use-site-title: false
-This is a placeholder for my landing page text.
+This is a placeholder for my landing page text. This site is currently under construction.
+Thank you for your interest!

+ 54 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+layout: null
+(function ($) {
+  var $comments = $('.js-comments');
+  $('#new_comment').submit(function () {
+    var form = this;
+    $(form).addClass('disabled');
+    {% assign sm = site.staticman -%}
+    var endpoint = '{{ sm.endpoint | default: "" }}';
+    var repository = '{{ sm.repository }}';
+    var branch = '{{ sm.branch }}';
+    $.ajax({
+      type: $(this).attr('method'),
+      url: endpoint + repository + '/' + branch + '/comments',
+      data: $(this).serialize(),
+      contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+      success: function (data) {
+        $('#comment-form-submit').addClass('hidden');
+        $('#comment-form-submitted').removeClass('hidden');
+        $('.page__comments-form .js-notice').removeClass('notice--danger');
+        $('.page__comments-form .js-notice').addClass('notice--success');
+        showAlert('success');
+      },
+      error: function (err) {
+        console.log(err);
+        $('#comment-form-submitted').addClass('hidden');
+        $('#comment-form-submit').removeClass('hidden');
+        $('.page__comments-form .js-notice').removeClass('notice--success');
+        $('.page__comments-form .js-notice').addClass('notice--danger');
+        showAlert('failure');
+        $(form).removeClass('disabled');
+      }
+    });
+    return false;
+  });
+  function showAlert(message) {
+    $('.page__comments-form .js-notice').removeClass('hidden');
+    if (message == 'success') {
+      $('.page__comments-form .js-notice-text-success').removeClass('hidden');
+      $('.page__comments-form .js-notice-text-failure').addClass('hidden');
+    } else {
+      $('.page__comments-form .js-notice-text-success').addClass('hidden');
+      $('.page__comments-form .js-notice-text-failure').removeClass('hidden');
+    }
+  }

+ 110 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+# Name of the property. You can have multiple properties with completely
+# different config blocks for different sections of your site.
+# For example, you can have one property to handle comment submission and
+# another one to handle posts.
+# To encrypt strings use the following endpoint:
+# {STATICMAN API INSTANCE} should match the `endpoint` in the theme config
+# file. It defaults to "".
+  # (*) REQUIRED
+  #
+  # Names of the fields the form is allowed to submit. If a field that is
+  # not here is part of the request, an error will be thrown.
+  allowedFields: ["name", "email", "url", "message"]
+  #
+  # When allowedOrigins is defined, only requests sent from one of the domains
+  # listed will be accepted. The origin is sent as part as the `options` object
+  # (e.g. <input name="options[origin]" value="")
+  # allowedOrigins: [""]
+  # (*) REQUIRED
+  #
+  # Name of the branch being used. Must match the `branch` in the theme config
+  # file.
+  branch: "master"   #  use "master" for user page or "gh-pages" for project pages
+  commitMessage: "New comment by {}"
+  # (*) REQUIRED
+  #
+  # Destination path (filename) for the data files. Accepts placeholders.
+  filename: "comment-{@timestamp}"
+  # The format of the generated data files. Accepted values are "json", "yaml"
+  # or "frontmatter"
+  format: "yaml"
+  # List of fields to be populated automatically by Staticman and included in
+  # the data file. Keys are the name of the field. The value can be an object
+  # with a `type` property, which configures the generated field, or any value
+  # to be used directly (e.g. a string, number or array)
+  generatedFields:
+    date:
+      type: "date"
+      options:
+        format: "iso8601" # "iso8601" (default), "timestamp-seconds", "timestamp-milliseconds"
+  # Whether entries need to be approved before they are published to the main
+  # branch. If set to `true`, a pull request will be created for your approval.
+  # Otherwise, entries will be published to the main branch automatically.
+  moderation: false
+  # Akismet spam detection.
+  # akismet:
+  #   enabled: true
+  #   author: "name"
+  #   authorEmail: "email"
+  #   authorUrl: "url"
+  #   content: "message"
+  #   type: "comment"
+  # Name of the site. Used in notification emails.
+  # name: "Your Site"
+  # Notification settings. When enabled, users can choose to receive notifications
+  # via email when someone adds a reply or a new comment. This requires an account
+  # with Mailgun, which you can get for free at
+  # notifications:
+    # Enable notifications
+    # enabled: true
+    # (!) ENCRYPTED
+    #
+    # Mailgun API key
+    # apiKey: ""
+    # (!) ENCRYPTED
+    #
+    # Mailgun domain (encrypted)
+    # domain: ""
+  # (*) REQUIRED
+  #
+  # Destination path (directory) for the data files. Accepts placeholders.
+  path: "_data/comments/{options.slug}" # (default)
+  # Names of required files. If any of these isn't in the request or is empty,
+  # an error will be thrown.
+  requiredFields: ["name", "email", "message"]
+  # List of transformations to apply to any of the fields supplied. Keys are
+  # the name of the field and values are possible transformation types.
+  transforms:
+    email: md5
+  # To enable reCAPTCHA:
+  # 1. Set `enabled` to `true`
+  # 2. Register your domain at and choose reCAPTCHA V2
+  # 3. Uncomment `siteKey` and `secret` and fill them in with your values
+  reCaptcha:
+    enabled: false
+    #siteKey: ""
+    # ENCRYPT reCaptcha secret key using Staticman /encrypt endpoint
+    # i.e. https://{STATICMAN API INSTANCE}/v3/encrypt/{your-site-secret}
+    # For more information, visit
+    #secret: ""

+ 2 - 2

@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ title: 'Tag Index'
     <div class="post-list">
         {%- for post in site.tags[tag] -%}
             <div class="tag-entry">
-                <a href="{{- site.url -}}{{- post.url -}}">{{- post.title -}}</a>
+                <a href="{{ post.url | relative_url }}">{{- post.title -}}</a>
                 <div class="entry-date">
-                    <time datetime="{{- | date_to_xmlschema -}}">{{- | date: "%B %d, %Y" -}}</time>
+                    <time datetime="{{- | date_to_xmlschema -}}">{{- | date: site.date_format -}}</time>
         {%- endfor -%}