bryan 913e60acc9 Merge upstream 2 тижнів тому
_assets ab3c806081 Initial commit and post-hook testing 6 роки тому
_data 913e60acc9 Merge upstream 2 тижнів тому
_includes fd4e05cc7d Merge upstream 2 роки тому
_layouts 913e60acc9 Merge upstream 2 тижнів тому
_sass ab3c806081 Initial commit and post-hook testing 6 роки тому
css c34d6f88d9 Remove font awesome for now 6 роки тому
images ab3c806081 Initial commit and post-hook testing 6 роки тому
.dockerignore a9334bf178 Add new files from upstream 2 роки тому
.gitignore 334a619990 Update gemlocks 6 роки тому
.travis.yml ab3c806081 Initial commit and post-hook testing 6 роки тому
CNAME ab3c806081 Initial commit and post-hook testing 6 роки тому
Dockerfile a9334bf178 Add new files from upstream 2 роки тому
Gemfile 913e60acc9 Merge upstream 2 тижнів тому
Gemfile.lock 913e60acc9 Merge upstream 2 тижнів тому
LICENSE ab3c806081 Initial commit and post-hook testing 6 роки тому 913e60acc9 Merge upstream 2 тижнів тому
_config.yml 913e60acc9 Merge upstream 2 тижнів тому
favicon.png ab3c806081 Initial commit and post-hook testing 6 роки тому
index.html ab3c806081 Initial commit and post-hook testing 6 роки тому

Resume template

A simple Jekyll + GitHub Pages powered resume template.



Running locally

To test locally, run the following in your terminal:

  1. Clone repo locally
  2. bundle install
  3. bundle exec jekyll serve
  4. Open your browser to localhost:4000

Running locally with Docker

To test locally with docker, run the following in your terminal after installing docker into your system:

  1. docker image build -t resume-template .
  2. docker run --rm --name resume-template -v "$PWD":/home/app --network host resume-template


First you'll want to fork the repo to your own account. Then clone it locally and customize, or use the GitHub web editor to customize.


Most of the basic customization will take place in the /_config.yml file. Here is a list of customizations available via /_config.yml:

[...write these out...]

Editing content

Most of the content configuration will take place in the /_layouts/resume.html file. Simply edit the markup there accordingly

Publishing to GitHub Pages for free

GitHub Pages will host this for free with your GitHub account. Just make sure you're using a gh-pages branch, and the site will automatically be available at (you can rename the repo to resume for your own use if you want it to be available at You can also add a CNAME if you want it to be available at a custom domain...

Configuring with your own domain name

To setup your GH Pages site with a custom domain, follow the instructions on the GitHub Help site for that topic.


Right now resume-template only has one theme. More are coming :soon: though. :heart:


A feature roadmap is available here. If you features suggestions, please open a new issue.


If you spot a bug, or want to improve the code, or even make the dummy content better, you can do the following:

  1. Open an issue describing the bug or feature idea
  2. Fork the project, make changes, and submit a pull request


The code and styles are licensed under the MIT license. See project license. Obviously you should not use the content of this demo repo in your own resume. :wink:

Disclaimer: Use of Lisa M. Simpson image and name used under Fair Use for educational purposes. Project license does not apply to use of this material.