_config.yml 720 B

  1. title: My Resume
  2. url: 'http://webjeda.com'
  3. baseurl: '/online-cv' #change it according to your repository name
  4. # Enable one of these styles by removing #. Style will be applied only after restarting the build or serve.
  5. #style: styles-2
  6. #style: styles-3
  7. #style: styles-4
  8. #style: styles-5
  9. #style: styles-6
  10. #Profile information
  11. name: Alan Doe
  12. tagline: Full Stack Developer
  13. pic: profile.png #place a 100x100 picture inside /assets/images/ folder and provide the name of the file below
  14. #sidebar links
  15. email: hello@webjeda.com
  16. phone: 012 345 6789
  17. website: blog.webjeda.com #do not add http://
  18. linkedin: alandoe
  19. github: sharu725
  20. twitter: '@webjeda'
  21. #Update all the sections by editing the files inside _includes folder.