_config.yml 6.8 KB

  1. # --- Basic options --- #
  2. # url is the full website URL
  3. # baseurl is the website's URL without the hostname
  4. # If you are building a simple GitHub user page (http://username.github.io) then use these settings:
  5. url: "https://blog.bryanroessler.com"
  6. baseurl: ""
  7. # Your name to show in the footer
  8. author: Bryan Roessler
  9. # --- List of links in the navigation bar --- #
  10. navbar-links:
  11. Home: "https://bryanroessler.com"
  12. Blog: "https://blog.bryanroessler.com"
  13. CV: "https://cv.bryanroessler.com"
  14. Git: "https://git.bryanroessler.com"
  15. Services:
  16. - Syncthing: "https://syncthing.bryanroessler.com"
  17. - Panel: "https://panel.bryanroessler.com"
  18. # --- Logo --- #
  19. # If you want to have an image logo in the top-left corner instead of the title text,
  20. # then specify the following parameter
  21. #title-img: "./img/me_square_sepia_small.jpg"
  22. # --- Background colour/image options --- #
  23. avatar: "/assets/img/me_square_sepia_small.jpg"
  24. # By default, the image is cut into a circle. You can disable this behaviour by setting 'round-avatar: false'
  25. round-avatar: true
  26. # If you want to have an image logo in the top-left corner instead of the title text,
  27. # then specify the following parameter
  28. #title-img: /path/to/image
  29. # --- Footer options --- #
  30. # Select the social network links that you want to show in the footer.
  31. # Uncomment the links you want to show and add your information to each one.
  32. # If you don't want to show a link to an RSS feed, set rss to "false".
  33. # If you want to add a new link that isn't here, you'll need to also edit the file _data/SocialNetworks.yml
  34. social-network-links:
  35. email: "bryanroessler@gmail.com"
  36. # facebook: daattali
  37. github: "https://git.bryanroessler.com"
  38. # twitter: daattali
  39. rss: true
  40. # reddit: yourname
  41. # google-plus: +DeanAttali
  42. linkedin: bryan-roessler-phd-47535a60
  43. # xing: yourname
  44. # stackoverflow: "3943160/daattali"
  45. # snapchat: deanat78
  46. # instagram: deanat78
  47. # youtube: user/deanat78
  48. # spotify: yourname
  49. # telephone: +14159998888
  50. # steam: deanat78
  51. # twitch: yourname
  52. # yelp: yourname
  53. # telegram: yourname
  54. # calendly: yourname
  55. # mastodon: instance.url/@username
  56. # ORCID: your ORCID ID
  57. # google-scholar: your google scholar
  58. # --- General options --- #
  59. # Select which social network share links to show in posts
  60. share-links-active:
  61. twitter: false
  62. facebook: false
  63. linkedin: false
  64. vk: false
  65. # How to display the link to your website in the footer
  66. # Remove this if you don't want a link in the footer
  67. url-pretty: "bryanroessler.com" # eg. "deanattali.com/beautiful-jekyll"
  68. # Create a "tags" index page and make tags on each post clickable
  69. link-tags: true
  70. # Excerpt Word Length - Truncates the excerpt to the specified number of words on the index page
  71. excerpt_length: 50
  72. # --- Colours / background image --- #
  73. # Personalize the colors in your website. Colour values can be any valid CSS colour
  74. navbar-col: "#F5F5F5"
  75. navbar-text-col: "#404040"
  76. navbar-border-col: "#EAEAEA"
  77. page-col: "#FFFFFF"
  78. link-col: "#008AFF"
  79. hover-col: "#0085A1"
  80. footer-col: "#F5F5F5"
  81. footer-text-col: "#777777"
  82. footer-link-col: "#404040"
  83. # Alternatively, the navbar, footer, and page background can be set to use background images
  84. # instead of colour
  85. #navbar-img: "/assets/img/bgimage.png"
  86. #footer-img: "/assets/img/bgimage.png"
  87. #page-img: "/assets/img/bgimage.png"
  88. # --- Web Statistics Section --- #
  89. # Fill in your Google Analytics ID to track your website using GA
  90. google_analytics: "UA-158358388-1"
  91. # Google Tag Manager ID
  92. #gtm: ""
  93. # Matomo (aka Piwik) Web statistics
  94. # Uncomment the following section to enable Matomo. The opt-out parameter controls
  95. # whether or not you want to allow users to opt out of tracking.
  96. #matomo:
  97. # site_id: "9"
  98. # uri: "demo.wiki.pro"
  99. # opt-out: true
  100. # --- Comments --- #
  101. # To use Disqus comments, sign up to https://disqus.com and fill in your Disqus shortname (NOT the userid)
  102. #disqus: ""
  103. # To use Facebook Comments, create a Facebook app and fill in the Facebook App ID
  104. #fb_comment_id: ""
  105. # To use Utterances comments: (0) uncomment the following section, (1) fill in
  106. # "repository" (make sure the repository is public), (2) Enable Issues in your repository,
  107. # (3) Install the Utterances app in your repository https://github.com/apps/utterances
  108. # See more details about the parameters below at https://utteranc.es/
  109. #utterances:
  110. # repository: # GitHub username/repository eg. "daattali/beautiful-jekyll"
  111. # issue-term: title # Mapping between blog posts and GitHub issues
  112. # theme: github-light # Utterances theme
  113. # label: blog-comments # Label that will be assigned to GitHub Issues created by Utterances
  114. # To use Staticman comments, first invite `staticmanlab` as a collaborator to your repository and
  115. # accept the invitation by going to `https://staticman3.herokuapp.com/v3/connect/github/<username>/<repo-name>`.
  116. # Then uncomment the following section and fill in "repository" and "branch".
  117. # If you want to use reCaptcha for staticman (optional for spam protection), then fill
  118. # in the "siteKey" and "secret" parameters below and also in `staticman.yml`.
  119. # See more details at https://staticman.net/
  120. #staticman:
  121. # repository : # GitHub username/repository eg. "daattali/beautiful-jekyll"
  122. # branch : master # If you're not using `master` branch, then you also need to update the `branch` parameter in `staticman.yml`
  123. # endpoint : # (optional) URL of your own deployment, with a trailing slash eg. https://<your-api>/v3/entry/github/ (will fallback to a public GitLab instance)
  124. # reCaptcha:
  125. # siteKey : # Use your own site key, you need to apply for one on Google
  126. # secret : # ENCRYPT your password by going to https://staticman3.herokuapp.com/v3/encrypt/<your-site-secret>
  127. # --- Misc --- #
  128. # Character used to separate site title and description in HTML document title
  129. # and RSS feed title
  130. title-separator: "-"
  131. # Ruby Date Format to show dates of posts
  132. date_format: "%B %-d, %Y"
  133. # Facebook App ID
  134. #fb_app_id: ""
  135. # --- You don't need to touch anything below here (but you can if you want) --- #
  136. # Output options (more information on Jekyll's site)
  137. timezone: "America/New_York"
  138. markdown: kramdown
  139. highlighter: rouge
  140. permalink: /:year-:month-:day-:title/
  141. paginate: 5
  142. plugins: [jekyll-paginate]
  143. kramdown:
  144. input: GFM
  145. # Default YAML values (more information on Jekyll's site)
  146. defaults:
  147. -
  148. scope:
  149. path: ""
  150. type: "posts"
  151. values:
  152. layout: "post"
  153. comments: false # add comments to all blog posts
  154. social-share: true # add social media sharing buttons to all blog posts
  155. readtime: true # add estimated reading time on all blog posts
  156. -
  157. scope:
  158. path: "" # all files
  159. values:
  160. layout: "page"
  161. show-avatar: true
  162. # Exclude these files from production site
  163. exclude:
  164. - CHANGELOG.md
  165. - CNAME
  166. - Gemfile
  167. - Gemfile.lock
  168. - LICENSE
  169. - README.md
  170. - screenshot.png
  171. - docs/
  172. - vendor/
  173. # Beautiful Jekyll / Dean Attali
  174. # 2fc73a3a967e97599c9763d05e564189