resume.html 9.1 KB

  1. <!DOCTYPE html>
  2. <html>
  3. {% include head.html %}
  4. <body class="theme-{% if site.resume_theme %}{{ site.resume_theme }}{% endif %}">
  5. <div class="wrapper" itemscope itemtype="">
  6. <meta itemprop="telephone" content="{{ site.resume_contact_telephone }}"/>
  7. <meta itemprop="address" content="{{ site.resume_contact_address }}"/>
  8. <header class="page-header">
  9. <!-- You can turn off the avatar in _config.yml by setting to false -->
  10. {% if site.resume_avatar == 'true' %}
  11. <img src="images/me_square_sepia_small.jpg" alt="my photo" class="avatar no-print" itemprop="image">
  12. {% endif %}
  13. <!-- Your name is defined in the _config.yml file -->
  14. <h1 class="header-name" itemprop="name">{{ site.resume_name }}</h1>
  15. <!-- To display contact info here, change `display_header_contact_info` value in _config.yml to true -->
  16. {% if site.display_header_contact_info == 'true' %}
  17. <div class="header-contact-info">
  18. <p>{{ site.resume_header_contact_info }}</p>
  19. </div>
  20. {% endif %}
  21. <div class="title-bar no-print">
  22. <!-- Your title is also defined in the _config.yml file -->
  23. <h2 class="header-title" itemprop="jobTitle">{{ site.resume_title }}</h2>
  24. <!-- This is the markup for the icon links; moved out to an include because it's very verbose, and you shouldn't ever need to edit the markup (unless you want to re-order the icons); if you want to customize which links appear, define them in the _config.yml file -->
  25. {% include icon-links.html %}
  26. </div>
  27. <div class="executive-summary" itemprop="description">
  28. {{ site.resume_header_intro }}
  29. </div>
  30. {% if site.resume_looking_for_work == 'yes' %}
  31. <a href="mailto:{{ site.resume_contact_email }}" class="contact-button no-print" itemprop="email">Contact me</a>
  32. {% elsif site.resume_looking_for_work == 'no' %}
  33. <a class="contact-button not-looking no-print">I'm not looking for work right now.</a>
  34. {% else %}
  35. {% endif %}
  36. </header>
  37. {% if site.resume_section_education %}
  38. <!-- begin Education -->
  39. <section class="content-section">
  40. <header class="section-header">
  41. <h2>Education</h2>
  42. </header>
  43. {% for education in %}
  44. <div class="resume-item" itemscope itemprop="alumniOf" itemtype="">
  45. <h3 class="resume-item-title" itemprop="name">{{ }}</h3>
  46. <h4 class="resume-item-details group" itemprop="description">{{ education.uni }} &bull; {{ education.year }}</h4>
  47. <p class="resume-item-details award-title" style="font-size: 1rem" itemprop="description">{{ education.award }}</p>
  48. <p class="resume-item-copy" itemprop="description">
  49. <ul class="resume-item-list">
  50. {% for award in education.awards %}
  51. <li>{{ award.award }}</li>
  52. {% endfor %}
  53. </ul></h5>
  54. <p class="resume-item-copy" style="line-height: 1">{{ education.summary }}</p>
  55. </div>
  56. {% endfor %}
  57. </section>
  58. <!-- end Education -->
  59. {% endif %}
  60. {% if site.resume_section_experience %}
  61. <!-- begin Experience -->
  62. <section class="content-section">
  63. <header class="section-header">
  64. <h2>Experience</h2>
  65. </header>
  66. {% for job in %}
  67. <div class="resume-item" itemscope itemprop="worksFor" itemtype="">
  68. <h3 class="resume-item-title" itemprop="name">{{ }}</h3>
  69. <h4 class="resume-item-details" itemprop="description">{{ job.position }} &bull; {{ job.duration }}</h4>
  70. <p class="resume-item-copy">{{ job.summary }}</p>
  71. </div><!-- end of resume-item -->
  72. {% endfor %}
  73. </section>
  74. <!-- end Experience -->
  75. {% endif %}
  76. {% if site.resume_section_publications %}
  77. <!-- begin Publications -->
  78. <section class="content-section">
  79. <header class="section-header">
  80. <h2>Publications</h2>
  81. </header>
  82. {% for publication in %}
  83. <div class="resume-item" itemscope itemtype="">
  84. <h3 class="resume-item-publication-title" itemprop="title">{% if publication.url %}<a href="{{ publication.url }}" itemprop="url">{{ publication.title }}</a>{% else %}{{ publication.title }}{% endif %}</h3>
  85. <h4 class="resume-item-subdetails" itemprop="description">{{ publication.authors }}</h4>
  86. <h4 class="resume-item-subdetails" itemprop="description"><i>{{ publication.journal }}</i> {{ publication.pages }} &bull; {{ }}</h4>
  87. <p>
  88. <details>
  89. <summary style="display: list-item">Click for abstract</summary>
  90. <p> {{ publication.abstract }} </p>
  91. </details>
  92. </p>
  93. </div>
  94. {% endfor %}
  95. </section>
  96. <!-- end Publicationss -->
  97. {% endif %}
  98. {% if site.resume_section_presentations %}
  99. <!-- begin Presentations -->
  100. <section class="content-section">
  101. <header class="section-header">
  102. <h2>Presentations</h2>
  103. </header>
  104. {% for presentation in %}
  105. <div class="resume-item">
  106. <h4 class="resume-item-details">{{ presentation.title }}</h4>
  107. <p class="resume-item-copy">{{ presentation.conference }}</p>
  108. <p class="resume-item-copy" style="margin: 0 0 0">{{ presentation.location }} &bull; {{ }}</p>
  109. </div>
  110. {% endfor %}
  111. </section>
  112. <!-- end Skills -->
  113. {% endif %}
  114. {% if site.resume_section_abstracts_posters %}
  115. <!-- begin Presentations -->
  116. <section class="content-section">
  117. <header class="section-header">
  118. <h2>Published Abstracts & Posters</h2>
  119. </header>
  120. {% for abstract_poster in %}
  121. <div class="resume-item">
  122. <h4 class="resume-item-details">{{ abstract_poster.title }}</h4>
  123. <p class="resume-item-copy">{{ abstract_poster.conference }}</p>
  124. <p class="resume-item-copy" style="margin: 0 0 0">{{ abstract_poster.location }} &bull; {{ }}</p>
  125. </div>
  126. {% endfor %}
  127. </section>
  128. <!-- end Presentations -->
  129. {% endif %}
  130. {% if site.resume_section_grants %}
  131. <!-- begin Grants -->
  132. <section class="content-section">
  133. <header class="section-header">
  134. <h2>Grants, Honors, and Committees</h2>
  135. </header>
  136. {% for institution in %}
  137. <div class="resume-item">
  138. <h4 class="resume-item-details" itemprop="name">{{ institution.institution }}</h4>
  139. <ul class="resume-item-list">
  140. {% for name in institution.names %}
  141. <li>{{ }}</li>
  142. {% endfor %}
  143. </ul>
  144. </div>
  145. {% endfor %}
  146. </section>
  147. <!-- end Grants -->
  148. {% endif %}
  149. {% if site.resume_section_skills %}
  150. <!-- begin Skills -->
  151. <section class="content-section">
  152. <header class="section-header">
  153. <h2>Skills</h2>
  154. </header>
  155. {% for skill in %}
  156. <h4 class="resume-item-details">{{ }}</h4>
  157. <div class="skills">
  158. <div class="level-bar">
  159. <div class="level-bar-inner" style=width:{{ skill.level }}>
  160. </div>
  161. </div><!--//level-bar-->
  162. </div><!--//skills-->
  163. {% endfor %}
  164. </section><!--//skills-section-->
  165. {% endif %}
  166. {% if site.resume_section_interests %}
  167. <!-- begin Interests -->
  168. <section class="content-section">
  169. <header class="section-header">
  170. <h2>Outside Interests</h2>
  171. </header>
  172. <div class="resume-item">
  173. <ul class="resume-item-list">
  174. {% for interest in %}
  175. <li>{{ interest.description }}</li>
  176. {% endfor %}
  177. </ul>
  178. </div>
  179. </section>
  180. <!-- end Interests -->
  181. {% endif %}
  182. {% if site.resume_section_links %}
  183. <!-- begin Links -->
  184. <section class="content-section">
  185. <header class="section-header">
  186. <h2>Additional Links</h2>
  187. </header>
  188. <div class="resume-item">
  189. <ul class="resume-item-list">
  190. {% for link in %}
  191. <li><a href={{ link.url }} itemprop="url">{{ link.description }}</a></li>
  192. {% endfor %}
  193. </ul>
  194. </div>
  195. </section>
  196. <!-- end Links -->
  197. {% endif %}
  198. {% if site.resume_print_social_links %}
  199. <!-- begin Print Social Links -->
  200. <section class="content-section print-only">
  201. <header class="section-header">
  202. <h2>Social Links</h2>
  203. </header>
  204. <div class="resume-item">
  205. {% include print-social-links.html %}
  206. </div>
  207. </section>
  208. <!-- end Print Social Links -->
  209. {% endif %}
  210. <footer class="page-footer">
  211. </footer>
  212. </div>
  213. </body>
  214. </html>