bryan 3 tahun lalu
3 mengubah file dengan 258 tambahan dan 236 penghapusan
  1. 1 4
  2. 114 232
  3. 143 0

+ 1 - 4

@@ -12,10 +12,7 @@
             "program": "${file}",
             "args": [
-                "-p", 
-                "r4s", 
-                "--ssh-backup", 
-                "root@router.lan"
+                "-p", "r4s"

+ 114 - 232

@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Copyright 2022 Bryan C. Roessler
 # Build and flash/upgrade OpenWRT devices
 # Apache 2.0 License
-printHelpAndExit() {
+printHelp() {
     debug "${FUNCNAME[0]}"
     cat <<-'EOF'
@@ -27,17 +28,14 @@ OPTIONS
     --flash, -f DEVICE
         Example: /dev/sdX
-        CLeanup all source and output files
+        Cleanup all source and output files
     --debug, -d
     --help, -h
-    # Exit using passed exit code
-    [[ -z $1 ]] && exit 0 || exit "$1"
-input() {
+readInput() {
     debug "${FUNCNAME[0]}"
     unset RESET
@@ -53,9 +51,9 @@ input() {
                     shift && PROFILE="$1"
-                    shift && profileInfo "$1" && exit $?
+                    shift && PROFILE="$1" && PROFILE_INFO=1 && exit $?
-                --list-profile|-l)
+                --list-profiles|-l)
                     listProfiles && exit $?
@@ -71,14 +69,14 @@ input() {
                     shift && FLASH_DEV="$1"
-                    RESET=true
+                    RESET=1
                     echo "Debugging on"
-                    DEBUG=true
+                    DEBUG=1
-                    printHelpAndExit 0
+                    printHelp && exit 0
@@ -89,182 +87,18 @@ input() {
         echo "Incorrect options provided"
-        printHelpAndExit 1
+        printHelp && exit 1
-profiles() {
-    debug "${FUNCNAME[0]}"
-    # Additional packages to install for all profiles
-    default_packages="\
-        luci \
-        luci-ssl \
-        nano \
-        htop \
-        tcpdump \
-        diffutils \
-        tar \
-        iperf \
-        bash \
-        rsync " # Leave trailing whitespace
-    # Set the default release
-    [[ -z $RELEASE ]] && RELEASE="21.02.1"
-    # Use these tools to add and parse profiles
-    declare -ag PROFILES
-    add_profile() { 
-        declare -Ag "$1"
-        PROFILES+=("$1")
-    }
-    add_profile archer
-    archer['profile']="tplink_archer-c7-v2"
-    archer['target']="ath79/generic"
-    archer['filesystem']="squashfs"
-    # shellcheck disable=SC2034 # Indirect
-    archer['packages']="\
-        $default_packages \
-        -dnsmasq \
-        -odhcpd \
-        -iptables \
-        -ath10k-firmware-qca988x-ct \
-        ath10k-firmware-qca988x-ct-full-htt"
-    add_profile linksys
-    linksys['profile']="linksys_ea8300"
-    linksys['target']="ipq40xx/generic"
-    linksys['filesystem']="squashfs"
-    # shellcheck disable=SC2034 # Indirect
-    linksys['packages']="\
-        $default_packages \
-        -dnsmasq \
-        -odhcpd \
-        -iptables"
-    add_profile rpi4
-    rpi4['profile']="rpi-4"
-    rpi4['target']="bcm27xx/bcm2711"
-    rpi4['filesystem']="ext4"
-    # shellcheck disable=SC2034 # Indirect
-    rpi4['packages']="\
-        $default_packages \
-        kmod-usb-net-asix-ax88179 \
-        kmod-usb-net-rtl8152 \
-        luci-app-upnp \
-        luci-app-wireguard \
-        luci-app-vpn-policy-routing \
-        -dnsmasq \
-        dnsmasq-full \
-        luci-app-ddns \
-        luci-app-sqm"
-    add_profile r2s
-    r2s['profile']="friendlyarm_nanopi-r2s"
-    r2s['target']="rockchip/armv8"
-    r2s['filesystem']="ext4"
-    # shellcheck disable=SC2034 # Indirect
-    r2s['packages']="\
-        $default_packages \
-        luci-app-upnp \
-        luci-app-wireguard \
-        luci-app-vpn-policy-routing \
-        -dnsmasq \
-        dnsmasq-full \
-        luci-app-ddns \
-        luci-app-sqm \
-        luci-app-statistics \
-        collectd-mod-sensors \
-        collectd-mod-thermal \
-        collectd-mod-conntrack \
-        smcroute \
-        curl \
-        ethtool"
-    add_profile r4s
-    r4s['release']="snapshot"
-    r4s['profile']="friendlyarm_nanopi-r4s"
-    r4s['target']="rockchip/armv8"
-    r4s['filesystem']="ext4"
-    # shellcheck disable=SC2034 # Indirect
-    r4s['packages']="\
-        $default_packages \
-        luci-app-upnp \
-        luci-app-wireguard \
-        luci-app-vpn-policy-routing \
-        -dnsmasq \
-        dnsmasq-full \
-        luci-app-ddns \
-        luci-app-sqm \
-        luci-app-statistics \
-        collectd-mod-sensors \
-        collectd-mod-thermal \
-        collectd-mod-conntrack \
-        smcroute \
-        curl \
-        ethtool \
-        kmod-ipt-nat6"
-    for PNAME in "${PROFILES[@]}"; do
-        declare -n ARR="$PNAME"
-        local _out_prefix
-        [[ ! -v ARR['release'] ]] && ARR['release']="$RELEASE"
-        ARR['source_archive']="$BUILDDIR/sources/${ARR[profile]}-${ARR[release]}.tar.xz"
-        ARR['source_dir']="${ARR[source_archive]%.tar.xz}"
-        ARR['out_bin_dir']="$BUILDDIR/bin/${ARR[profile]}-${ARR[release]}"
-        #_patches_dir="$BUILDDIR/patches/"
-        #_files_dir="$BUILDDIR/files/"
-        if [[ "${ARR[release]}" == "snapshot" ]]; then
-            _out_prefix="${ARR[out_bin_dir]}/openwrt-${ARR[target]//\//-}-${ARR[profile]}"
-        else
-            _out_prefix="${ARR[out_bin_dir]}/openwrt-${ARR[release]}-${ARR[target]//\//-}-${ARR[profile]}"
-        fi
-        ARR['factory_img']="$_out_prefix-${ARR[filesystem]}-factory.img"
-        ARR['factory_img_gz']="${ARR[factory_img]}.gz"
-        ARR['sysupgrade_img']="$_out_prefix-${ARR[filesystem]}-sysupgrade.img"
-        ARR['sysupgrade_img_gz']="${ARR[sysupgrade_img]}.gz"
-        ARR['sysupgrade_bin']="$_out_prefix-${ARR[filesystem]}-sysupgrade.bin"
-        ARR['sysupgrade_bin_fname']="${ARR[sysupgrade_bin]##*/}"
-        ARR['sysupgrade_bin_gz']="${ARR[sysupgrade_bin]}.gz"
-        ARR['sysupgrade_bin_gz_fname']="${ARR[sysupgrade_bin_gz]##*/}"
-    done
 listProfiles() {
     debug "${FUNCNAME[0]}"
-    [[ ! -v PROFILES ]] && profiles
-    echo "Available profiles:"
-    for PNAME in "${PROFILES[@]}"; do
-        declare -n ARR2="$PNAME"
-        echo "$PNAME: ${ARR2[profile]}"
-    done
+    grep "declare -Ag" "$PFILE" | cut -d" " -f3
-profileInfo() {
-    debug "${FUNCNAME[0]}"
-    local _profile 
-    _profile="$1"
-    [[ ! -v PROFILES ]] && profiles
-    declare -n ARR3="$_profile"
-    for i in "${!ARR3[@]}"; do
-        echo "$i: ${ARR3[i]}"
-    done
-prerequisites() {
+installHostDependencies() {
     debug "${FUNCNAME[0]}"
     local -a _pkg_list
@@ -318,80 +152,87 @@ prerequisites() {
 getImageBuilder() {
     debug "${FUNCNAME[0]}"
-    declare -n ARR4="$PROFILE"
     local _url _filename
-    if [[ "${ARR4[release]}" == "snapshot" ]]; then
-        _filename="openwrt-imagebuilder-${ARR4[target]//\//-}.Linux-x86_64.tar.xz"
-        _url="${ARR4[target]}/$_filename"
-        if [[ -f "${ARR4[source_archive]}" ]]; then
+    if [[ "${P_ARR[release]}" == "snapshot" ]]; then
+        _filename="openwrt-imagebuilder-${P_ARR[target]//\//-}.Linux-x86_64.tar.xz"
+        _url="${P_ARR[target]}/$_filename"
+        if [[ -f "${P_ARR[source_archive]}" ]]; then
             if askOk "Update ImageBuilder snapshot?"; then
-                rm -f "${ARR4[source_archive]}"
+                rm -f "${P_ARR[source_archive]}"
                 return 0
-        _filename="openwrt-imagebuilder-${ARR4[release]}-${ARR4[target]//\//-}.Linux-x86_64.tar.xz"
-        _url="${ARR4[release]}/targets/${ARR4[target]}/$_filename"
-        [[ -f "${ARR4[source_archive]}" ]] && return 0 # Reuse existing ImageBuilders
+        _filename="openwrt-imagebuilder-${P_ARR[release]}-${P_ARR[target]//\//-}.Linux-x86_64.tar.xz"
+        _url="${P_ARR[release]}/targets/${P_ARR[target]}/$_filename"
+        [[ -f "${P_ARR[source_archive]}" ]] && return 0 # Reuse existing ImageBuilders
     # Make sources directory if it does not exist
     [[ ! -d "$BUILDDIR/sources" ]] && mkdir -p "$BUILDDIR/sources"
     echo "Downloading imagebuilder archive"
-    debug "axel -o ${ARR4[source_archive]} $_url"
-    if ! axel -o "${ARR4[source_archive]}" "$_url" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+    debug "axel -o ${P_ARR[source_archive]} $_url"
+    if ! axel -o "${P_ARR[source_archive]}" "$_url" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
         echo "Could not download imagebuilder archive"
         exit 1
-    if [[ ! -f "${ARR4[source_archive]}" ]]; then
+    if [[ ! -f "${P_ARR[source_archive]}" ]]; then
         echo "Archive missing"
         exit 1
     echo "Extracting image archive"
-    debug "tar -xf ${ARR4[source_archive]} -C ${ARR4[source_dir]} --strip-components 1"
-    if ! tar -xf "${ARR4[source_archive]}" -C "${ARR4[source_dir]}" --strip-components 1; then
+    [[ ! -d "${P_ARR[source_dir]}" ]] && mkdir -p "${P_ARR[source_dir]}"
+    debug "tar -xf ${P_ARR[source_archive]} -C ${P_ARR[source_dir]} --strip-components 1"
+    if ! tar -xf "${P_ARR[source_archive]}" -C "${P_ARR[source_dir]}" --strip-components 1; then
         echo "Extraction failed"
         exit 1
-makeImage() {
+addRepos() {
     debug "${FUNCNAME[0]}"
-    declare -n ARR5="$PROFILE"
+    if [[ -v P_ARR[repo] ]]; then
+        if ! grep -q "${P_ARR[repo]}" "${P_ARR[source_dir]}/repositories.conf"; then
+            echo "${P_ARR[repo]}" >> "${P_ARR[source_dir]}/repositories.conf"
+        fi
+        sed -i '/option check_signature/d' "${P_ARR[source_dir]}/repositories.conf"
+    fi
+makeImage() {
+    debug "${FUNCNAME[0]}"
     # Reuse the existing output
-    if [[ -d "${ARR5[out_bin_dir]}" ]]; then
-        if askOk "${ARR5[out_bin_dir]} exists. Rebuild?"; then
-            rm -rf "${ARR5[out_bin_dir]}"
+    if [[ -d "${P_ARR[out_bin_dir]}" ]]; then
+        if askOk "${P_ARR[out_bin_dir]} exists. Rebuild?"; then
+            rm -rf "${P_ARR[out_bin_dir]}"
             return 0
-    [[ ! -d "${ARR5[out_bin_dir]}" ]] && mkdir -p "${ARR5[out_bin_dir]}"
+    [[ ! -d "${P_ARR[out_bin_dir]}" ]] && mkdir -p "${P_ARR[out_bin_dir]}"
     # build image
-    debug "make -j4 image BIN_DIR=${ARR5[out_bin_dir]} PROFILE=${ARR5[profile]} PACKAGES=${ARR5[packages]} FILES=$FILESDIR --directory=${ARR5[source_dir]} > make.log"
-    if ! make image BIN_DIR="${ARR5[out_bin_dir]}" PROFILE="${ARR5[profile]}" PACKAGES="${ARR5[packages]}" FILES="$FILESDIR" --directory="${ARR5[source_dir]}"  > make.log; then
+    debug "make -j4 image BIN_DIR=${P_ARR[out_bin_dir]} PROFILE=${P_ARR[profile]} PACKAGES=${P_ARR[packages]} FILES=$FILESDIR --directory=${P_ARR[source_dir]} > make.log"
+    if ! make image BIN_DIR="${P_ARR[out_bin_dir]}" PROFILE="${P_ARR[profile]}" PACKAGES="${P_ARR[packages]}" FILES="$FILESDIR" --directory="${P_ARR[source_dir]}" > make.log; then
         echo "Make image failed!"
         exit 1
-sshBackup() {
+sshBackup() {
     debug "${FUNCNAME[0]}"
     local _date _hostname _backup_fname
@@ -428,11 +269,8 @@ sshBackup() {
 flashImage() {
     debug "${FUNCNAME[0]}"
-    declare -n ARR6="$PROFILE"
     local _umount
     if [[ ! -e "$FLASH_DEV" ]]; then
@@ -441,12 +279,12 @@ flashImage() {
     # TODO Roughly chooses the correct image
-    if [[ -f "${ARR6[factory_img_gz]}" ]]; then
-        img_gz="${ARR6[factory_img_gz]}"
-        img="${ARR6[factory_img]}"
-    elif [[ -f "${ARR6[sysupgrade_img_gz]}" ]]; then
-        img_gz="${ARR6[sysupgrade_img_gz]}"
-        img="${ARR6[sysupgrade_img]}"
+    if [[ -f "${P_ARR[factory_img_gz]}" ]]; then
+        img_gz="${P_ARR[factory_img_gz]}"
+        img="${P_ARR[factory_img]}"
+    elif [[ -f "${P_ARR[sysupgrade_img_gz]}" ]]; then
+        img_gz="${P_ARR[sysupgrade_img_gz]}"
+        img="${P_ARR[sysupgrade_img]}"
         return 1
@@ -473,27 +311,24 @@ flashImage() {
 sshUpgrade() {
     debug "${FUNCNAME[0]}"
-    declare -n ARR7="$PROFILE"
-    echo "Copying \"${ARR7[sysupgrade_bin_gz]}\" to $SSH_UPGRADE_PATH/tmp/"
-    debug "scp \"${ARR7[sysupgrade_bin_gz]}\" \"$SSH_UPGRADE_PATH\":\"/tmp/${ARR7[sysupgrade_bin_gz_fname]}\""
+    echo "Copying \"${P_ARR[sysupgrade_bin_gz]}\" to $SSH_UPGRADE_PATH/tmp/"
+    debug "scp \"${P_ARR[sysupgrade_bin_gz]}\" \"$SSH_UPGRADE_PATH\":\"/tmp/${P_ARR[sysupgrade_bin_gz_fname]}\""
     # shellcheck disable=SC2140
-    if ! scp "${ARR7[sysupgrade_bin_gz]}" "$SSH_UPGRADE_PATH":"/tmp/${ARR7[sysupgrade_bin_gz_fname]}"; then
+    if ! scp "${P_ARR[sysupgrade_bin_gz]}" "$SSH_UPGRADE_PATH":"/tmp/${P_ARR[sysupgrade_bin_gz_fname]}"; then
         echo "Could not access the --ssh-upgrade PATH"
         exit 1
     echo "Executing remote sysupgrade"
-    debug "ssh \"$SSH_UPGRADE_PATH\" \"sysupgrade -F /tmp/${ARR7[sysupgrade_bin_gz_fname]}\""
+    debug "ssh \"$SSH_UPGRADE_PATH\" \"sysupgrade -F /tmp/${P_ARR[sysupgrade_bin_gz_fname]}\""
     # shellcheck disable=SC2029
-    ssh "$SSH_UPGRADE_PATH" "sysupgrade -F /tmp/${ARR7[sysupgrade_bin_gz_fname]}"
+    ssh "$SSH_UPGRADE_PATH" "sysupgrade -F /tmp/${P_ARR[sysupgrade_bin_gz_fname]}"
-debug() { "$DEBUG" && echo "Running: " "$@" ; }
+debug() { (( DEBUG )) && echo "Running: " "$@" ; }
 askOk() {
@@ -506,26 +341,73 @@ askOk() {
 reset() {
+    debug "${FUNCNAME[0]}"
     askOk "Remove $FILESDIR $BUILDDIR/sources $BUILDDIR/bin?" || exit $?
     debug "rm -rf $FILESDIR $BUILDDIR/sources $BUILDDIR/bin"
     rm -rf "$FILESDIR" "${BUILDDIR:?}/sources" "${BUILDDIR:?}/bin"
+loadProfiles() {
+    debug "${FUNCNAME[0]}"
+    declare -g SCRIPTDIR PFILE
+    #
+    SCRIPTDIR="$( cd -- "$(dirname "$0")" >/dev/null 2>&1 || exit $? ; pwd -P )"
+    PFILE="$SCRIPTDIR/profiles"
+    # shellcheck source=./profiles
+    ! source "$PFILE" && echo "profiles file missing!" && return 1
 main() {
+    debug "${FUNCNAME[0]}"
-    : "${DEBUG:=false}" # Set to true to enable debugging by default
-    scriptdir="$( cd -- "$(dirname "$0")" >/dev/null 2>&1 || exit $? ; pwd -P )" #
-    # scriptdir="$PWD"
-    : "${BUILDDIR:=$scriptdir}"
+    loadProfiles
+    readInput "$@"
+    [[ ! -v "$PROFILE"[@] ]] && echo "Profile does not exist" && return 1
+    declare -gn P_ARR="$PROFILE"
+    declare _out_prefix
     : "${FILESDIR:=$BUILDDIR/files}"
+    : "${RELEASE:="21.02.1"}"
+    : "${P_ARR[release]:=$RELEASE}"
+    : "${P_ARR[source_archive]:=$BUILDDIR/sources/${P_ARR[profile]}-${P_ARR[release]}.tar.xz}"
+    : "${P_ARR[source_dir]:=${P_ARR[source_archive]%.tar.xz}}"
+    : "${P_ARR[out_bin_dir]:=$BUILDDIR/bin/${P_ARR[profile]}-${P_ARR[release]}}"
+    if [[ "${P_ARR[release]}" == "snapshot" ]]; then
+        _out_prefix="${P_ARR[out_bin_dir]}/openwrt-${P_ARR[target]//\//-}-${P_ARR[profile]}"
+    else
+        _out_prefix="${P_ARR[out_bin_dir]}/openwrt-${P_ARR[release]}-${P_ARR[target]//\//-}-${P_ARR[profile]}"
+    fi
+    : "${P_ARR[factory_img]:=$_out_prefix-${P_ARR[filesystem]}-factory.img}"
+    : "${P_ARR[factory_img_gz]:=${P_ARR[factory_img]}.gz}"
+    : "${P_ARR[sysupgrade_img]:=$_out_prefix-${P_ARR[filesystem]}-sysupgrade.img}"
+    : "${P_ARR[sysupgrade_img_gz]:=${P_ARR[sysupgrade_img]}.gz}"
+    : "${P_ARR[sysupgrade_bin]:=$_out_prefix-${P_ARR[filesystem]}-sysupgrade.img}"
+    : "${P_ARR[sysupgrade_bin_fname]:=${P_ARR[sysupgrade_bin]##*/}}"
+    : "${P_ARR[sysupgrade_bin_gz]:=${P_ARR[sysupgrade_bin]}.gz}"
+    : "${P_ARR[sysupgrade_bin_gz_fname]:=${P_ARR[sysupgrade_bin_gz]##*/}}"
+    (( RESET )) && reset
+    if (( DEBUG )) || (( PROFILE_INFO )); then
+        for x in "${!P_ARR[@]}"; do printf "[%s]=%s\n" "$x" "${P_ARR[$x]}"; done
+    fi
+    installHostDependencies
-    input "$@"
-    profiles
-    [[ -v RESET ]] && reset
-    prerequisites
+    addRepos
     [[ -v SSH_BACKUP_PATH ]] && sshBackup
     if makeImage; then
         [[ -v SSH_UPGRADE_PATH ]] && sshUpgrade
@@ -534,4 +416,4 @@ main() {
 main "$@"
-exit $?

+ 143 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# shellcheck disable=SC2034
+# This file contains a set of device profiles for openwrtbuilder
+# Packages to install for all profiles
+	luci \
+	luci-ssl \
+	nano \
+	htop \
+	tcpdump \
+	diffutils \
+	tar \
+	iperf \
+	bash \
+	rsync " # Leave trailing whitespace
+declare -Ag archer
+	$default_packages \
+	-dnsmasq \
+	-odhcpd \
+	-iptables \
+	-ath10k-firmware-qca988x-ct \
+	ath10k-firmware-qca988x-ct-full-htt"
+declare -Ag linksys
+	$default_packages \
+	-dnsmasq \
+	-odhcpd \
+	-iptables"
+declare -Ag rpi4
+	$default_packages \
+	kmod-usb-net-asix-ax88179 \
+	kmod-usb-net-rtl8152 \
+	luci-app-upnp \
+	luci-app-wireguard \
+	luci-app-vpn-policy-routing \
+	-dnsmasq \
+	dnsmasq-full \
+	luci-app-ddns \
+	luci-app-sqm"
+declare -Ag r2s
+	$default_packages \
+	luci-app-upnp \
+	luci-app-wireguard \
+	luci-app-vpn-policy-routing \
+	-dnsmasq \
+	dnsmasq-full \
+	luci-app-ddns \
+	luci-app-sqm \
+	luci-app-statistics \
+	collectd-mod-sensors \
+	collectd-mod-thermal \
+	collectd-mod-conntrack \
+	smcroute \
+	curl \
+	ethtool"
+declare -Ag r4s
+r4s['repo']="src/gz stangri_repo"
+# r4s['packages']="\
+# 	$default_packages \
+# 	luci-app-upnp \
+# 	luci-app-wireguard \
+# 	luci-app-vpn-policy-routing \
+#   vpn-policy-routing \
+# 	-dnsmasq \
+# 	dnsmasq-full \
+# 	luci-app-ddns \
+# 	luci-app-sqm \
+# 	luci-app-statistics \
+# 	collectd-mod-sensors \
+# 	collectd-mod-thermal \
+# 	collectd-mod-conntrack \
+# 	smcroute \
+# 	curl \
+# 	ethtool \
+# 	kmod-ipt-nat6 \
+# 	-firewall4 \
+# 	-nftables \
+# 	-kmod-nft-offload \
+# 	firewall \
+# 	ip6tables \
+# 	iptables \
+# 	kmod-ipt-offload"
+	$default_packages \
+	luci-app-upnp \
+	luci-app-wireguard \
+	luci-app-pbr \
+	pbr-ipt \
+	-dnsmasq \
+	dnsmasq-full \
+	luci-app-ddns \
+	luci-app-sqm \
+	luci-app-statistics \
+	collectd-mod-sensors \
+	collectd-mod-thermal \
+	collectd-mod-conntrack \
+	smcroute \
+	curl \
+	ethtool \
+	kmod-ipt-nat6 \
+	-firewall4 \
+	-nftables \
+	-kmod-nft-offload \
+	firewall \
+	ip6tables \
+	iptables \
+	kmod-ipt-offload"
+declare -Ag x5000r
+	$default_packages \
+	-dnsmasq \
+	-odhcpd \
+	-iptables"